Kelch der Wahrheit | Goblet of the Truth
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Goblet of the Truth - Index.xlsx by Dr. Ron Pleune,

Absolution - erroneous forgiveness by a religious priest/pastor/leader/etc. - Chapter 9 Line(s): 113-114
Abuse - adult and child - Chapter 4 Line(s): 20-22
Academics - worldly-wise and those in academics do not lead or correspond to the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 109-110
Acceptance - if you cannot accept yourself, it means you have wrong modes of understanding, observing & considering..... - Chapter 21 Line(s): 6-10
Accountability - personal - Chapter 8 Line(s): 35-36
Accountability - personal for your thoughts and values - Chapter 25 Line(s): 260-265
Accountability - comes to you sooner or later in one way or another - Chapter 15 Line(s): 20
Accountability - for unlawful actions - Chapter 7 Line(s): 4-8
Accountability - in your conscience and through social jurisdiction - Chapter 6 Line(s): 54
Accouontability - you take responsibility for your thoughts & actions, do not be lazy (slavish), take charge of yourself - Chapter 27 Line(s): 34-43
Accusations (publicly attacked with words) turn away from them or counter with knowledge of the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 17-19
Achievement - through your free decision/free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 80
Action - bring honor as true human beings when you are guided by the creational truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 167-170
Actions - judged by others - Chapter 5 Line(s): 44
Actions - once committed, you cannot take them back - Chapter 8 Line(s): 52
Actions - consequences of your owwn thoughts and feelings sooner or later demand accountability from you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 264
Admonishment - re: attitude & actions toward others - Chapter 10 Line(s): 58-71
Adoption - allowed by single or same sex partners - Chapter 4 Line(s): 42
Adoption - by couple or single parent - Chapter 4 Line(s): 7
Adultery - Chapter 4 Line(s): 41
Adultery - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Adversaries - be gentle to all who are against you and against the teaching of the Truth; harshness will turn them away - Chapter 3 Line(s): 203
Affliction - can be used to shake up and encourage yourselves to really awaken in your consciousness/thoughts/feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 133
Affliction - avoid it through living the Truth - Chapter 14 Line(s): 9
Affliction - avoiding it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 99
Affliction - consolation is found in following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 13 Line(s): 19
Affliction - do not bring to mankind - Chapter 4 Line(s): 224
Affliction - fight and affliction gives opportunity to resolve errors and achieve progress - Chapter 25 Line(s): 242
Affliction - openly & verbally - turn away unless you are knowledgeable in teaching them the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 17
Affliction - the result when you don't follow the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 12 Line(s): 18-22
Afraid - be afraid of denying the truth so that goodness can be perfected in you and so that are rightly led - Chapter 2 Line(s): 204
Aging - happens quickly = all work and no developing of the consciousness-evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 473-479
Agitation - do not be stirred up by leaders that foster war - Chapter 2 Line(s): 351
Agreements - fulfill written and unwritten ones - Chapter 5 Line(s): 1
Alcohol - in excess leads to drunkenness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 339
Alcoholic beverages - can lead to addictiveness - Chapter 5 Line(s): 113
Alcoholic beverages - guidelines - Chapter 5 Line(s): 111
Alcoholic beverages - guidelines - Chapter 2 Line(s): 226
Alcoholic beverages - may drink but take in moderation - Chapter 5 Line(s): 15
Alert and open - daily - Chapter 28 Line(s): 419
Alien worlds - find new worlds in the universe & connect with them - Chapter 25 Line(s): 146
Alms - do not make yourselves conceited by allowing contempt and reproach to prevail by reviling the receiver of alms - Chapter 2 Line(s): 374
Alms - do not rebuke those who are knowing of the Truth and give to the poor and needy - Chapter 9 Line(s): 79
Alms - giving with the right attitude and not taking any of the distribution to others - Chapter 9 Line(s): 53-57
Alms - remembering people in need - Chapter 10 Line(s): 60
Angels - (forms invented by lies) they are without truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 172
Angels - do not donate to appease them because they do not exist - Chapter 2 Line(s): 375
Angels - do not exist - Chapter 2 Line(s): 370
Angels - do not exist - Chapter 3 Line(s): 24
Angels - fabulated by man - Chapter 5 Line(s): 5
Angels - fabulations of religions - Chapter 6 Line(s): 120-122
Angels - false being - Chapter 23 Line(s): 65
Angels - gives false expectations - Chapter 26 Line(s): 27
Angels - illusion that angels will protect you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 21
Angels - inventions of your own without power or existence called delusions - Chapter 2 Line(s): 313
Angels - lead you away from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 14-15
Angels - the Truth is not found in them or in angels, demons, priests or servants - Chapter 3 Line(s): 57
Angels - they are inventions of people and are powerless because they are fabulations of your brain - Chapter 3 Line(s): 51
Anger - control your anger to be happy and mild in behavior (see also Rage) - Chapter 16 Line(s): 53
Anger - do not have rage or be abusive when others attack you; be calm & behave with dignity, forgive them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 54-55
Anger - manage it (see also Rage) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 155
Anger - negative anger and positive anger (see also Rage) - Chapter 19 Line(s): 43-46
Anger - when you cause people to be in rage toward you, it affects your thoughts, feelings and psyche toward sorrow - Chapter 3 Line(s): 206
Animal - cadavers: not allowed to eat - Chapter 5 Line(s): 4
Animal - torture of: affects the psyche of the killer through swinging waves - Chapter 5 Line(s): 3
Animal life - respect for - do not torture - Chapter 4 Line(s): 223-224
Animal meat - guidelines for eating it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 1-4
Animals - care of (space, food, shelter, kindness) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 68
Animals - cross-breeding allowed - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Animals - do not eat if used in sacrificial worship - Chapter 5 Line(s): 4-5
Animals - excluded from energy & power of the consciousness in connection with the Pineal gland - Chapter 28 Line(s): 147
Animals - for food - Chapter 5 Line(s): 118
Animals - for food except poisonous and harmful ones - Chapter 5 Line(s): 118
Animals - for protection and for food - Chapter 6 Line(s): 157-159
Animals - humane treatment of - Chapter 4 Line(s): 153
Animals - if fenced in, ensure adequate living space - Chapter 8 Line(s): 68
Animals - not to be sacrificed or misused as offerings to gods and tin gods - Chapter 6 Line(s): 152
Animals - treatment of them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 117
Animals - used in hunting - Chapter 5 Line(s): 14-15
Answer - be always willing to give an answer - Chapter 3 Line(s): 223
Antichrist - imaginary and does not exist - Chapter 25 Line(s): 103
Anxiety - created by love and humaneness that has become like stone. Cure: Respect for life and fairness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 119
Anxiety - free yourself from it through the contemplation of good and free thoughts and feelings - Chapter 2 Line(s): 350
Anxiety - (and fears) you can dissapate through the real truth using intellect and rationality - Chapter 23 Line(s): 167
Apologies - you can't change things that happened in the past...offer apologies & make amends - Chapter 28 Line(s): 76
Appreciate - all people equally - Chapter 11 Line(s): 31
Appreciate - learn to see the good in all people and value it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 93
Argue - do not argue with one another as to who is connected to the Truth and who isn't; do good and defeat evil - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Argue - do not quarrel with one another as people of your kind - Chapter 9 Line(s): 88
Argue - don't do - Chapter 8 Line(s): 75
Argue - don't do, help others understand - Chapter 8 Line(s): 72
Argue - seek a mutual agreement. create peace/harmony before it's to late, don't to sew discord, negotiate in fairness - Chapter 8 Line(s): 43-47
Arguing - Chapter 2 Line(s): 290
Arguing - do not argue (dispute) amongst yourselves regarding the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 8 Line(s): 7
Arguing - refrain from arguing and teach the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 75
Argument - how to settle them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 43-49
Arrogance - Chapter 19 Line(s): 53-55
Arrogance - (vain) overbearingness & conceit towards people - Chapter 19 Line(s): 34
Arrogance - (vanity) is haughtiness and pride - Chapter 19 Line(s): 35
Arrogance - brings evil and loss of esteem - Chapter 11 Line(s): 21
Arrogance - do not be arrogant but strive for cognition (understanding) so that you bear good fruit in your life - Chapter 7 Line(s): 49
Arrogant - it is against the Laws and Recommendations, you will receive a poor reward for what you do - Chapter 7 Line(s): 147-148
Assessing - do not assess a group by its leader(s); mankind is at all different levels of understanding the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 148
Assets - GUIDELINES for giving/receiving gifts and property before, during, or after marriage or sexual relationship - Chapter 4 Line(s): 26-30
Assisted dying - against creation ( see also Suicide - assisted) - Chapter 27 Line(s): 13&15
Assisted dying - makes one gloat in the riches of the self-murder - Chapter 28 Line(s): 158
Astray - do not decide to go astray resulting in no self-guidance - Chapter 7 Line(s): 187
Atonement - is false, people are not "born with sin" - Chapter 28 Line(s): 134
Atonement - irrational teaching of religion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 134
Atonement - means the cognition that changes incorrect action into growth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 22
Atonement - no such thing in a religious sense - Chapter 25 Line(s): 258-259
Atonement - no vindication of inner unrighteousness by means of a savior or god - Chapter 4 Line(s): 140-142
Atrocities - against mankind must not be forgotten nor glorified; crimes were committed in the delusion of religion & ideologies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 376-379
Attack - if attacked in war & put in bondage - fight against it only in rationality and justification - Chapter 2 Line(s): 351
Attacks (by media) - how to handle them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 18
Attacks (physical) - slaying others also slays you within and your inner world becomes wild - Chapter 8 Line(s): 19
Attacks (verbally) - how to handle them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 17
Attitude - about the world; be upbeat and positive - it is a world of learning the Truth, the spirit and the life - Chapter 2 Line(s): 344
Attitude - of religious people: ideological, philosophical, fanatics, reckless enthusiasts, maclicious & unobjective - Chapter 24 Line(s): 4-6
Attitude - holding a wrong attitude towards turning unknowing ones away from the truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 87
Attitude - never be haughty, be modest - Chapter 2 Line(s): 298
Attitude - humans of earth are aggressive, racialistic, selfish, conceited and prejudice, belief in gods/tin gods - Chapter 23 Line(s): 102-103
Authorities (leaders) - unbelieving and their traits/influence - Chapter 7 Line(s): 89-91
Avarice - Stinginess (Avarice) - Chapter 19 Line(s): 36-37
Backsliding - Chapter 7 Line(s): 56-57
Backsliding - (Errors/falls in life) - "throwbacks", unavoidable - learn & rise above them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 560
Battle - is never a way to peace, freedom, love and harmony - Chapter 8 Line(s): 42
Be at peace - Chapter 2 Line(s): 92
Behavior - be people of progress, upholding peace & good values, never drive people away, or use hatred, revenge... - Chapter 7 Line(s): 83
Behavior - act honorably at all times - Chapter 3 Line(s): 205-207
Behavior - Act only in the name of the Truth & liberate yourselves from your belief in gods/tin gods - Chapter 9 Line(s): 105
Behavior - aliveness: your real existence should be an liveness and a furthering of your evolutionary task - Chapter 28 Line(s): 498
Behavior - arrange everything in yourself to the good so that you can forgive yourself of unrighteous acts - Chapter 11 Line(s): 4
Behavior - recognize the Truth so you don't fall into despair and create cynicism or bitterness with others - Chapter 23 Line(s): 121
Behavior - avert evil through goodness for peace within and toward others in love, knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 13 Line(s): 18
Behavior - keep your thoughts and feelings pure in true love and spread peace, freedom, harmony, etc. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 205
Behavior - be good to one another, maintain connectedness, treat others as equals to yourself - Chapter 10 Line(s): 46
Behavior - be open and honest with unknowing ones, helping and teaching without being asked - Chapter 9 Line(s): 45
Behavior - be steadfast and fair to others or they will gain Gewalt over you - Chapter 3 Line(s): 204
Behavior - be strong in your stand for the Truth, regard evil and unfairness as delusiveness - Chapter 7 Line(s): 118
Behavior - beware of all tribulation (disharmony/agitation) that you create through dumbness & irrationality - Chapter 8 Line(s): 26
Behavior - blissful (happy) when you are mild in behavior - Chapter 16 Line(s): 53
Behavior - built up in each of us are basic prerequisites/thoughts/feelings - Chapter 21 Line(s): 1-2
Behavior - captive within yourselves because of a wrongful attitude - Chapter 4 Line(s): 63
Behavior - you can change and give a new direction according to your free will; sharpens your ability to discern - Chapter 28 Line(s): 253
Behavior - choice of direction & swinging waves you pulsate creates an interaction which influences you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 253
Behavior - conduct your goings and your deeds in equitableness (fairness) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 6
Behavior - continue to look forward in your life, do rightfully, leave the past behind as you grow before your life ends - Chapter 14 Line(s): 21-22
Behavior - do all things in kindheartedness & benevolence; brings joy, dignity, respect, gladdness & happiness - Chapter 10 Line(s): 59
Behavior - do not be a show-off in word or deed, be at all times honorable and equitable (fair) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 49
Behavior - do not be outrageous (presumptuous in your words when speaking to fellow human beings - Chapter 7 Line(s): 163-164
Behavior - do not create machinations or concoct things which brand you as irresponsible - Chapter 11 Line(s): 22
Behavior - do not go through life in intractability - Chapter 7 Line(s): 187
Behavior - do not persecute others in spite of race, opinion, knowledge (belief) or sense - Chapter 10 Line(s): 83
Behavior - do not practice lovelessness, unfaithfulness, slander, hatred, revenge, retaliation, outrage, defilement, etc. - Chapter 8 Line(s): 28
Behavior - do not speak and live the truth part of the time, be consistent in all the time - Chapter 3 Line(s): 89
Behavior - do not sturggle with your assets nor with others for the sake of the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 41
Behavior - do not view yourself as being "greater" than others in spite of your wealth, possession or social standing - Chapter 10 Line(s): 3
Behavior - do right at all times - Chapter 7 Line(s): 98
Behavior - do rightfully and lead a pleasing life by following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 4 Line(s): 158
Behavior - do rightfully at all times; give full measure to rightness - Chapter 11 Line(s): 57-58
Behavior - false joy in irresponsible behavior - Chapter 3 Line(s): 235
Behavior - fear the untruth, inequity and unrighteous; the result will be love, peace & freedom will reside in you - Chapter 3 Line(s): 244
Behavior - fulfill the deeds of the Teaching of the Truth through love, freedom, peace and harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 20
Behavior - human counter-actions due to delusional beliefs as in the Middle Ages - Chapter 28 Line(s): 375
Behavior - human personal and social fairness counteracts the creational laws - Chapter 28 Line(s): 374
Behavior - if urged by evil thoughts, do not give in to them, remember the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 201-203
Behavior - if you accelerate your calamity you will not see true life or its success/advantages/benefit - Chapter 10 Line(s): 12
Behavior - if you are hotile, seducers, defiant, hypocrites: forgive yourself before the Truth, become liberated - Chapter 9 Line(s): 61-66
Behavior - if you cannot accept yourself, it means you have wrong modes of understanding, observing & considering..... - Chapter 21 Line(s): 6-10
Behavior - if you do not heed the signs of Creation i.e. days, seasons, weather, etc., you will harm your knowledge - Chapter 10 Line(s): 7-10
Behavior - if you fear unright and irresonsbility, you will be spared from all terrible things and calamity due to irrationality - Chapter 8 Line(s): 30
Behavior - in the Truth will only be of rightness if you investigate it and keep away from the belief in gods and tin gods - Chapter 4 Line(s): 181
Behavior - inner nature should not be a dwelling place for terrible things; nor make promises you cannot keep - Chapter 23 Line(s): 23-28
Behavior - integrating the Truth results in positive self-image and character - Chapter 4 Line(s): 178
Behavior - integrating the Creational Law & Recommend. = understanding their effects and acting through one's own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 274
Behavior - intentions through lying and unright are against the Laws & Recom. and will be exposed eventually - Chapter 12 Line(s): 12-13
Behavior - internal freedom comes by learning the Truth, following it & forgiving your own misdemeanors - Chapter 3 Line(s): 240
Behavior - keep freedom and peace amongst humankind - Chapter 10 Line(s): 307
Behavior - let good deeds drive out evil deeds i.e. hatred, jealousy, bloody deeds, battles, outrages & unfairness - Chapter 11 Line(s): 67
Behavior - be free from external authority & create your own free and good authority in yourselves - Chapter 23 Line(s): 177-178
Behavior - maintain your life in modesty, righteousness, virtues and equitableness - Chapter 7 Line(s): 153
Behavior - man, woman and child - encourage each other and find love, freedom, peace and harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 72
Behavior - mankind lives according to the pre-given by your own scheme made of fear, anxiety, anger, strife, hatred... - Chapter 23 Line(s): 116
Behavior - outrage gives a poor reward - Chapter 6 Line(s): 133
Behavior - set a time to begin learning the Truth - don't put it off, begin now - Chapter 11 Line(s): 9
Behavior - the highest good you can accrue to people is living in the love of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 22-12
Behavior - look at the truth, you are responsible for all & everything regarding your thoughts & feelings, actions & deeds - Chapter 23 Line(s): 122-126
Behavior - the power of Creation gives the pompulstion so that you may gather knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 10 Line(s): 51
Behavior - thoughts and feelings cannot become real purity with a thought-volition alone - Chapter 25 Line(s): 290
Behavior - thoughts that should not be nurtured: killing, adultery, sexual decadence, robbery, war, falseness, hatred.... - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Behavior - towards family that do not claim the Truth - be sincere and knowledgeable, treat them with honor and dignity - Chapter 9 Line(s): 24-25
Behavior - understandding happenings in your life is through the efficacies of the creational laws and recommendations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 28-30
Behavior - using the bad deeds of others to strengthen your living in the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 219-220
Behavior - when you change yourselves to the real truth, you are on the way to fairness and conscientousness - Chapter 9 Line(s): 112
Behavior - you cannot make your way to the Truth unless you change your attitude (mentality) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 127
Behavior - you contradict the Laws and Recommend. if you are unright, steal, rob, plunder, deceive, slander & culminate... - Chapter 4 Line(s): 185
Behavior - you control your own prosperity or adversity of your inner world (decision making) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 50
Behavior - you decide what is right or wrong for you and your nature per the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 34
Behavior - human beings are wrapped up in convenience, hypocriticala religious, ideological & philosophical belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 178
Behavior - you determine all things of your life - Chapter 4 Line(s): 106-107
Behavior - You have dominance over everything, but use it according to right and the law - Chapter 12 Line(s): 8
Behavior - you have the might in yourselves over all of YOUR OWN things (thoughts, feelings & psyche) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 210
Behavior - you have to ask yourself if you are willing to make use of freedom & harmony or not - Chapter 20 Line(s): 35
Behavior - you will find true friends through connecting to the Truth; even respect from those not of the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 159
Behavior - your deeds should not be as ashes blown all around but built as a house on rock - Chapter 14 Line(s): 11-12
Behavior - you are responsible for all and everything (what you think and do, even towards others) - Chapter 25 Line(s): 260-265
Behavior - stay fresh, joyful & healthy if you interate yourselves into & adjust yourselves to the rhythm of the creational-universal motion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 469
Behavior - ignoring the natural motion (development) resullts in stagnation of the truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 472-473
Behavior - escaping the tumult of the world is by creating true love in yourself, peace, inner freedom and harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 47-50
Behavior - belief in a god or tin god leaves your consciousness dormant, thoughts and feelings blunt - Chapter 23 Line(s): 51-54
Behavior - chaos within you is due to searchng for false reality by those associated with gods and tin gods - Chapter 23 Line(s): 55
Behavior - confusion is due to irrational religious teachings. Cure is to use intellect/clear rationality of the real Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 56-61
Belief - based on a fiction which can never provide a proof-power - Chapter 25 Line(s): 220
Belief - based on confusion chokes free thought and recognition of the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 12-24
Belief - based on pure speculations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 58
Belief - is like a drug and can hardly let a person go - Chapter 28 Line(s): 36
Belief - comes from the seduction in a god/tin god, false signs, pictures, statues, objects invented by people in religion(s) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 246
Belief - forms a consciousness-based state that makes you feel good through obedience/thanks to a god = delusion - Chapter 26 Line(s): 11
Belief - difference between belief and truth defined and explained - Chapter 28 Line(s): 299-304
Belief - false - Chapter 2 Line(s): 36-37
Belief - false - Chapter 2 Line(s): 71-72
Belief - false - Chapter 2 Line(s): 96
Belief - false - Chapter 2 Line(s): 144
Belief - false - Chapter 2 Line(s): 211-214
Belief - false - Chapter 3 Line(s): 14
Belief - false; captures your conscience and confuses thoughts and feelings - Chapter 27 Line(s): 3
Belief - false: religious, esoteric, ideological, philosophical or occult - Chapter 25 Line(s): 101-102
Belief - growing in it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 182-196
Belief - growing in it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 201-207
Belief - in a god or tin gods are lying inventions - Chapter 2 Line(s): 333
Belief - in a god/tin god keeps a person from the Truth through bias, prejudice and blindness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 245
Belief - in a god/tin god, demons or miraculous signs is irrational - Chapter 25 Line(s): 87-88
Belief - in god(s) blinds you as to your own wrong doing through religion, ideological or philosophical education - Chapter 25 Line(s): 165
Belief - is not a virtue, but a desire for something - Chapter 16 Line(s): 22
Belief - liberate yourself from gods or tin gods through true discernment (intellect) & insight (rationality) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 114
Belief - each belief is based on a fiction which can never provide a proof-power - Chapter 25 Line(s): 220
Belief - not through coercion but self-judgment - Chapter 4 Line(s): 92
Belief-delusion - hanging on to religious beliefs and refusing personal responsibility - Chapter 25 Line(s): 25-29
Belief-forms - brings no true evolutive consciousness-improvement, only apparent success of meaningless irrationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 56
Belief-forms - give them up, they are useless, time consuming, distressful torment & self-flagellation & no gain to you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 57
Beliefs - based on pure speculation & no concreteness of the reality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 58
Beliefs - depravity of false beliefs - Chapter 28 Line(s): 1-37
Beliefs - influence of wrong beliefs - Chapter 28 Line(s): 352
Believer - active vs inactive - Chapter 4 Line(s): 125
Believer - do not believe in gods, tin gods, angels, demons, priests or servants of priests - be connected to the Truth !!! - Chapter 3 Line(s): 84
Believers - in a god or tin gods are losers due to false beliefs - Chapter 2 Line(s): 337
Believers - in a god or tin gods are not the same as those who are knowing of the Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 337
Believers - part time or selectively - Chapter 3 Line(s): 143
Believers - unity amongst & no war - Chapter 3 Line(s): 127-137
Believing - in the truth, be unwavering - Chapter 4 Line(s): 190-191
Benevolence - let people taste your benevolence and kindhertedness, do not remove that which is good/dear to them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 10
Benevolence - practice it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 200
Benevolence - show towards your enemies - Chapter 2 Line(s): 283
Benevolence - towards all mankind through true love and forgiveness - Chapter 19 Line(s): 99-102
Betrayal - how to handle it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 59-60
Beverages - guidelines on what is acceptable - Chapter 6 Line(s): 129-132
Big bang - big bang beginning and ends in earthly years, does't stand still, but at 311,040,000,000,000 yrs. ends - Chapter 25 Line(s): 221
Big picture - recognizing life purpose & life sense & bringing it into relationship with your own existence - Chapter 22 Line(s): 1-3
Birth - new birth and new personality are completely new with the unborn child - Chapter 28 Line(s): 132-133
Birth - and its relation to the spirit - deceptive religious teachings - Chapter 28 Line(s): 328-344
Birth - Perception & responsibility of one born out of wedlock - Chapter 28 Line(s): 330-331
Birth - though your birth was not planned, you cannot blame your parents for your outcome in life. Take responsibility! - Chapter 28 Line(s): 330-331
Birth (from irresponsible parents) - effects and attitude towards life and people - Chapter 28 Line(s): 330
Bitterness - be kept from when you grow in the truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 121
Black arts - do not be a part of - Chapter 7 Line(s): 110
Black magic (Lospfeil) the use of black magic with bones/shells/stones etc. to predict the future - Chapter 5 Line(s): 7-8
Blame - Chapter 19 Line(s): 57
Blame - do not blame parents for not teaching you the Truth, they are responsible for themselves - Chapter 7 Line(s): 174
Blame - liberation from it is only by following the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 66-67
Blissful - happy; when mild in behavior, do rightfully in all things, provide food and drink to those in need351 - Chapter 16 Line(s): 53-59
Boastful - do not raise yourself up as gods so that you will not be worshipped by people - Chapter 12 Line(s): 14
Body (human) - if you suppress/maltreat it, rise up to the truth is not possible anymore - Chapter 25 Line(s): 99
Body (human) - keep safe to bring harmony to your consciousness and spirit - Chapter 25 Line(s): 98
Body - your body must be in harmony with your consciousness-evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 476-478
Body language - the looks on your face cannot conceal what your mentality is - Chapter 6 Line(s): 98
Bond - bond yourself to the teaching of the Truth so that you conscious of it and do not deteriorate in unknowledgeness - Chapter 5 Line(s): 133
Bond - marriage or same sex unity; work out differences to obtain equality (balance) between one another - Chapter 4 Line(s): 165-166
Bond - unwritten between you & Creation to keep it in honor and dignity - Chapter 2 Line(s): 128
Bond - with the Laws and Recommendations so that you live rightfully - Chapter 8 Line(s): 57-60
Bond (marriage) - be good to one another, do not command, each should be treated equally - Chapter 4 Line(s): 2
Bond love - marital bonds - Chapter 28 Line(s): 202
Bondage - do not be in servitude nor obey senseless laws and directions by those who believe in gods/tin gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 64
Bondage - watch for signs of those that want to have "mastery" over you - Chapter 2 Line(s): 353
Bondage - when mankind is led into religion, sects & cults through false prophets & godheads - Chapter 5 Line(s): 84-85
Box - boxed-in belief due to the teaching of the untruth/false teachings of religions - Chapter 25 Line(s): 21
Bragging - do not do or show-off - Chapter 8 Line(s): 48-49
Bread of the Truth - the creational truth of all truth - Laws and Recommendatiions of the Creation - Chapter 25 Line(s): 101
Breast - used to describe "feelings" - Chapter 7 Line(s): 1
Breastfeeding - Chapter 2 Line(s): 271-272
Breeding - human - Chapter 7 Line(s): 60-61
Bribery - do not take - Chapter 5 Line(s): 46-47
Broad-sighted - to comprehend things that go beyond the material to the realm of the spiritual - Chapter 25 Line(s): 46
Build - do not help unbelievers build place(s) of worship - Chapter 4 Line(s): 206
Build places where the truth can be taught - Chapter 28 Line(s): 37
Build-up - others through listening, connecting and jointly build others up in the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 281
Business - be honest, responsible or be punished - Chapter 2 Line(s): 398-401
Business - fairness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 57
Business - honest markup pricing - Chapter 3 Line(s): 162
Business - price mark-up - Chapter 2 Line(s): 388-390
Calmness - only through the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 11
Calmness - using logic, intellect and rationality in yourself - Chapter 28 Line(s): 386
Care - for sick, healing, help and consolation - Chapter 3 Line(s): 16
Caretakers - you are of the earth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 15-16
Cause and effect - everything you do through your free will has an outcome (sow and reap); - Chapter 28 Line(s): 103-104
Cause and Effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 111-116
Cause and effect - learn it and act rightly - Chapter 7 Line(s): 183-184
Cause and effect - defined as condition and outcome - Chapter 10 Line(s): 38
Cause and effect - happens from your own free will - Chapter 23 Line(s): 12
Cause and effect - determined through the laws and recommendations of its appearance (nature) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 74
Cause and effect - directed through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 180
Cause and effect - recognize, understand & compare to your earthly view that it is given by the Creationa Laws & Recommend. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 407-409
Cause and effect - good or bad will eventually come back to you - Chapter 14 Line(s): 20
Cause and effect - if you are ungrateful, it will come back to you in misery, tribulation & fear - Chapter 19 Line(s): 14-17
Cause and effect - is pre-given through the creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 406
Cause and effect - law of causality - Chapter 19 Line(s): 22
Cause and effect - nothing comes about through haphazard, i.e. through chance - Chapter 25 Line(s): 112
Cause and effect - positive and negative - Chapter 28 Line(s): 189-195
Cause and effect - cause & effect are part of the creational laws & recommd. even if you refuse or don't understand it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 191
Cause and effect - the effects arise according to how you act - Chapter 28 Line(s): 528
Cause and effect - to the positive or negative - Chapter 28 Line(s): 44
Cause and effect - unavoidable - Chapter 7 Line(s): 35
Cause and effect - you can create to the good or to the bad; the right causes bring the right effect - Chapter 27 Line(s): 64-65
Cause and effect - you can determine ahead of time by your thoughts, feelings and actions - Chapter 10 Line(s): 31
Cause and effect - you determine through your acting - whether you understand this or not - Chapter 28 Line(s): 191-193
Cause and effect - your actions bring forth distinct decisions (cause and effect) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 10
Cause and Effect and Interaction - have been given by Creation. The becoming is the cause, & the passing the effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 84-88
Causeand Effect - is pre-given through the creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 406-410
Census needed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 5
Chance - nothing comes about haphazardly but through all creational laws & resulting in no chaos - Chapter 25 Line(s): 112
Change - through creational energy - Chapter 28 Line(s): 54-55
Change - through creational energy - Chapter 28 Line(s): 60-77
Change - how it happens: see also COUNSELING, GUIDANCE, PSYCHOLOGIST, PSYCHIATRIST - Chapter 23 Line(s): 168-176
Change - actions that must be taken - Chapter 27 Line(s): 53-65
Change - allow the teaching of the Truth to penetrate you to cleanse your inner world and give understanding/growth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 55
Change - becoming connected to the truth gives cognition and rationality - Chapter 5 Line(s): 22
Change - brings freedom to act with discretion and TRUE love - Chapter 23 Line(s): 171
Change - by looking inward first, then outward to the teaching of the Truth for its application - Chapter 5 Line(s): 76-77
Change - comes through learning the creational laws and recommendations with motivation and interest - Chapter 22 Line(s): 60
Change - by using everything in the Creation with its Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 283
Change - cannot come unless you change your attitude and false teachings - Chapter 4 Line(s): 127
Change - change your life, eradicate all in you that cannot be brought into agreement with the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 156
Change - change yourselves to the real truth…forbid what is unright - Chapter 9 Line(s): 112
Change - clean your thoughts and feelings & become stable and strong - Chapter 25 Line(s): 274-287
Change - comes through the Truth: find it, accept it and live it - Chapter 27 Line(s): 54
Change - easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a person to suffer within and accept the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 41
Change - fear of changing is due to being captured and dependent on religion - Chapter 23 Line(s): 140-141
Change - can only come about through your own motivation and will - Chapter 23 Line(s): 137
Change - each method/system for change is purely an individual approach because each person's inner nature is different - Chapter 23 Line(s): 144-153
Change - for the future is determined at the present but integrated for continuous progress - Chapter 20 Line(s): 1-6
Change - for yourself & world is through the high virtues of true love, peace, freedom & harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 13
Change - in your life to victory - Chapter 25 Line(s): 203-211
Change - in yourself through your own motivation, initiative and power - Chapter 23 Line(s): 153
Change - inner change: by what you acquire and what you do - Chapter 7 Line(s): 97
Change - in truth and reality brings a true paradise, wellbeing, love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 99
Change - is your responsibility - Chapter 28 Line(s): 38-49
Change - learn through a process of understanding yourself of what and who you are - Chapter 23 Line(s): 177-181
Change - learning to love all people - Chapter 9 Line(s): 111-112
Change - liberation from the enticement of false teachings liberates you from gods/tin gods & lies against the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 28-31
Change - you are fully responsible for the entire status of your own inner nature - Chapter 23 Line(s): 100-101
Change - look forward in life by rightful living and leaving the past behind - Chapter 14 Line(s): 21
Change - made by repudiating your own inner and demolished authority - Chapter 23 Line(s): 176
Change - must be by you & your inner nature, not the inner nature & way(s) of another person - Chapter 23 Line(s): 146-153
Change - must go down to the roots of your inner nature, existence and consciousness - Chapter 23 Line(s): 158
Change - must start now or all will remain the same as in the past - Chapter 20 Line(s): 13-14
Change - not through psychologist/psychiatrist, they only teach you your characteristics & peculiarities - Chapter 23 Line(s): 173-176
Change - only in yourself is all the power to act (energy) for building up when tackling anything - Chapter 6 Line(s): 79
Change - outside direction can be given but you must act upon it yourself & and the way per your need - Chapter 23 Line(s): 160
Change - You cannot change the past but you can make amends and apologies; whatever happens cannot be changed - Chapter 28 Line(s): 76
Change - process of inner change - repudiate inner self and develop TRUE love - Chapter 23 Line(s): 151-176
Change - process of inner self-cognition to learn your own inner self - Chapter 23 Line(s): 175
Change - purely individual/personal & can be fulfilled by those who work on it themselves - Chapter 23 Line(s): 143
Change - recognize your world as a paradise and do everything for it to remain a paradise - Chapter 21 Line(s): 24-30
Change - regarding errors in life & changing your life to obtain peace, harmony & freedom within - Chapter 10 Line(s): 48-54
Change - requires the energy and power of your volition - Chapter 25 Line(s): 246-252
Change - start in the moment (now) with yourself - Chapter 20 Line(s): 13
Change - start with yourself, then live it outwardly to achieve true love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 13-14
Change - goes beyond characteristics & connected to innermost part of the inner nature - the spirit-form - Chapter 23 Line(s): 173
Change - stiving to look at & perceive all things as they are in reality in yourself & the world around you - Chapter 23 Line(s): 139
Change - strive for the light and the teaching of the Truth and liberate yourselves - Chapter 27 Line(s): 19-20
Change - the "will" guided by your true inner nature and what is of value - Chapter 21 Line(s): 15-16
Change - the process of it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78-81
Change - turning to the Truth requires normal consciousness-power, good/clear intellect & rationality, motivation & will - Chapter 25 Line(s): 43-49
Change - think the pure truth/bear your responsibility when thinking dirty/terrible ideas - Chapter 28 Line(s): 76-78
Change - Thought creations thru you alone to the good or to the evil - Chapter 25 Line(s): 203
Change - through intellect (knowledge) and rationality (discernment) - Chapter 23 Line(s): 167
Change - through self-examination & applying grace towards yourself and others - Chapter 6 Line(s): 61
Change - through the Truth to remove all evil deeds - Chapter 11 Line(s): 67
Change - through yourself, not a god/tin god, human or anything else - Chapter 23 Line(s): 168-172
Change - turn from the bad to the good - Chapter 3 Line(s): 226
Change - turn to the Truth from your guilt and wrong-doing to the good, the best & the right in upright volition - Chapter 28 Line(s): 17-19
Change - waiting to turn to the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 106
Change - propohets/proclaimers can only teach you; you must recognize the Truth and put it into practice - Chapter 23 Line(s): 104-107
Change - what to expect and how to do it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 132-139
Change - must first bring under control within themselves all terrible things and baleful thoughts and feelings - Chapter 23 Line(s): 16
Change - when life becomes heavy, adjust yourself - Chapter 7 Line(s): 190
Change - will not take place for reasons of religious belief, money, type of partner or race (i.e. cannot change skin color) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 381-382
Change - you alone can master and overcome everything towards love, freedom, harmony & inner peace - Chapter 26 Line(s): 35
Change - you create your reward and your punishment yourselves by thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 252
Change - your inner nature (STEPS TO DO) - Chapter 25 Line(s): 291-300
Channelers - (clairaudients, telepaths) deceivers that make people think they have unique powers - Chapter 25 Line(s): 84-85
Chaos - do not create amongst people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 127
Chaos - amongst humankind: do not commit due to religious, sectarian, ideological, philosophical or political form - Chapter 28 Line(s): 390-391
Chaos (social) - mankind is deeply in its consciousness-indolence - Chapter 25 Line(s): 81
Character - true strength is independent of any human opinion… - Chapter 28 Line(s): 32
Charity - in words, deeds, works, giving, alms (gifts) & any necessity - Chapter 19 Line(s): 96
Child - custody in divorce - Chapter 2 Line(s): 251-252
Child - maximum 3 children - Chapter 2 Line(s): 270
Child - molestation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 269
Child - not consider property - Chapter 2 Line(s): 260
Child - support after a divorce - Chapter 2 Line(s): 278
Children - are a richness to your family - not for misuse, sale, sex; educate them in love, guard them with honor - Chapter 8 Line(s): 29
Children - become victims when there is a marital breakdown resulting in asocial and forlorn actions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 323
Children - can be spoiled by giving them your goods and riches rather than good guidance - Chapter 9 Line(s): 69
Children - craving for uncontrolled offspring results in wilder over-population & destroying the climate of the planet - Chapter 27 Line(s): 60
Children - defiling them at their sexual organ - Chapter 4 Line(s): 22
Children - discipline - Chapter 8 Line(s): 16
Children - following after greed as you do should not be a surprise to you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 57
Children - heinous to defile (sexually misuse) children - Chapter 6 Line(s): 153
Children - mankind is worsened through irresponsibility in creating children through the lust for sex - Chapter 23 Line(s): 103
Children - maximum number by one or several bonds is 3 - Chapter 2 Line(s): 270
Children - no killing of children nor mankind except in self-defense - Chapter 6 Line(s): 156
Children - number of offspring should be managed to stop overpopulation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 5
Children - raise them in the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 49
Children - respect for and teaching them - Chapter 3 Line(s): 45-48
Children - sex with not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 16
Children - teach (instruct) your children, grandchildren, etc. in the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 92
Children - teach the Truth to them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 107
Children - teach them from birth to adulthood so they may teach their descendents - Chapter 3 Line(s): 59
Children - teach them so they are firmly grounded in the teaching of Truth, Spirit and Life - Chapter 4 Line(s): 209
Children - teach them the truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 173
Children - teach them the truth when young, but their choice to follow when grown - Chapter 4 Line(s): 207-209
Children - treatment of - Chapter 8 Line(s): 29
Children - treatment of in fairness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 237
Children - young and old need to be responsible for teaching truthly life-conduct to children - Chapter 28 Line(s): 326-327
Children (descendents) - pass the Truth on to them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 37-38
Children/Youth - do not kill - Chapter 6 Line(s): 156
Children/Youth - do not kill - Chapter 6 Line(s): 164
Chimpanzees & bonobos - human irresponsibility is compared to them when it comes to procreation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 321
Choice - through free will based on insight (intellect) and true discernment (rationality) - Chapter 20 Line(s): 7-19
Choice - you alone have the will through intellect and rationality to reject religious/irrational teachings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 41
Choice - yours to follow the Laws & Recommendations, even if you don't you are still integrated in it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 10
Choice - for all things of your existence is left to you - Chapter 27 Line(s): 62-63
Churches/temples - (houses of gods & tin gods; they do not teach the teaching of the Truth; never stand or pray in them - Chapter 9 Line(s): 107-108
Circumcision - Chapter 4 Line(s): 68
Circumcision - not for a belief in a god/tin god or false teacher - Chapter 2 Line(s): 289
Civilization - (early) mankind killed one another....but then given the Laws & Recommendations to set you aright - Chapter 2 Line(s): 324-325
Clairvoyants - (clairaudients, telepaths) deceivers that make people think they have unique powers - Chapter 25 Line(s): 84-85
Climate - destroying through wilder overpopulation - Chapter 27 Line(s): 60
Clothing - do not cover head or face in honor of gods or tin gods, only for weather protection - Chapter 5 Line(s): 41
Co-habitation - living unwed with partner - Chapter 4 Line(s): 31
Coarse substance levels - 3 levels - thoughts, words & deeds - Chapter 25 Line(s): 266-270
Coarse substantial - liberate yourself from it; leave pure intellect and pure rationality; liberate from coarse substantial - Chapter 28 Line(s): 156
Coarse substantial - connect it with the fine fluidial to further connect the energies & powers of both worlds - Chapter 28 Line(s): 161-162
Coarse substantial - you must free yourself from the purely material - Chapter 28 Line(s): 166
Coercion - do not force the Truth on others; rage could result against you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 87-88
Coercion - freedom cannot be spoken, love & knowledge are missing, resulting in creating blame - Chapter 19 Line(s): 11
Coercion - laws of Creation do not impose on you dogmas of beliefs, you are free in will, actions, deeds, activity in growth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 519
Cognition - rationality and intellect to do what is right towards yourself and the Truthly Truth - Chapter 12 Line(s): 9-11
Cognition - rightful way through recognizing good/evil in yourself by heedfulness/attentiveness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 74
Commerce - mark-up of goods; guidelines for seller and buyer - Chapter 2 Line(s): 388-390
Compensation - do not pay false prophets, priests nor their servants; do not build a place of worship for them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 206
Compensation - for teaching the truth (guidelines) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 42
Compensation - for teaching the truth (guidelines) - Chapter 11 Line(s): 30
Compensation - for teaching the truth to cover supplies and living expenses - Chapter 11 Line(s): 39
Compensation - for teaching the truth to cover supplies and living expenses - Chapter 4 Line(s): 204-205
Comprehension - comes to those who follow the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 95
Conduct - how to live in the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5-7
Conduct - you will merit good or bad - understand this! - Chapter 4 Line(s): 105
Confidentiality - Only with Truth believers - Chapter 4 Line(s): 80-81
Conflict - beware of all tribulation (disharmony/agitation) that you create through dumbness & irrationality - Chapter 8 Line(s): 26
Confrontation - confront those taking advantage over you so they realize their wrongfulness - Chapter 8 Line(s): 60
Confrontation - how to handle it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 81-84
Confusion - false teachings of false prophets - Chapter 6 Line(s): 81
Confusion - living a fast & rich life with false hopes becomes a delusion and you miss true life - Chapter 10 Line(s): 12
Confusion - the result when mankind is led into religion, sects and cults by false teachings and god-heads - Chapter 5 Line(s): 84
Confusion - through disunity and doubt sown by religionists - Chapter 4 Line(s): 201-203
Connected to the Truth - requires you to awaken to the Truth first - Chapter 6 Line(s): 40
Conscience - warns you of all things that are inequitableness and irresponsibility - Chapter 19 Line(s): 23
Consciousness - be free of evil, negative, ungood and ausgeartet thoughts/feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 236-259
Consciousness - can fall ill, may or may not be healable; treat through learning & medicines - Chapter 25 Line(s): 159
Consciousness - evolves automatically through its activity of the reaching and learning - Chapter 28 Line(s): 5
Consciousness - everything from theoutside reaches the consciousness through the intellect and the rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 566-567
Consciousness - the consciousness reaches the outside through the intellect and the rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 568
Consciousness - ideas and thoughts come solely out of the energy and power of it; it can become ill - Chapter 25 Line(s): 156
Consciousness - levels of - Chapter 25 Line(s): 266-270
Consciousness - remove all that totrures your thoughts & feelings caused by belief in godheads, tin gods... - Chapter 25 Line(s): 294-295
Consciousness - the foundation stone and tool of all thoughts, feelings, deeds, and activities - Chapter 25 Line(s): 46
Consciousness - what happens to if after human death? - Chapter 28 Line(s): 132-134
Consciousness block - holds the character, personality, sub consciousness, ego and the memory - Chapter 28 Line(s): 94
Consciousness block - where thoughts and feelings are - Chapter 23 Line(s): 181
Consciousness-block - the place where a new personality forms when there is a new life 21 days after conception - Chapter 28 Line(s): 335
Consciousness-block - what is in it, where does it go at human death? - Chapter 28 Line(s): 94
Consciousness-evolution - is far beyond all earthly matters & carried far byond your earthly existence - Chapter 28 Line(s): 480
Consciousness-evolution - brings life & fulfillment (values) to your spirit-form which brings those values into .... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 484
Consciousness-evolution - do not rest from learning but continue to move on to a higher level - Chapter 28 Line(s): 522
Consciousness-evolution - do not stop….move on - Chapter 28 Line(s): 522
Consciousness-evolution - the higher you develop it, the easier & clearer your understanding & the reward of knowledge & wisdom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 514
Consciousness-evolution - given as a gift to learn the truth, create love, knowledge and not leave it unused - Chapter 28 Line(s): 494
Consciousness-evolution - grows slowly per your conscious efforts through your free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 251
Consciousness-evolution - higher you develop it you gain knowledge and wisdom (para. 514) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 514-543
Consciousness-evolution - hindered by religions, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 440-453
Consciousness-evolution - how to create for yourself - Chapter 28 Line(s): 504-509
Consciousness-evolution - humans separate fine-fluidal from the coarse-substantial when they should unite them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 149
Consciousness-evolution - is a personal choice, the laws of creation do not impose any coercion on you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 519
Consciousness-evolution - is the sense of your existence & the process of evolutive action to fulfill the mission of your life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 518-520
Consciousness-evolution - no distinct rule, individually & formed by you alone - Chapter 28 Line(s): 438-439
Consciousness-evolution - requires no special education, only a healthy intellect & a clear rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 524
Consciousness-evolution - rising-up of when you feel and understand the interaction between all things - Chapter 25 Line(s): 187
Consciousness-evolution - rising-up - by following the Creation-given Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 299-300
Consciousness-evolution - speaking the Truth must be clear/simple; not boastful/proud to give enrichment to self & others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 525-527
Consciousness-evolution - stagnation results in not making an effort to grow - Chapter 28 Line(s): 515-517
Consciousness-evolution - up until today no progress due to due to religions, sectarianism, politics, idologies, philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 398-403
Consciousness-evolution - temple of your highest possible development (para. 447) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 440-453
Consciousness-evolution - the stagnation of ignoring the Truth-unknowledgeness hinders personal growth in the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 470-479
Consciousness-evolution - through the teachings of the Goblet of the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 583
Consciousness-evolution - use for the preservation of your species & not for the excessive population growth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 520
Consciousness-evolution - will fee you from religions, ideologies and philosophical dogmas - Chapter 28 Line(s): 453
Consciousness-evolution - you must search, find and go to the way yourself - Chapter 28 Line(s): 442
Consciousness-motion - the swing wave of the consciousness via conscious effort of the learning - Chapter 28 Line(s): 479
Consequences - brings recognition of the fallibility and change to the better - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Consequences - of your actions, what is done is done - Chapter 8 Line(s): 52
Consequences - of acting against creational laws and recommd. lasts for even millennia - Chapter 28 Line(s): 404
Consequences - of your own thoughts sooner or later demand accountability from you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 264
Consequences - what you do or say now will sooner or later come back upon you whether to the good or to the bad - Chapter 14 Line(s): 20
Consolation - is found in following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 13 Line(s): 19
Principle of "cosntant dripping" - you gain knowledge through the Truth like a constant/slow dripping of water in a glass - Chapter 25 Line(s): 184
Contempt - for & slander the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 79
Contempt - for humankind, nature, plants, fish, birds, creatures and climate - Chapter 28 Line(s): 379
Contrariness - (law of contrariness) the positives & negatives of life effecting knowledge & attitude - Chapter 21 Line(s): 1-11
Contrariness - (the laws of) understanding this gives harmony and power in you - Chapter 22 Line(s): 13
Contrariness - everything in life is founded upon the "law of contariness" - Chapter 21 Line(s): 17
Contribute - love, peace, freedom, harmony and happiness of all humankind - Chapter 25 Line(s): 280
Conversation - choose your words before meeting someone - Chapter 4 Line(s): 123
Conversation - whatever you say falls back on you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 67
Cosmic-electromagnetic life energy - enables you to create all necessary capabilities & possibilities for growth in your.... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 249-250
Counsel - how it happens: see also CHANGE, GUIDANCE, PSYCHOLOGIST, PSYCHIATRIST - Chapter 23 Line(s): 168-176
Counsel - comes through the true prophets - Chapter 9 Line(s): 78
Counsel - do not fight with those who are against the Truth; be a guide and counselor to them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 107
Counsel - ignore unrighteous counsel - Chapter 4 Line(s): 84
Counsel - live upright in word and deed - Chapter 11 Line(s): 57-58
Counsel - regarding errors in life & changing your life to obtain peace, harmony & freedom within - Chapter 10 Line(s): 48-54
Counsel - to be given to unfair ones who are downfallen using the Truth Teaching - Chapter 5 Line(s): 73
Counsel - use Truth-teaching ones - Chapter 4 Line(s): 85-87
Counseling - seek it only from others who are believers - Chapter 11 Line(s): 59-60
Counseling for change - can be given by others but EACH INDIVIDUAL must take their own path - Chapter 23 Line(s): 151-176
Counseling others - in word and deed when they need it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 61-66
Counseling others - only through those versed in the Laws and Recommendations & show discernment - Chapter 11 Line(s): 59
Counselor/guide - those that follow the Truth and help others seeking the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 116-117
Consequences - you are responsible for all and everythings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 260-265
Courageous stength - highest measure is by learning of the Truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 17 Line(s): 24
Courageous strength - Chapter 17 Line(s): 20-25
Covetousness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 56
Covetousness - do not covet - Chapter 7 Line(s): 140-141
Covetousness - do not covet another person's spouse, goods, chattels or wealth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 247
Covetousness - do not covet the goods and riches of others - Chapter 9 Line(s): 85
Covetousness - do not covet what others have - Chapter 7 Line(s): 140-141
Cowardice - instead, show your knowledge and stand up for the real truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 295-298
Created life - developed from animated organic acidic waters/from microorganisms - Chapter 6 Line(s): 106-107
Creation - "is" the Universal Consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264&269
Creation - a oneness, woven through with its spiritual energy and power - Chapter 28 Line(s): 194-195
Creation - a person is animated through its breath (spirit/spirit form) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 5
Creation - all embracing energy and power - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180
Creation - all existence of everything existing has originated - Chapter 2 Line(s): 144
Creation - all is created in love, yet all is allowed to function by itself - Chapter 28 Line(s): 198-201
Creation - all life originated from it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 290
Creation - all life originated from the spark of inspiration (idea) of the primal power of the life (Creation) - Chapter 19 Line(s): 1
Creation - all life proceeded from it and will return to it again one day - Chapter 19 Line(s): 88-89
Creation - all that exists belongs to it and has come from it...and will one day return to it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 57
Creation - all things came into existence through it - Chapter 11 Line(s): 7
Creation - all things created through the primal power (Creation) not by gods or tin gods - Chapter 11 Line(s): 8
Creation - all truth is in the Creation and its laws and recommendations - Chapter 2 Line(s): 201
Creation - atonement is false - not "born with sin" - Chapter 28 Line(s): 134
Creation - be kind to animals as well as all creation, don't destroy what has been created - Chapter 4 Line(s): 153
Creation - by it all exists - Chapter 10 Line(s): 32-35
Creation - by the truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 4 Line(s): 167-169
Creation - confer respect and dignity; it does not demand worship - Chapter 3 Line(s): 78
Creation - connection with it is through creating everything in your own inner nature on your own, not to a godhead... - Chapter 25 Line(s): 135-137
Creation - continues until the end of time at which time it will slumber for a new awakening - Chapter 25 Line(s): 224
Creation - created all life, not gods or tin gods - Chapter 11 Line(s): 7
Creation - created all mankind - Chapter 4 Line(s): 2
Creation - created man and woman from its unchangeable laws - Chapter 7 Line(s): 190
Creation - created space, universe, planets, stars and celestial bodies, etc. as well as the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 10 Line(s): 1-9
Creation - created the law of appearing (becoming) and fading (passing) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 5
Creation - creation and the truth do not require your humble worship and submissiveness… - Chapter 28 Line(s): 176
Creation - creative power (energy) of all things and the immeasurable - Chapter 4 Line(s): 149
Creation - determined through the Laws and Recommendations according to its value. - Chapter 6 Line(s): 107
Creation - determines the growth of one's inner world and all things become and passing - Chapter 13 Line(s): 2-3
Creation - does not create good or evil but is determined by human beings - Chapter 6 Line(s): 122
Creation - does not forgive or punish, but gives the Laws and Recommendations to follow or disregard per your free will - Chapter 5 Line(s): 34
Creation - does not give punishment - Chapter 6 Line(s): 52
Creation - does not tell you what you must do or not do, it is your own free will & responsibility - Chapter 23 Line(s): 8-12
Creation - does not consist of rigid material but living forms, created creations & natures - Chapter 28 Line(s): 271
Creation - enduring existence of 311 billion, 40 million years - Chapter 28 Line(s): 86
Creation - every particle is a oneness in itself - Chapter 25 Line(s): 160
Creation - everything in existence is the act (deed) of Creation by the truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 11 Line(s): 8
Creation - everything in existence is the act (deed) of Creation by the truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 4 Line(s): 167-168
Creation - evident and superior to all - only Creation can create new created creations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 108-115
Creation - false stories of creation by humans are delusions/hazy pictures - Chapter 11 Line(s): 8
Creation - formed the Laws and Recommendations which do not bend - Chapter 7 Line(s): 194
Creation - gifts of - Chapter 3 Line(s): 19-21
Creation - gives fulfillment - Chapter 10 Line(s): 10-12
Creation - gives life and brings about death - Chapter 10 Line(s): 57
Creation - gives life to everything in existence and to all crated creations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180
Creation - has invisible spirit-body, spirit-energy - Chapter 6 Line(s): 112
Creation - has let everything come to be through its idea - Chapter 25 Line(s): 112
Creation - honor it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 1-4
Creation - human - from nature of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 10
Creation - is sublime over all things - Chapter 6 Line(s): 27
Creation - is the immeasurable secret from which all being originated - Chapter 2 Line(s): 129
Creation - is the Primal Wellspring of Wisdom - Chapter 3 Line(s): 136
Creation - is the sole and unaccompanied creator of all universes, worlds, celestial bodies and life forms - Chapter 6 Line(s): 110-111
Creation - is the truth, the all-timely living one (BEING), it created everything - Chapter 6 Line(s): 80-87
Creation - is the unfolding = becoming, being = existence - Chapter 12 Line(s): 2
Creation - it alone created everything on earth & universe by logical principles founded in truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 62
Creation - it formed the idea from which everything came - Chapter 2 Line(s): 173
Creation - it is the highest heightening above everything else; you cannot place gods/tin gods next to it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 160
Creation - it is the highest over you...not gods or tin gods; and you shall keep it honored - Chapter 2 Line(s): 290
Creation - its energy and power and Laws and Recommendations streams through everything - Chapter 25 Line(s): 36-38
Creation - its laws and recommendations are free from punishment and obedience - Chapter 8 Line(s): 34
Creation - knowing the Truth about Creation creates love, freedom, peace & harmony - Chapter 22 Line(s): 21-22
Creation - laws and recommendations - understanding them - Chapter 22 Line(s): 5-15
Creation - laws and recommendations - mankind is led away from them through religions, ideologies & philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 275
Creation - life from a spark of inspiration of Creation - Chapter 19 Line(s): 1
Creation - mankind was created from nature through the cycle of evolution by animated (organic) acids (amino acids) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 14
Creation - mankind was created from the "idea" of Creation - Chapter 6 Line(s): 2
Creation - mankind was created through the activity of creational laws and recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 225
Creation - not to worship it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 176
Creation - nothing is equal to it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 92
Creation - of man is through its cycle of evolution - Chapter 7 Line(s): 14
Creation - of man through development from animated (organic) acid waters (amino acids) & microorganisms - Chapter 6 Line(s): 106
Creation - of man through religious teachings is false - Chapter 7 Line(s): 15
Creation - of pure spiritual activity (energy) and power - Chapter 7 Line(s): 196
Creation - recognizing its Laws and Recomm. will result in not wanting evil in your life - Chapter 25 Line(s): 254-255
Creation - regulated (determined) through the proceeding (creational) Laws & Recommendations - Chapter 13 Line(s): 1-4
Creation - revealed - Chapter 2 Line(s): 220
Creation - revealed - Chapter 2 Line(s): 318
Creation - reveals the secrets of nature and the principles of the primal power (Creation) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 69
Creation - see the Truth through it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 89-92
Creation - spirit-energy as an immeasurable secret that exists high above you; you would perish if you saw its spirit-energy - Chapter 7 Line(s): 144-146
Creation - sublime over everything - Chapter 7 Line(s): 192
Creation - superior over all other mights - Chapter 6 Line(s): 109-111
Creation - the primal power of life of all human beings whatever the color of their skin - Chapter 19 Line(s): 87-89
Creation - the sole creator of life forms - Chapter 7 Line(s): 121-122
Creation - the sole great wisdom and might over everything that exists - Chapter 6 Line(s): 80-87
Creation - the unmeasurable secret - Chapter 6 Line(s): 80-81
Creation - the venerable one; everything that exists has proceeded from it - Chapter 14 Line(s): 1-9
Creation - the wellspring of all love - Chapter 5 Line(s): 24
Creation - the wellspring of love and is present in everything - Chapter 7 Line(s): 144
Creation - the work of - Chapter 10 Line(s): 56-57
Creation - there is no god, no tin god and no idolized human being - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180
Creation - there is no truth except for the laws and recommendations proceeding from Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 362
Creation - though all is autonomous, yet unified together results autonomously in a whole - Chapter 25 Line(s): 161
Creation - unfolding of BEING ( Creation = unfolding = becoming, BEING = existence); given to you for understanding life - Chapter 12 Line(s): 2
Creation - we are guardians of it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 55
Creation - we are guardians of it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 59
Creation - we are guardians of it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 75
Creation - we are guardians of it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 113-115
Creation - we are guardians of it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 113-115
Creation - wellspring of all grace and solely the truth of all reality (BEING) & the truth of all that exists in the universe - Chapter 4 Line(s): 162
Creation - wellspring of all wisdom - Chapter 3 Line(s): 238
Creation - will one day slumber in order to reawaken (become existent) at it's time - Chapter 6 Line(s): 80
Creation - work of the sole primal wellspring of all wisdom (Creation) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 56
Creation - you mock it when believing in a god, angel, devil, saint or human raised to a godly or idol - Chapter 28 Line(s): 280
Creation - you are a minute part of the all-embracing creation which is why you shall unify with it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 57
Creation - you can not demand fairness and forgiveness from it because you alone are responsible for it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 278-283
Creation life - all life in the universe is through the Laws & Recomm. of the primal power Creation - Chapter 10 Line(s): 6-9
Creation spirit-body - it is invisible spiritually/spirit-energy; but can be seen in nature - Chapter 6 Line(s): 112-113
Creation Universal Consciousness - truth of all truth proceeds from out of it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 454
Creation Universal Consciousness - when you grow in the Truth, it enriches your Spirit & in turn enriches the Creation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 515-517
Creation Universal Consciousness - you are the fruit and you need to ripen through growth in the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 515-517
Creation-idea - knowing the truth and the creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 454-457
Creational Energies/power (your) - use them consciously and willingly - Chapter 25 Line(s): 249
Creational Energies/powers - neutral in their kind; what you do with them that makes good/evil - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Creational energy - how to use it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 50-55
Creational Energy/power - don't have to be able to read and write to use it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 60
Creational Energy/power - given to all mankind - Chapter 28 Line(s): 67
Creational Energy/power - there is only this one Creation-energy and power, no god-power that is fabulated - Chapter 28 Line(s): 69
Creational energy/power - streams through you and you can direct it through your own volition & will for good or evil - Chapter 28 Line(s): 68
Creational Energy/power - through helping unbelievers in the Truth - resulting in joy/satisfaction - Chapter 25 Line(s): 196
Creational Energy/power - you can bring it into effect according to your own choosing - Chapter 28 Line(s): 66
Creational Energy/powers - so there is nothing in which the energy and its power does not exist - Chapter 28 Line(s): 51
Creational Energy/powers - use it and not let it wither through the bound worldly-material will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 254
Creational ideal - requires that you always educate yourselves in the present and in your future - Chapter 28 Line(s): 539
Creational laws - actions against - Chapter 28 Line(s): 372-404
Creational laws - law of the interaction, law of cause and effect, law of becoming and passing - Chapter 28 Line(s): 86
Creational laws - covers the universe, both visible & invisible as well as equally - Chapter 28 Line(s): 99-100
Creational laws - have an effect on all things & act in a permanent and unchangeable way - Chapter 28 Line(s): 89-99
Creational laws and recommendations - rewards of following them is true love, freedom, harmony, peace, virtue, conscientiousness..... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 581-583
Creational laws and recommendations - do not demand, they only recommend turning to the truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 575-576
Creational laws and recommendations - gives enrichment to your spirit - Chapter 28 Line(s): 579
Creational laws and recommendations - use the help given through them to overcome all hinderances - Chapter 24 Line(s): 14
Creational laws and recommendations - not forced to keep them; but bear the effects of accepting or rejecting them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 241
Creational laws and recommendations - its effects are simple to see through intellect & rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 524
Creational laws and recommendataions - fathom, find and follow them to reach a high consciousness-based evolutionary fulfillment - Chapter 38 Line(s): 533-535
Creational laws and recommendations - understanding and integrating them in your free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 274-278
Creational laws and recommendations - they exist without humans, but you must care about them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 130
Creational laws and recommendations - must be accepted so you can be free from the bonds of evil, misconceptions... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 24
Creational laws and recommendations - they do not demand that you must turn to the effective Truth...they only recommend it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 575-576
Creational Powers - building to heal harms on the body, psyche, ,feelings, will & indecision - Chapter 22 Line(s): 6-10
Creational Principles - recognized in all life throughout the universe - Chapter 22 Line(s): 18-20
Creator - is not a god but through Creation itself - Chapter 25 Line(s): 112
Creatures - honor life in all its kinds - Chapter 8 Line(s): 56
Creeds - do not follow religious creeds - Chapter 9 Line(s): 4
Crime - punishment - Chapter 2 Line(s): 232-233
Crime - results in a poor reward - Chapter 6 Line(s): 133
Criminal punishment - Chapter 2 Line(s): 197
Criminal treatment - they have rights and not mistreated; don't beat or kill them, use fairness, demand atonement - Chapter 2 Line(s): 118
Cross breeding - of animals permitted - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Crown - of permanence for you when you overcome temptation - Chapter 19 Line(s): 29
Crown - of the life = love for all and in all - Chapter 19 Line(s): 107
Culmination-point - (understanding & application) when you search, fathom & follow the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 354
Culprits - forgive them - Chapter 19 Line(s): 102
Cult - the belief in gods or tin gods, angels, demons, priests, servants of priests which are fabulated/invented - Chapter 3 Line(s): 84-86
Cult objects - used as intermediaries for gods and tin gods - Chapter 5 Line(s): 95
Cultivation of fairness - not hostile minded, revengeful or hateful toward others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 211-212
Cycle of life - procreation, birth, life, dying, death, rebirth of the spirit-form are all connected and a a consequence of the other - Chapter 28 Line(s): 319
Dead - help out burying the dead - Chapter 19 Line(s): 97
Dead - not possible to speak to them, it is a lie and deception. The dead cannot hear or respond - Chapter 13 Line(s): 21
Death - Chapter 2 Line(s): 98
Death - Chapter 3 Line(s): 176
Death - Chapter 2 Line(s): 98
Death - and the "other world" - Chapter 25 Line(s): 150-165
Death - body disposition: no face coverings, no expensive body wrappings, no embalming, no personal items in casket - Chapter 11 Line(s): 25
Death - brought from death to a new individual being (personality) when your spirit-form is reawakened (reincarnated) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 26
Death - can't take things with you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 53
Death - consider your life beforehand - Chapter 6 Line(s): 44-45
Death - disposition of personality, consciousness-block, body, spirit-form & spirit reincarnation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 132-133
Death - do not ask when you will die so that you act unrightfully, but go on your way in joy - Chapter 7 Line(s): 189
Death - do not wait til death before striving for the Truth, learn during your life time for higher values - Chapter 10 Line(s): 52-54
Death - embalming not needed - Chapter 11 Line(s): 25
Death - escape its fear through the teaching of the Truth, Spirit and Life - Chapter 5 Line(s): 54
Death - is not fooled or cheated, its foreordination (destiny) is determined for all people - Chapter 10 Line(s): 55
Death - it is final - don't follow those that claim to raise the dead - Chapter 5 Line(s): 127
Death - it is unavoidable; be doing right deeds when it comes - Chapter 4 Line(s): 104
Death - no personal articles (gifts and great riches) go with you into the grave - Chapter 11 Line(s): 25
Death - of spouse - sorrow dealt with in dignity and honor so that illness of body or mind shall not happen - Chapter 2 Line(s): 273
Death - preparing for evolution of the spirit-form, new personality & new conscious-block - Chapter 28 Line(s): 335-342
Death - religious false teachings of it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 308-320
Death - should not be called upon - Chapter 2 Line(s): 148
Death - the way a person lives has a relationship as to how they face death - Chapter 3 Line(s): 178
Death - those passed on are not to be mourned; mourn for those of unknowledge, unpeace, unwisdom, unjoy, unlove - Chapter 2 Line(s): 113
Death - though you know it will come, do not give up on life; live responsibly for your own life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 332-334
Death - what happens with your spirit-form and what happens to your personality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 306
Death - when body dies there is no re-awakening - Chapter 6 Line(s): 33
Death - you do not decide its time - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Death - your time of passing is unknown so that you can live life in joy - Chapter 7 Line(s): 188
Death-life - life after dying in the world of invisibility (other world); cannot see or grasp it; of unearthly appearance - Chapter 6 Line(s): 34
Debt - cannot settle it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 391-392
Debt - do not be unfair (irresponsible) in paying it back - Chapter 3 Line(s): 92
Deceased - do not slander those who have died nor defile their grave - Chapter 9 Line(s): 84
Deception - by religions, ideologies, philosophies, confessions, dogmas & compulsory tenets - Chapter 25 Line(s): 50-54
Deception - through irrational teaching - Chapter 25 Line(s): 100-102
Deceptions - ways people are deceived and kept from knowing the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 17-21
Decision - between right & unright; use discernment through rationality, intellect, & wisdom of the Laws & Reomm. - Chapter 10 Line(s): 48
Decision - free decision and free determination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 104-110
Decision - you determine your destiny so that it may go well and favorably with you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 51-52
Decision - you have the abiity to choose prosperity or adversity - Chapter 10 Line(s): 50
Decision - yours to do good or evil depending on your thoughts and feelings - Chapter 28 Line(s): 55
Decisions - made through intellect and rationality by following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 17 Line(s): 1-6
Dedication - to the Truth is the path to true discernment, peace, love, freedom and harmony - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78
Deeds - be watchful in your thoughts, feelings and deeds which influence others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 206-207
Deeds - do good toward others - Chapter 11 Line(s): 10-13
Deeds - good ones are of value if done in kindheartedness, love and dignity - Chapter 5 Line(s): 116
Deeds - long lasting through the Truth - Chapter 14 Line(s): 11-12
Deeds - remember the good dees of others, do not raise yourself above them - Chapter 2 Line(s): 88
Deeds in secret - Chapter 4 Line(s): 188
Defense - for protection - Chapter 7 Line(s): 109
Defense - self-defense - never to kill - Chapter 4 Line(s): 120
Defense against the untruth - do not quarrel, hold to the Truth, don't coerce others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 288-290
Deference - (respect) for the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); do not place other things alongside of it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 1
Defiance - from those adverse of the Truth - instruct them if they will hear you but do not retaliate - Chapter 8 Line(s): 15
Deity(s) - no mights ruling over you determining your fate - Chapter 15 Line(s): 7
Delusion - a result from turning away from the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 126-128
Delusion - belief in a diety(s) suppresses your mind & intents from guidance by the Effective Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 181-185
Delusion - belief in gods and tin gods - Chapter 6 Line(s): 173
Delusion - believing that you are protected by a god, leader, guru, master or sublime one - Chapter 25 Line(s): 93
Delusion - consequences: lack of energy & power, weakness for true life, truth, fairness, character & righteousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 162
Delusion - continuing in it leads to erroneous thinking and confusion between reality and unreality - Chapter 13 Line(s): 22
Delusion - doubting the real truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 202-203
Delusion - drives humankind to overpopulation, wars, destruction of nature/climate , vices etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 159-162
Delusion - due to imperious religious fanatics and crimes - Chapter 28 Line(s): 375
Delusion - false irrational teachings of religion, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 24-28
Delusion - false thoughts and desires far from the Truth resulting in evil - Chapter 3 Line(s): 228-229
Delusion - humans inventing, bowing and praying to gods...they are falsehoods - Chapter 2 Line(s): 71-72
Delusion - is the living in pure materialism, low-standing thoughts & feelings, inadequate intellect & rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 157
Delusion - led into by priests and servants of gods/tin gods through lies and vows - Chapter 7 Line(s): 22-23
Delusion - living without truthly knowledge due to a belief in a god or tin god - Chapter 6 Line(s): 161
Delusion - occurs when you follow false prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 92-95
Delusion - prayer to gods and tin gods - Chapter 4 Line(s): 179
Delusion - results in world-judgement & catastrophes. Folling the Laws & Recommendations can still prevent the worst - Chapter 28 Line(s): 160
Delusion - submissiveness to a god/tin god, saints, angels etc. will not liberate you, it blinds you from knowing the Truth - Chapter 26 Line(s): 11-25
Delusion - tactics of hypocrites and religionists that delude and deceive people - Chapter 4 Line(s): 179-180
Delusion - the belief of gods, tin gods and demons led by those that preach and lead you into delusion - Chapter 7 Line(s): 170
Delusion - the false teaching of mortality by religion, sectarian, ideological or philosophical explanations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 310-314
Delusion - the belief that a god, tin god or idolised human can protect you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 93
Delusion - the result of not being able to distinguish between the delusion of a god and the truth of reality - Chapter 2 Line(s): 221
Delusion - the result of not following the Truth and results in going astray - Chapter 10 Line(s): 93
Delusion - the result of the seducing of religionists - Chapter 4 Line(s): 154-155
Delusion - those who believe in a god/tin god which are fabulated; they live in hatred, jealousy, revenge and war - Chapter 4 Line(s): 73-77
Delusion - to stop it you must connect fine fluidal & coarse substantial toward a valueful equalization - Chapter 28 Line(s): 161
Delusion of religion - only your sharp rationality and your clear intellect can get through it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 28
Delusional - fabulating lies against the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 38
Delusional teachings - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138-139
Delusional teachings - by false prophets and worshiping gods and tin gods - Chapter 10 Line(s): 29
Delusional teachings - come from false prophets, servants of gods/tin gods, glory seekers and sect leaders - Chapter 4 Line(s): 154-155
Delusional teachings - do not heed those who pray to gods/tin gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 50
Delusional teachings - do not reach for them, use only the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 170
Delusional teachings - false prophets, teachers, gurus, devil or emissaries of god(s) - Chapter 25 Line(s): 40-43
Delusional teachings - false religious duties, fantasy forms, false prophets & fake requirements - Chapter 23 Line(s): 85
Demons - do not donate to appease them because they do not exist - Chapter 2 Line(s): 375
Demons - do not exist - Chapter 3 Line(s): 24
Demons - do not exist - Chapter 2 Line(s): 370
Demons - do not exist, fabulated by man - Chapter 5 Line(s): 5
Demons - fabulations of religions - Chapter 6 Line(s): 120-122
Demons - false and fabulated - Chapter 7 Line(s): 169
Demons - false being - Chapter 23 Line(s): 65
Demons - lead you away from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 14-15
Demons - merely fabulations of people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 189
Demons - the Truth is not found in them or in angels, demons, priests or servants - Chapter 3 Line(s): 57
Demons - they are inventions of people and are powerless because they are fabulations of your brain - Chapter 3 Line(s): 51
Deniers - of the Truth: do not follow their advice - Chapter 16 Line(s): 2
Deposit - for loan or other obligation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 395
Depraviety - mankind poisoned through false teachings of false prophets, religions, ideologies & philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 24-30
Depravity - of mankind going back almost 4,000 years that keeps mankind from the truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 392-404
Depression - do not get allow it when robbed of your gains; Laws & Rec's promise joy & prosperity if you do rightful... - Chapter 7 Line(s): 142-143
Depression - how to overcome when life overwhelms you - Chapter 21 Line(s): 1-30
Descendents - be creators of good and instruct your descendents in the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 92
Destiny - Chapter 2 Line(s): 182
Destiny - Chapter 28 Line(s): 82-83
Destiny - all decisions /actions end at death since nothing can be carried into the fine-fluidal world - Chapter 28 Line(s): 109
Destiny - can change in accordance with your own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264
Destiny - determined by your own free will & based on creational Laws & Recommendations & Cause and Effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 229-241
Destiny - do not push off onto a god, tin god, human being or a karma - Chapter 28 Line(s): 82-83
Destiny - everything will always happen to you that corresponds to your own will, thoughts, feelings & responsibility - Chapter 28 Line(s): 80
Destiny - free decision/determination (explanation of destiny) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 104-107
Destiny - Free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 215-283
Destiny - freedom for you to determine - Chapter 7 Line(s): 11-13
Destiny - law of interaction and destiny - Chapter 28 Line(s): 117-122
Destiny - what happens to you by your choice - consequences cannot be shoved off onto a god, angel, saint, etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 125
Destiny - self determined - Chapter 20 Line(s): 10-18
Destiny - self determined - Chapter 20 Line(s): 32-35
Destiny - the outcoming effects of your own energies/powers, others, nature, happenings, & situations called cause & effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 83
Destiny - those that disdain the Truth afflict themselves with unpeace, unfreedom, lovelessness and disharmony - Chapter 7 Line(s): 37-41
Destiny - through your own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 104-110
Destiny - willingly living with good intentions using intellect, rationality & logic - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138
Destiny - you alone determine your prosperity or adversity - Chapter 10 Line(s): 50-55
Destiny - through your own free will you bring about all that befalls you in terms of happiness and destiny - Chapter 28 Line(s): 277
Destiny - you are the master of your own selves - Chapter 6 Line(s): 149-150
Destiny - you are the master of your own selves - Chapter 22 Line(s): 1-4
Destiny - you are your own destiny in your self-created part of your inner nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 126-129
Destiny - you bring forth your own experiences for good or evil - Chapter 6 Line(s): 5
Destiny - you decide your honor - Chapter 13 Line(s): 10
Destiny - you determine - Chapter 6 Line(s): 5-7
Destiny - you determine - Chapter 9 Line(s): 51-52
Destiny - you determine - Chapter 23 Line(s): 9-12
Destiny - you determine what befalls you, to the good or evil as you learn wrong human laws, religion & ideologies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 81
Destiny - you don't have to worry about a heaven or hell if you willfully turn to the the Truth and form your own destiny - Chapter 28 Line(s): 135-138
Destiny - you form your foreordination and create your own reward (good or bad) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 46-47
Destiny - your destination is defined in your growth of the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 66
Destiny - your evolution is to become one with Creation in the distant future - Chapter 6 Line(s): 3
Destruction - of mankind, nature & world through unintellect, irrationality & overpopulation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 501-503
Development - steps toward wisdom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 423-437
Devil - a falsehood - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78
Devil - does not exist - Chapter 7 Line(s): 88
Devil - does not exist since the place of hell does not exist - Chapter 6 Line(s): 71
Devil - imaginary and does not exist - Chapter 25 Line(s): 103
Devil - leads you away from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 14-15
Devil (Satan) - does not exist; fabulated divinity along with demons; used in coercing humans into submissiveness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 304
Devil/demons - does not exist - Chapter 2 Line(s): 175
Dignity - refrain from insulting others - Chapter 7 Line(s): 164
Dimensions - spirit-energetical spheres and all your material recognition-capabilities - Chapter 25 Line(s): 151
Dirty/terrible ideas - conquered through thinking pure truth/bearing your responsibility - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
Disagreements - do not fear others words, stand and give good words in peace, fairness and conscientiousness - Chapter 6 Line(s): 89-90
Disagreements - how to handle with believers and unbelievers - Chapter 4 Line(s): 119
Disagreements - how to settle them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 43-49
Disagreements - settling (negotiating) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 45-46
Diappointment - avoid it by expecting othing from space, time and fellow human beings in what they can give you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 434-435
Discernment - Chapter 3 Line(s): 81
Discernment - be discerning, connect to only the Truth, keep the right, leave everything else aside - Chapter 17 Line(s): 6
Discernment - created within through intellect, rationality & logic - Chapter 28 Line(s): 386
Discernment - becomes dull through fanaticism, irresponsibility and you sow hate and discontent amongst people - Chapter 28 Line(s): 392-397
Discernment - distinguish pretenders from truth-living ones - Chapter 3 Line(s): 211
Discernment - for the Truth hindered through closing ears and eyes to it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 29
Discernment - use it vs undiscernment that becomes a burden of life - Chapter 8 Line(s): 67
Discernment - when your eyes are open to the Truth, you can recognise those who are not treading the right way - Chapter 6 Line(s): 129
Discretion - between good and evil - Chapter 3 Line(s): 30-31
Discretion - between standing for the Truth and when to back down - Chapter 8 Line(s): 8-9
Discrimination - do not reject (rank, color, finances, worth, belief, knowledge, physique) - Chapter 11 Line(s): 62
Discrimination - of people - Chapter 4 Line(s): 192-193
Disgracefulness - not recommended; uphold insight (rationality) and true discernment (intellect) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 34
Dispute - refrain from with the jurisdiction you're in and people in general - Chapter 5 Line(s): 109
Disrespect - avoid the attitude - Chapter 7 Line(s): 34
Disunity - amongst believers of the Truth - accept counseling through a Truth believing advisor - Chapter 4 Line(s): 85-86
Divinities - do not believe in them nor pray to them - You bind yourself to an imaginary - Chapter 2 Line(s): 96
Divinity - a god or tin god, invented by humans - Chapter 2 Line(s): 135
Divinity - do not allow any "might" stand/rule over you such as gods/tin gods or even servants of them - Chapter 3 Line(s): 29
Divorce - Chapter 2 Line(s): 250-250
Divorce - attitude - Chapter 2 Line(s): 254
Divorce - child custody, forcible or bribe - Chapter 2 Line(s): 262
Divorce - disposition of property - Chapter 2 Line(s): 259
Divorce - disposition of property - Chapter 4 Line(s): 58
Divorce - place to live - Chapter 2 Line(s): 253
Doggish submissiveness= when religion suppresses you with religious, ideological/philosophical belief - Chapter 27 Line(s): 27
Doggish submissiveness=beseeching begging - wrong volition & subservient begging as prayers & devotion in belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 10
Dogmas - stay away from, they are not based on the truth but invented by human beings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 50-55
Dogmas - conquering dogmatic walls: use your own decisions, free your thoughts/feelings of gods, demons, angels, etc. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 55
Dominance - over others not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 24
Donating - to aged, infirmed and poor - Chapter 2 Line(s): 384-386
Donating - to the poor and needy, to the sick and suffering - Chapter 2 Line(s): 327-331
Donating - feed and clothe those in poverty - Chapter 7 Line(s): 85-86
Donating - first think and take care of yourself, then donate to others in need - Chapter 10 Line(s): 60
Donating - first think and take care of yourself, then donate to others in need - Chapter 11 Line(s): 24
Donating - for the sake of the Truth; but do not send yourself into ruin (financial) in the process - Chapter 2 Line(s): 287-288
Donating - from your knowledge so that many will become knowing in the truth of the origination (Creation) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 361
Donating - give food, sustenance, clothing, and be helpful to one another - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Donating - give in honesty and truthly kindheartedness - Chapter 9 Line(s): 53-55
Donating - giving surplus gains to needy, orphans, wayfarers, prisoners, starving, poverty, affliction & those in the Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 231
Donating - guidelines - Chapter 2 Line(s): 371-372
Donating - guidelines - Chapter 9 Line(s): 92-96
Donating - if disabled and cannot give, no scolding will come against you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 91
Donating - in modesty, respectfully and according to your wealth and possessions - Chapter 2 Line(s): 378-379
Donating - to please a god, angel or demon for a reward is not possible since each of them are invented/nonexistent - Chapter 2 Line(s): 375
Donating - to the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 328
Donating - using dispensable income; could be goods, chattels, money, counseling or doing work - Chapter 2 Line(s): 341
Dread - protect self from - Chapter 7 Line(s): 51
Dreams - explained - Chapter 8 Line(s): 12-13
Dumbing down - an approach that religion takes using great gestures and hackneyed words to keep you from the truth - Chapter 27 Line(s): 24-25
Dying - you cannot catch-up on your spiritual growth in the short time before your passing away - Chapter 28 Line(s): 336-339
Earth - cultivate your land and the whole Earth without tormenting and destroying it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 130-131
Earth - given to you as an inheritance; do rightly and fairly in all things; do not forment any chaos - Chapter 7 Line(s): 75
Earth - humans torment it through chemistry, exploiting of resources, over population, destruction of the climate, etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 150-152
Earth - respect for it in many ways - Chapter 9 Line(s): 119-122
Earth - take care of it rightly - Chapter 7 Line(s): 132-135
Earth - we are caretakers of earth, universe, planets, etc. as well as all life forms - Chapter 7 Line(s): 145
Earth - we are to take care of - Chapter 7 Line(s): 102
Earthly goods - do not cling to them or be oppressed through them; do not throw them away & live in poverty - Chapter 28 Line(s): 343-344
Earthly intellect, rationality, unlogic - are tools of your own inadequacy, irrationality & unintellect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 181
Eating - all food good - Chapter 2 Line(s): 224-226
Eating - eat and drink of all nature provides except that which is poisonious or inedible - Chapter 6 Line(s): 131
Eating - eat from all the gifts of nature - Chapter 2 Line(s): 99-101
Eating - refraining from eating certain food due to religious teachings is wrong; those teachers are creating might over you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 131
Ecology - destruction of humankind, nature, plants, fish, birds, animals, other creatures & climate - Chapter 28 Line(s): 379
Ego-love - egotism = a vice of pathological craving/self addiction to own desires - Chapter 19 Line(s): 103
Elected officials - to government positions - Chapter 9 Line(s): 100
Electromagnetic energy - through creation-spirit form; enables you to create all necessary capabilities & possibilities - Chapter 28 Line(s): 249
Embalming - not needed at death - Chapter 11 Line(s): 25
Empathy - the invisible thought, the ability for deep feelings for the others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 246-250
Employment - compensation and rights should be based on proficiency for certain duties and rights - Chapter 4 Line(s): 3
Encouragement - give to all people towards rationality so that they turn to the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 279
Enemies - attituede toward: not hateful, revengeful or histile-minded toward them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 211-212
Enemies - how to handle - Chapter 8 Line(s): 62-64
Enemies - love them, speak good words for them, forgive them - Chapter 19 Line(s): 101
Enemies - of the truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 365-367
Enemies - of the Truth; fight them using discernment (rationality) and countering their false words and teaching - Chapter 4 Line(s): 135
Enemies - treatment of - Chapter 2 Line(s): 75
Enemies - treatment of - Chapter 2 Line(s): 279-286
Enemy - of the truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 152
Energetical waves - activity of the creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 249
Energies - good & evil powers should not be talked about because they are neutral in their kind - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Energy - continuously streams through humas as swinging waves out of spirit-energy - Chapter 28 Line(s): 52
Energy - is in everything, i.e. water, air, rocks, stones, plant and every life-form - Chapter 28 Line(s): 51
Energy waves - positive and negative energy swinging waves of thoughts in and around you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 200
Energy-power - flows through you to create your ideas, thoughts & feelings according to your own will for good or evil - Chapter 28 Line(s): 54-55
Energy-power - you use according to your sens and decision & self-responsibility to the negative or positive - Chapter 28 Line(s): 53
Energy/power - see Creational Energies/power - Chapter 28 Line(s): 60-77
Energy/poser - of the consciousness and connection with the pineal gland is only possible with humans - Chapter 28 Line(s): 147
Enmity - do not create any enmity with other people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 129
Enmity - do not create with other people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 129
Enmity - do not hold against another; brings torment & depravity in your thoughts, feelings, psyche & consciousness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 198
Enmity - do not hold against yourself nor others of different color, language, customs or belief - Chapter 6 Line(s): 147
Enmity - towards others - Chapter 8 Line(s): 19-20
Enslavement - subjugation/exploitation of the mendacity of priests and their teachings by lies/delusions of the brain - Chapter 2 Line(s): 219
Entrustment - give back in the same measure as what has been entrusted to you - Chapter 3 Line(s): 92
Envy - definitions and how to overcome it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 38-39
Equalisedness - when you focus on the study of the life, death, procreation, birth, rebirth, spirit-form & new personality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 342
Equality - all humans are equal - Chapter 3 Line(s): 208
Equality - all mankind should be treated the same respect/dignity no matter the differences - Chapter 11 Line(s): 62-63
Equality - no different levels from one human to another - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Equality - through honor and respect toward man, woman and child - Chapter 4 Line(s): 230
Equality and entitlement - between man and woman - Chapter 2 Line(s): 157
Equity - between man, woman and child - Chapter 2 Line(s): 236-237
Erroneous satisfaction - imagining a connection with a god that makes you feel elevated - Chapter 26 Line(s): 11
Error - (wrong doing )if committed unknowingly, leniency is given in punishment - Chapter 4 Line(s): 24
Errors - (misdeeds) guidelines for punishment - Chapter 5 Line(s): 137
Errors - (misdeeds) learn from them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 75
Errors - (throwbacks) - they reveal to us the incorrect ways of our life so we can change them to the good - Chapter 28 Line(s): 560-561
Errors - (what religion calls "sin") cleansed through the application of the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 40
Errors - (what religion calls "sin") learn from them for growth in the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 19
Errors - (what religion calls "sin") out of these that you can learn - Chapter 23 Line(s): 165
Errors - (wrong doing) forgive the offenses of others, showing fairness and doing good - Chapter 2 Line(s): 102
Errors - (wrong doing) if no remorse...then they should have hard punshment applied - Chapter 4 Line(s): 25
Errors - (wrong doing) turn away from and trust in the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 9 Line(s): 129
Errors - against others can be reconciled through apologies and amends...but not changed back to original situation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 76
Errors - bad deeds are not punished by a god or tin gods; they bring tha errors bring consequences - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Errors - bring a recognition of the fallibility and of balancing (making good/change) learning to do better and do right - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Errors - committed on occasion - learn from it and try not to repeat it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 303
Errors - fight against with positive thought-forms with energy/power in your feelings, will & volition - Chapter 25 Line(s): 244-245
Errors - turn to the truth, willingly resolve your errors & transgressions to free yourself from bad/evil/netative things - Chapter 25 Line(s): 243
Errors - misdeeds are the way that lead to cognition, they cause us to stop and think - Chapter 5 Line(s): 22
Errors - punishment - a stay for a certain time in a suitable place (island or place) & dedicated to the truth-teaching - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Errors - regarding errors in life & changing your life to obtain peace, harmony & freedom within - Chapter 10 Line(s): 48-54
Errors - revealed, resolved and extinguished through learning and Truth-recognition - Chapter 25 Line(s): 241-243
Errors - rightful to prevent another from committing misdeeds - Chapter 5 Line(s): 101
Errors - take responsibility for them, you are your own teacher/protector, you determine your accountability - Chapter 8 Line(s): 35
Errors - when committed, should be admitted before the jurisdiction so that punishment will be lighter - Chapter 5 Line(s): 50
Errors - will be washed clean (corrected) through the understanding of the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 40
Errors/falls in life) - "throwbacks" - unavoidable but learn from them, learn and rise above them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 560
Esteem - originates from the drive for self-preservation, admiration and pleasure - Chapter 17 Line(s): 16
Esteem - practice contentment; do not put others on a pedestal of high esteem - Chapter 10 Line(s): 68-71
Eternal fire - no such place in a religious context where a devil and human punishment exist - Chapter 11 Line(s): 65-66
Eternal life - an illusion by false teachings and false prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 21
Eternal life - false teaching through religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 305-308
Eternal life - of human life after death does not exist - Chapter 6 Line(s): 33-34
Ethnicity - against levels of mankind is not allowed - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Ethnicity - do not hold against yourself nor others of different color, language, customs or belief - Chapter 6 Line(s): 147
Events/festivities - where the truth can be taught - Chapter 28 Line(s): 37
Events - what has happened cannot be changed; therefore educate yourself to become the creational ideal - Chapter 28 Line(s): 535-539
Evil - averted through goodness, resulting in love, knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 13 Line(s): 18
Evil - avoiding it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 24
Evil - be on guard against all evil that you are creating in yourselves - Chapter 5 Line(s): 115
Evil - be worried (concerned) if you take the way of falsehood and perpetrate evil - Chapter 7 Line(s): 151-152
Evil - defeated by being connected to the Truth and doing good deeds - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Evil - do not live with any evil that comes from withhin or without due to thoughts, circumstances or influences - Chapter 7 Line(s): 99
Evil - do not repay evil for evil - Chapter 4 Line(s): 190-191
Evil - don't be afraid of it, but be afraid of commiting evil yourself - Chapter 3 Line(s): 222-223
Evil - fight against it with energy and power to find and follow the real truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 33-35
Evil - i.e. alcohol, gambling & godly beliefs creates hostility, hatred & pathological cravings; destroys inner consciousness - Chapter 5 Line(s): 113-114
Evil - intended & unintended - Chapter 4 Line(s): 24-25
Evil - Laws and Recommendations fee you from evil, unfairness, unrighteousness & unknowledge of the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 135
Evil - magic, legerdemain, tricks, black arts, unrightful doings - Chapter 7 Line(s): 110-118
Evil - not a part of your life if you recognize Creation's Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 254-255
Evil - protected against through following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 15 Line(s): 9-10
Evil - protecting yourself from it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 166
Evil - raise yourselves up over evil - Chapter 7 Line(s): 175-177
Evil - shield yourselves from it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 27
Evil - that which is within must be brought under control through reflecting and striving - Chapter 19 Line(s): 24
Evil - unfair nature - Chapter 7 Line(s): 25-26
Evil - when committed it bringss calamity in thoughts, feelings, desires, hopes, wishes,words & deeds - Chapter 19 Line(s): 19
Evil - you can be saved from evil through the warning of the true prophets from the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 166
Evil doers - do not fear, show rage or abuse to them, be calm with dignity, forgiveness & extend peace - Chapter 11 Line(s): 54
Evil thoughts - how to have victory over them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 201-202
Evil urge - awakens desire for unfair and unrighteous pleasures - Chapter 19 Line(s): 24
Evil/devil - exists within - Chapter 25 Line(s): 103
Evolutionary task - should be an aliveness and a furthering of spiritual growth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 498
Example - being a good example - Chapter 19 Line(s): 94
Example - good example to others is better than good works - Chapter 19 Line(s): 94
Example - to yourself and others as you strive for truth and love - Chapter 25 Line(s): 298
Example - you who follow the Truth are an example to the unfair that they don't have to be afraid of the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 18
Excuses - never search for excuses when you are required to do something - Chapter 9 Line(s): 90
Excuses - used by those who do not want to be challenged regarding the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 49
Exercise - physical exercise is needed as well as conscioiusness-evolution, both need to be in harmony with each other - Chapter 28 Line(s): 476
Existence - should be an aliveness and a furthering of your evolutionary task - Chapter 28 Line(s): 498
Expectations - live in the reality of the present, not the dreams of the future - they do not equate to what is real and rational - Chapter 28 Line(s): 435
Expectations - move beyond the past, don't dwell on it but use the past to better the future - Chapter 28 Line(s): 436-437
Experience everything - being heedful, vigilant & attentive, observing & perceiving of yourselves & visible environment - Chapter 28 Line(s): 88
Experiences - assess everything in an examining way for making good decisions instead of unrightful consequences - Chapter 28 Line(s): 388-389
Face - cover for protection from the sun, impurities in the air and dust - Chapter 2 Line(s): 289
Failure - is through your material life instead of following the creational Laws & Recommendations - Chapter 23 Line(s): 93-94
Fair - being fair emanates from the Truth-teaching as a state (nature of Truth) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 21
Fairness - based on the value of insistent rightfulness (being insistent in the right) - Chapter 17 Line(s): 7-14
Fairness - be at all times fair and honest because you are connected to all life forms - Chapter 3 Line(s): 43
Fairness - and forgiveness must be given by you and to you; you alone are responsible for all and everything for which you need - Chapter 28 Line(s): 279
Faith - don't return to religion - Chapter 5 Line(s): 71
Faith - free choice - Chapter 3 Line(s): 103-104
Faith - free choice - Chapter 3 Line(s): 98-100
Faith-coming - needed to understand Creation, its love, Laws & Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 141
Fallibility - the false and unrighteous ways of life of mankind without the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 27 Line(s): 13-21
Falling away - if you fall away from the Truth it is your rresponsibility through your free will to act.... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 275-278
Falling away - returning to the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 37-41
Falling away from the truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 174
Falling away from the truth - recognize when it happens - Chapter 7 Line(s): 150-152
False leaders - those in leadership who believe in gods/tin gods & force their religion on you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 89-91
False teachers - priests, theologians, preachers, sect leaders, ideologues, philosophers - Chapter 26 Line(s): 7
False prophets - false teachings of gods and deny the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 17-20
False prophets - in time past were allowed by the people to bring delusional teachings - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138
False prophets - the process of delusional teachings - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138-139
False prophets - used evil since time immemorial up to today against people that search for the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 123
False prophets - you have been poisoned by their teachings since time immemorial - Chapter 28 Line(s): 25
False prophets and religion - enslaves your thoughts and feelings - Chapter 5 Line(s): 35
False prophets teachings - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
False prophets teachings - Chapter 5 Line(s): 128-132
False prophets/priests/servants - do not pay homage to them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 92
False religion - delusion of faith - Chapter 2 Line(s): 321
False religion - delusion of faith - Chapter 2 Line(s): 326
False religions - delusions - Chapter 2 Line(s): 313-314
False religions - don't bow to gods - Chapter 2 Line(s): 293-297
False religions - false truth, false living, false friends - Chapter 2 Line(s): 304-308
False religions - led into confusion - Chapter 2 Line(s): 318-319
False religions - results of false belief - Chapter 2 Line(s): 308-310
False scribes and explainers - Chapter 5 Line(s): 28
False seekers - be on guard of them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 88
False signs - by false prophets - Chapter 6 Line(s): 119
False teachers - leaders, prophets, helpers, gurus & masters: teach false knowledge instead of the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 100
False teachers - turn yourself away from - Chapter 4 Line(s): 87
False teachings - do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by them and create a hell on earth in your senses and life - Chapter 3 Line(s): 14
False teachings - do not follow - Chapter 7 Line(s): 195-196
False teachings - god(s) will not hear - Chapter 7 Line(s): 198-199
False teachings - if you follow them you will loose the reward of righteousness, equitableness and virtues & be full of fear - Chapter 7 Line(s): 171
False teachings - religions, sects, ideologies, philosophies, masters, gurus, emissaries of gods, gods, devil, etc. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 39-43
False teachings - come from leaders & helpers who give belief from false teachings that make you feel pumped up - Chapter 25 Line(s): 59
False teachings - religious/ideological/philosophical empty phrases entangle/capture you & give a false picture of real truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 61
False teachings - result in unright, evil, unrighteous, irresponsible, criminal, unfair, consciousless things, hatred.... - Chapter 26 Line(s): 10
False teachings - shun - Chapter 3 Line(s): 50-54
False teachings - shun - Chapter 4 Line(s): 127-130
False teachings - shun - Chapter 4 Line(s): 147-151
False teachings - they bind your hands (thoughts) and your inner world (consciousness) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 86
False teachings - warnings about them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 31-34
False teachings - warnings about them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 32-34
False testimony - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
False truth - through religions, sects, ideologies, philosophies and fake teachings creates confusion - Chapter 25 Line(s): 39
Falsified truth - by the old scribes and fake prophets - Chapter 9 Line(s): 31-34
Fame - human beings shall not be glorified, but only with honorable thought - Chapter 28 Line(s): 509
Fame - one prophet is never raised above another prophet - all teach the same Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 358
Family - getting along with family...even though they do not claim the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 24-25
Family - husband/wife responsibility/integrity - Chapter 4 Line(s): 58
Family - respect and cooperation between parents and children - Chapter 4 Line(s): 166
Family Planning - Chapter 4 Line(s): 5
Fanaticism - a result of believing in a godhead along with selfishness, imperiousness, & judging others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 148
Fanaticism to terrorism - Chapter 25 Line(s): 120-131
Fasting - Chapter 2 Line(s): 214-245
Fate - all happens to you/others based on your thoughts, feelings & volition just as it does through and to others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 124-125
Fate - is based on yourself, others and circumstances; you cannot blame a god/tin god, angels or demons - Chapter 28 Line(s): 125
Fate - there is/are NO deity/deities or powers that determine your fate - Chapter 15 Line(s): 7
Fate - you cannot blame a god/tin god by stating it is the will of that god/tin god or other deity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 125
Fate - you determine your growth in the Truth, the sooner the better; your searching for the Truth is a staff & support - Chapter 28 Line(s): 338-342
Fate - be rational - don't speak of testa and strokes - they serve as progress in your consciousness-evolution - Chapter 25 Line(s): 242
Fate - nothing happens without reason - Chapter 25 Line(s): 242
Fear - Determining - Chapter 2 Line(s): 81
Fear - false religion, ideologies & philosophies fear losing influence over mankind - Chapter 25 Line(s): 110-111
Fear - (and anxiety) you can dissapate through the real truth using intellect and rationality - Chapter 23 Line(s): 167
Fear - free yourself from it through contemplation using good and free thoughts and feelings - Chapter 2 Line(s): 350
Fear - is removed when you learn from nature - Chapter 2 Line(s): 78
Fearless - in your knowledge about the Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 197
Feelings - be watchful in your thoughts, feelings and deeds which influence others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 206-207
Feelings - keep them pure in true love to spread peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 25 Line(s): 205-206
Feelings/thoughts - ends in reward/punishment depending how they are nourished & carried out - Chapter 25 Line(s): 252
Fellowship - with deniers of the truth hinders coming to the truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 177-178
Fellowship - with righteous ones for gatherings - Chapter 6 Line(s): 142-143
Festivities - where the teaching of the Truth, Creation and the Laws and Recommendations can be taught - Chapter 28 Line(s): 37
Fight - do not fight with those who are against the Truth; be as a guide and counselor to them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 117
Fight - do not fight with those who are against the Truth; be peaceful wise and use intelligent words to instruct them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Fight - for the men, women & children out from their hardship, misery and oppression - Chapter 4 Line(s): 100
Fight - wake up and stand up against all evil and all darkness in you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 35
Fighting - for defense - Chapter 2 Line(s): 351
Fighting - knowing ones should not fight against unknowing ones - continue to teach undaunted - Chapter 2 Line(s): 356
Fighting - unknowing ones use weapons of the sword and all weapons of death for the cause of evil - Chapter 4 Line(s): 101
Fighting - use honesty, fairness, virtues, esteem and deference for the Truth; reward is love, peace, freedom & harmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 99-101
Fine-fluidal - thoughts and feelings are pulsations from you to others and back again to you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 163-164
Fine-fluidal, pure fine fluidal, high-fine-fluidal...intellect and rationality can stire fine-fluidally - Chapter 28 Line(s): 145-146
Fine-fluidal and spiritual - only humans are able to make a connection in a conscious way - Chapter 28 Line(s): 148
Fine-fluidal of Creation - gets into your fine-fluidal, consciousness & body = you live & evolve in your consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 250
Fluidal radiation - swing waves of humans that influence other humans and inanimate objects - Chapter 22 Line(s): 32-42
Fluidal powers - arise out of the thought, feeling, consciousness and psyche-impulsations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 35
Followers - prior ones the followed the truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 94-96
Followers and non-followers - traits - Chapter 7 Line(s): 45-46
Food - (and drink) guidelines - Chapter 6 Line(s): 157-159
Food - all animals except those passed away on their own, tormented in various ways to death, cadavers or sacraficial - Chapter 5 Line(s): 1-4
Food - all is allowed except that which makes you sick, ill or is poisonous - Chapter 5 Line(s): 15
Food - allowed and not allowed - Chapter 3 Line(s): 114
Food - animals to eat as well as fruits, vegetables, herbs and grain - Chapter 5 Line(s): 117-118
Food - Creation has given to you for life, food and drink and all that you desire - Chapter 6 Line(s): 16
Food - do not eat any food used in sacrificial offerings - Chapter 5 Line(s): 4-5
Food - eat a tolerable and healthy quantity without gorging or gluttony - Chapter 2 Line(s): 226
Food - eat animals, fish, plants, fruit, etc., and drink juices.....but do not in gluttony - Chapter 2 Line(s): 73
Food - eat of fruits, vegetables, herbs, animals that tastes good and is not poisonous...and be thankful for it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 224
Food - everything allowed for your provision (food) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 154-155
Food - guidelines on what is acceptable - Chapter 6 Line(s): 129-132
Food - prohibited food includes things that have themselves perished and rotten - Chapter 2 Line(s): 226
Forefathers/foremothers - they did not listen to the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 87
Foreordination - You form your own destiny - Chapter 6 Line(s): 47
Forgive - Chapter 7 Line(s): 200
Forgive - let everything be forgotten when it sinks into the past and not brought up again - Chapter 9 Line(s): 84
Forgiveness - and atonement is from within - Chapter 5 Line(s): 22
Forgiveness - forgive others as they forgive you for doing evil and change to the better - Chapter 7 Line(s): 154
Forgiveness - forgive those who try to destroy the Truth-Teaching - Chapter 5 Line(s): 29
Forgiveness - forgiveness of your faults (errors/sin) cannot be given by a god, only you can eliminate them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 129
Forgiveness - forgiving self for past unrighteousness - Chapter 8 Line(s): 39
Forgiveness - if you are hotile, seducers, defiant, hypocrites: forgive yourself before the Truth, become liberated - Chapter 9 Line(s): 61-66
Forgiveness - not appropriate for you or true prophets to request or grant forgiveness to believers in gods & tin gods - Chapter 9 Line(s): 113-115
Forgiveness - of yourself and others based on 1) regret 2)abstain 3) forgive yourself 4) leads to forgiving others - Chapter 6 Line(s): 60
Forgiveness - show towards your enemies - Chapter 2 Line(s): 283
Forgiveness - those who deny the Truth do not possess the true inward intent and application of forgiveness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 2
Forgiveness - toward all mankind - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Forgiveness - toward those who seek harm, instruct them in the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 45
Forgiveness - toward yourself and others to become fair (responsible) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 80-85
Forgiveness - towards all people - Chapter 13 Line(s): 5-6
Forgiveness - you alone are responsible for the fairness and forgiveness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 279
Forgiving - Chapter 2 Line(s): 102
Forgiving - Chapter 2 Line(s): 234-235
Forgiving - begins in creating love, peace, harmony and freedom - Chapter 4 Line(s): 125
Forgiving - be at all times forgiving to people & all creatures (life forms); practice benevolence, turn away from unfairness - Chapter 7 Line(s): 200
Forgiving - drive out the rage towards servants of Gods/tin Gods, let them find the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 14-15
Forgiving - evil doers - Chapter 4 Line(s): 189
Forgiving - first yourself and then others which leads to righteous living - Chapter 9 Line(s): 80
Forgiving - in honesty - Chapter 2 Line(s): 373
Forgiving - of ones self - Chapter 3 Line(s): 161
Forgiving - of ones self - Chapter 3 Line(s): 240
Forgiving - those who are against you - whatever the reasons may be - Chapter 8 Line(s): 74
Forgiving - to all in equal measure if they are truly remorseful - Chapter 5 Line(s): 56-57
Forgiving - toward those who do evil to you because they do not know what they are doing - Chapter 3 Line(s): 39
Forgiving others - Chapter 3 Line(s): 184
Forgiving others - Chapter 5 Line(s): 29
Forgiving others - Chapter 3 Line(s): 165
Forgiving others - Chapter 2 Line(s): 348
Forgiving others - Chapter 7 Line(s): 18-19
Forgiving others - heed love and forgiveness, do not mete out revenge and retaliation - Chapter 7 Line(s): 137-138
Forgiving self - based on your own responsibility - Chapter 28 Line(s): 279
Forsaking - do not forsake the Truth and run to other gods - Chapter 7 Line(s): 139
Fortune telling - not allowed i.e. horoscope, cards, palm reading, etc. - Chapter 5 Line(s): 7-9
Foster parent - guidelines - Chapter 4 Line(s): 8
Free will - there are no "mights" ruling over you, neither gods or tin gods; you are free to determine your life - Chapter 15 Line(s): 7
Free will - anchored in the creational laws, and recommendations laid out on cause and effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 238-240
Free will - and its relationship to destiny; your free will is always the decisive factor - Chapter 28 Line(s): 267-273
Free will - changing the course of your thoughts and feelings according to your free choosing - Chapter 28 Line(s): 251-263
Free will - choice based on insight (intellect) and true discernment (rationality) - Chapter 20 Line(s): 18
Free will - connected with fine-fluidal of the nature of individuality, consciousness, self-determin. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 231-234
Free will - contradicts the religious belief (religion=a God determines your destiny; free will=you choose your destiny) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264
Free will - deficiency of it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 221-223
Free will - determines the process of self-development - Chapter 28 Line(s): 247-248
Free will - everyone decides to follow the Truth or not - Chapter 6 Line(s): 97
Free will - from your consciousness to the inner nature, to your spirit-form, through the Laws & Recomm. to create.... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 244-246
Free will - guard it - or you could be led astray from the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 123-125
Free will - how to gain it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 224-226
Free will - includes your free decision - and determination-possibility - Chapter 28 Line(s): 216-217
Free will - is not influenced by the stars, karma or guidance via powers of a god/idol/human being - Chapter 28 Line(s): 218
Free will - understanding that free will and responsibility can change everything to the good...but you must listen & act correctly - Chapter 28 Line(s): 278
Free will - its relationship to cause and effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 241
Free will - leads to success in following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 19 Line(s): 9
Free will - no coercion, must be created and become reality from out of your own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 215
Free will - not understood through religious, ideological & philosophical belief. Must follow Creational Laws & Recom. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 219-225
Free will - how to understand it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 245
Free will - relationship of Creation-given spirit form - Chapter 28 Line(s): 249-250
Free will - search everything and decide the whole matter - Chapter 21 Line(s): 12-14
Free will - simplicity of it vs human imaginations/illusions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 227-228
Free will - this freedom of your right of determination (self-determination) - Chapter 20 Line(s): 32-35
Free will - to determine what is truth and what is untruth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 63-64
Free will - to follow the Laws and Recommendations - If not, you're still integrated in it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 10
Free will - towards the teaching of the truth or not - Chapter 4 Line(s): 107
Free will - use it consciously, intellectually, rationally & logically or it will become burdened & unfree from external influences - Chapter 28 Line(s): 268
Free will - you can achieve anything you want, good or evil, therefore always act in fairness according to the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 80
Free will - your choice to follow or disregard creational Laws and Recommendations or human laws - Chapter 28 Line(s): 242-243
Free will (self-determination) - determined through life-mode, circumstances, norms of society - Chapter 28 Line(s): 235
Free will (that is bound) - external effects, material influences & suppresses your own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 236-237
Freedom - all humankind are entitled to - Chapter 5 Line(s): 24
Freedom - comes through the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 86
Freedom - given to all people through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 8 Line(s): 68
Freedom - in yourselves by turning to the real truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 17
Freedom - internal freedom comes by learning the Truth, following it & forgiving your own misdemeanors - Chapter 3 Line(s): 240
Freedom - to follow or not - reap what you sew - Chapter 6 Line(s): 39-52
Freedom - you decide all thigns because there is no god or human to decide for you; you bear the consequences - Chapter 25 Line(s): 204
Freedom - true freedom brings peace - Chapter 5 Line(s): 24
Freedom - you determine all and everything - Chapter 23 Line(s): 9-12
Freedom and peace - will be lead by 12 attributes - Chapter 5 Line(s): 25
Freedom of choice - does not mean you turn from the Truth to follow false religions - Chapter 7 Line(s): 11-12
Friend - be at all times a friend and helper to life - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Friend - being your own best friend - Chapter 21 Line(s): 18-22
Friend - special friends of life when connected to the Truth, do good deeds, upright and are responsible - Chapter 4 Line(s): 161
Friend - united confidential friend is your "inner dwelling place for peace, love, freedom & harmony - Chapter 6 Line(s): 141
Friendly - towards all - Chapter 8 Line(s): 6
Friendly household - enter with respect - Chapter 5 Line(s): 41a
Friends - choosing fellowship with - Chapter 4 Line(s): 177-178
Friends - choosing them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 176
Friends - do not make friends with evil and unfair mankind - Chapter 7 Line(s): 31
Friends - do not take unrighteous ones (irresponsible ones) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 72
Friends - gaining true friends is through honor and dignity - Chapter 2 Line(s): 321
Friends - have friends, respect them but do not copy them in their unknowledge & inequity in serving gods/tin gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 36
Friends - leave those who use the Truth as gain & are captive to earthly life, but admonish &help them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 77
Friends - seek companions who will show you the way to the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78
Friends - true ones - Chapter 4 Line(s): 118
Friendship - (like-minded with others) found through doing good deeds and being connected to the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 159
Friendship - choose friends that are in uprightness and dignity for a lasting friendship - Chapter 6 Line(s): 142
Friendship - encourage each other to do the right thing - Chapter 9 Line(s): 71
Friendship - strive for it instead of enmity and it will be paid back to you - Chapter 8 Line(s): 61
Future - you decide what happens today and tomorrow - Chapter 20 Line(s): 1-9
Gambling - empty and dead activity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 495&503
Gambling - cna be of great harm...yet some benefit - Chapter 2 Line(s): 340
Gambling - irresponsible handling of your possessions, thoughts and treatment of others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 390-391
Gambling - leads to addictiveness - Chapter 5 Line(s): 112
Gambling - senseless - Chapter 28 Line(s): 503
Garden - create one within using peace, love, freedom and harmony - Chapter 7 Line(s): 20
Garden - of knowledge, love, wisdom, freedom, peace and harmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 156-157
Garden - of love and freedom - brings steams of peace, harmony and happiness - Chapter 9 Line(s): 72
Garden - of Truth with streams of cognition, love, peace, freedom and consonance (harmony) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 26
Gene manipulation - with fruits and vegetables - Chapter 6 Line(s): 107-108
Gene manipulation - with fruits and vegetables - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Gene manipulationj - with animals and other creatures does not allow a person to be a God - Chapter 6 Line(s): 108
Genetic engineering - if humans come to that pooint, they will never get beyond it as material human beings - Chapter 28 Line(s): 496
Gifts - disposition of when betrothal or marriage is terminated - Chapter 4 Line(s): 26-30
Gifts - giving - Chapter 11 Line(s): 25
Gifts - giving attitude - Chapter 2 Line(s): 374-375
Gifts - giving attitude - Chapter 2 Line(s): 383-386
Glorification - of human beings is not right - Chapter 28 Line(s): 510-513
Gluttony - Chapter 2 Line(s): 226
Gluttony - eat and drink of all in nature, but not in gluttony - Chapter 2 Line(s): 73
Goblet of the Truth - does not require your worship, submissiveness, slavish mentality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 176
Goblet of the Truth - only requires esteem and dignity for others and yourself - Chapter 28 Line(s): 176
Goblet of the Truth - encompases the Teaching of the Prophets - Chapter 27 Line(s): 56
Goblet of the Truth - a comprehensive prophetic and true teaching book - Chapter 28 Line(s): 583
Goblet of the Truth - a light for you & a rod which you can support you & brings you out of chaos - Chapter 24 Line(s): 7-8
Goblet of the Truth - all things are recognizable through it and you are warned against doing things that are unrightful - Chapter 6 Line(s): 23
Goblet of the Truth - around since time immemorial - Chapter 3 Line(s): 241
Goblet of The Truth - be led by it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 1-2
Goblet of the Truth - book of Wisdom - Chapter 6 Line(s): 10
Goblet of the Truth - brought by the true proclaimers of the truth - the Prophets - Chapter 27 Line(s): 18
Goblet of the Truth - explains what you shall do and what you shall refrain from doing - Chapter 27 Line(s): 18
Goblet of the Truth - finding the Truth you become one with the Truth if you connect (bond) with it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 61
Goblet of The Truth - following the Truth vs not following it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 87-94
Goblet of The Truth - following the Truth vs not following it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 98-109
Goblet of the Truth - given for all - Chapter 5 Line(s): 119
Goblet of the Truth - is no ideology, no philosophy no religious construction, no praying to gods & tin gods... - Chapter 23 Line(s): 128-129
Goblet of the Truth - it is everything required for you to manage your existence in all situations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 91
Goblet of the Truth - meant to guide you in the right thing. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 179
Goblet of the Truth - only names the facts of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 72
Goblet of the Truth - sole and exclusive teaching - Chapter 23 Line(s): 74-75
Goblet of the Truth - solely follow it - Chapter 12 Line(s): 19
Goblet of the Truth - source of all wisdom - Chapter 6 Line(s): 9-10
Goblet of the Truth - teaching of the prophets - Chapter 5 Line(s): 88-90
Goblet of the Truth - teaching of the prophets and will remain preserved for all time - Chapter 6 Line(s): 38
Goblet of the Truth - teaching of the prophets of the Truth, of the Spirit and of the Life - Chapter 6 Line(s): 93
Goblet of the Truth - brings liberation to those that look seriously for the truth within and without - Chapter 24 Line(s): 1-3
Goblet of the Truth - teaching of the prophets of the Truth, of the Spirit and of the Life - Chapter 24 Line(s): 1
Goblet of the Truth - teaching of the Truth, Spirit, and the Life thru the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 1
Goblet of the Truth - teaching of the Truth, Spirit, and the Life thru the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264
Goblet of the Truth - teachings had been falsified in times past - Chapter 3 Line(s): 182
Goblet of the Truth - teachings of the prophets tell what you should look at & do to find the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 48-49
Goblet of the Truth - the guide out of darkness into the light - Chapter 14 Line(s): 1
Goblet of the Truth - the real Truth in everything and in becoming wise through following it - Chapter 23 Line(s): 74
Goblet of the Truth - the real Truth vs pictures, imaginations & hazy schemes in false gods, angels, saints & human beings - Chapter 28 Line(s): 457
Goblet of the Truth - through which you can rise up to the creational truth & refrain from godheads and tin gods - Chapter 27 Line(s): 7
Goblet of the Truth - written in the new time by the last True Prophet Eduard (Billy) Meier - Chapter 5 Line(s): 35
Goblet of the Truth - your defence against might-greedy machinations of the authorities/mightful ones - Chapter 22 Line(s): 24-29
Goblet of the Truth - your guideline - Chapter 5 Line(s): 130
Goblet of the Truth - your guideline - Chapter 23 Line(s): 72-74
Goblet of the Truth - your only guide - Chapter 1 Line(s): 3
God - an imaginary divinity - Chapter 2 Line(s): 96
God - does not exist, cannot grant gifts, grace or benevolence - Chapter 2 Line(s): 134
God - no God - Chapter 5 Line(s): 96-97
God - no God - Chapter 2 Line(s): 219
God - (& deities) the wrong & irrational teachings that are directed towards them present an illusion of longing for their suppposed help - Chapter 28 Line(s): 573-574
God - the term religion gives to Creation withits laws and recommendations - Chapter 23 Line(s): 17
God - no god or creator is the origin of all things and al existence - Chapter 25 Line(s): 112
God (Godhead) - does not exist - Chapter 23 Line(s): 1-8
God - delusion of belief - Chapter 23 Line(s): 17
God or tin gods - cannot answer prayer because they are invented - Chapter 2 Line(s): 362
God or tin gods - does not exist and cannnot reanimate life after death - Chapter 2 Line(s): 370
God or tin gods - lead you away from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 14-15
God or tin gods - you fall prey to and become irresponsible to the Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 142
God-power - none exists - Chapter 28 Line(s): 69
God-representative - false position fabulated by man - Chapter 23 Line(s): 65
God-worshipers - their agenda and purpose defined - Chapter 22 Line(s): 46-47
Godhead - does not exist, is a fantasy-form invented by human beings - Chapter 23 Line(s): 7
Godhead - does not exist, it is a fabulated imagination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 69
Godhead - invented and taught by priests and other worshipers and lie about rules about behavior - Chapter 23 Line(s): 23-25
Godhead - fabulated by humans & without any energy/power; belief in it closes off the heaven paradise which strive in you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180-181
Godhead - gives false expectations - Chapter 26 Line(s): 27
Godhead - godheads and tin gods are only insubstantialities fabulated by you human beings… - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180
Godhead - godheads/tin gods are invented through people and raised up into idols and god-equivalents - Chapter 27 Line(s): 8
Godhead - invented by human beings and without energy and power - Chapter 25 Line(s): 88
Godhead - no god-power & the godhead is a fabulated imagination & not capable of any energy or power - Chapter 28 Line(s): 69
Godhead/tin god - belief in results in a malicious form of unintellect and irrationality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 107-109
Godheads - false and are just hazy pictures/imaginations/illusions - Chapter 5 Line(s): 92
Gods - false, invented through delusional thought - Chapter 4 Line(s): 148-149
Gods - no god, no tin god… - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180
Gods and tin gods - delusions - Chapter 2 Line(s): 308,313-314
Gods and tin gods - delusions - Chapter 6 Line(s): 82
Gods and tin gods - will not answer prayer, help or rescue you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 69-70
Gods or gods - they cannot redeem you from your faults - Chapter 4 Line(s): 125-129
Gods or tin god - there are none - Chapter 5 Line(s): 96
Gods or tin gods - (along with heaven) delusional concept to put people in bondage - Chapter 2 Line(s): 326
Gods or tin gods - are not real, but are mere fabulations (inventions) by those who obtain worldly gain from these lies - Chapter 3 Line(s): 28
Gods or tin gods - beware of servants of them who through their beliefs ensnare you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 9-14
Gods or tin gods - cannot be set alongside Creation; Creation is the only one of its nature (kingdom) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 24
Gods or tin gods - do not create from gold, wood, stone, metal or anything else: lifeless figures - Chapter 7 Line(s): 149
Gods or tin gods - do not exist - Chapter 7 Line(s): 88
Gods or tin gods - do not exist and cannot tak away your complaints & sorrow - Chapter 26 Line(s): 35
Gods or tin gods - do not exist and have no authority over you; you bear the consequences of your free choice - Chapter 25 Line(s): 204
Gods or tin gods - do not exist, therefore cannot give you any help - Chapter 6 Line(s): 172
Gods or tin gods - do not honor but follow the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 11 Line(s): 56
Gods or tin gods - do not honor, they cannot harm nor benefit you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 19
Gods or tin gods - do not ruin yourself by turning to them nor to their prophets & priests - Chapter 11 Line(s): 64
Gods or tin gods - drive out through hearing and seeing the Truth - Chapter 14 Line(s): 10
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 5 Line(s): 5
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 12 Line(s): 5
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 10 Line(s): 72
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 11 Line(s): 41-43
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 19 Line(s): 102
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 13 Line(s): 10-12
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 11 Line(s): 47-48
Gods or tin gods - fabulated, invented by man - Chapter 16 Line(s): 49
Gods or tin gods - fabulations and are not to be called upon (prayed to) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 67
Gods or tin gods - fabulations of people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 189
Gods or tin gods - fabulations that cannot help you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 13
Gods or tin gods - hazy constructions; figments of the imagination - Chapter 10 Line(s): 30
Gods or tin gods - hazy pictures (fantasies) without power, knowledge, love or wisdom - Chapter 9 Line(s): 7-8
Gods or tin gods - if you demand a sign(s) through your belief, they are hallucinations (delusions of the brain) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 173
Gods or tin gods - make a solemn release (separation) from Gods or tin gods - Chapter 9 Line(s): 1-4
Gods or tin gods - make no agreement with Gods/tin gods, they are only fantasies WITHOUT power, love, wisdom, etc. - Chapter 9 Line(s): 7-8
Gods or tin gods - none - Chapter 5 Line(s): 129
Gods or tin gods - not living, cannot give an answer because they are not connected to the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 198-199
Gods or tin gods - promoted by priests and worshipers which give rules and regulations - Chapter 23 Line(s): 23-24
Gods or tin gods - Servants of them cannot recognize the Laws and Recommendations and cannot liberate themselves - Chapter 9 Line(s): 17
Gods or tin gods - the Truth is not found in them or in angels, demons, priests or servants - Chapter 3 Line(s): 57
Gods or tin gods - they are a lie against all Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 134
Gods or tin gods - they are inventions of people and are powerless because they are fabulations of your brain - Chapter 3 Line(s): 51
Gods or tin gods - they are not able to create anything because they are fabulated - Chapter 10 Line(s): 35-36
Gods or tin gods - they can not benefit, harm nor protect you - Chapter 12 Line(s): 18
Gods or tin gods - they lead you into delusion; cannot do what Creation does - Chapter 6 Line(s): 115
Golden rule - Help others & you will receive help in return - Chapter 25 Line(s): 193-198
Good and evil - recognizing it through cognitive heedfulness/attentiveness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 74
Good and evil - it is your decision to do good or evil - Chapter 28 Line(s): 55
Good deeds - shows a persons' inner nature of love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 13 Line(s): 20
Good/evil - neutral in their kind; it's what you do with them that makes them one way or the other - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Goodness - always do - Chapter 2 Line(s): 202
Goodness - determined by the Laws and Recommendations to those amply connected to the Truth - Chapter 13 Line(s): 13-17
Goodness - toward others - Chapter 8 Line(s): 73-74
Governent officials - do not elect unfair/irresponsible ones - Chapter 7 Line(s): 81
Government - duty of - Chapter 3 Line(s): 104-105
Government officials - characteristics of good leaders - Chapter 9 Line(s): 100
Grace - given by Creation so you may think & act through your own power & will - Chapter 2 Line(s): 295
Gratious word - coupled with forgiveness in honesty is better than a present given with false intent - Chapter 2 Line(s): 373
Gratitude - practice it every day along with patience - Chapter 14 Line(s): 7
Grave - gifts put in the grave are useless, the dead do not enjoy them or take them anywhere - Chapter 11 Line(s): 25
Greatness - truthful greatness explained - Chapter 28 Line(s): 513
Greed - along with irrationality stands in the way of success - Chapter 4 Line(s): 98
Greed - for possessions will not help in leraning the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 351
Greed - live in modesty & not demand the gain (achievement) of others; don't be conceited or obsessed toward them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 140-141
Greed - regarding possessions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 345-351
Greed - the mindset of it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 57
Greed - when receiving great gain - Chapter 4 Line(s): 98
Greeting others - Chapter 4 Line(s): 114
Greeting others - Chapter 4 Line(s): 123
Group - do not split the group and give unbelievers an advantage of "divide and conquer" - Chapter 4 Line(s): 116-117
Group - small one will achieve victory over all large groups of the unfair/irresponsible ones - Chapter 2 Line(s): 354
Group - study group - growing community of believers in the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 130
Grow - open up to the prophets and Goblet of the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 186-188
Growth - in the truth vs religious slavery - Chapter 23 Line(s): 115
Growth - (evolving) - through the Laws & Recommendations using research, looking within yourself, become wise & fair - Chapter 5 Line(s): 76-77
Growth - (evolving) - through the Laws and Recommendations towards love, knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 16 Line(s): 6-11
Growth - by turning to the Truth, you bestow yourselves benevolence and an open blissful happiness - Chapter 6 Line(s): 19
Growth - comes in following the Truth resulting in an inner paradise (living truthfully, no fear of unright or sorrow) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 50
Growth - development steps - Chapter 28 Line(s): 424-457
Growth - be unweighted, without opinions, prejudices, thoughts, feelings & life's rubbish. Be neutral & fathom out... - Chapter 23 Line(s): 181
Growth - eradicate everything in you that cannot be brought into agreement with the Truth to withstand temptation - Chapter 7 Line(s): 156
Growth - is not found in external means or authorities; be free and move forward in the Truth - Chapter 24 Line(s): 9-14
Growth - follow and learn the Laws and Recommendations so not external powers rule over you - Chapter 14 Line(s): 17-19
Growth - hinderance to it: irrationality and unintellect regarding a "belief" - Chapter 255 Line(s): 107
Growth - follow the Laws & Recommendations & do not fall away from them, leave god-beliefs/tin gods - Chapter 25 Line(s): 284
Growth - follow the Laws & Recommendations, create peace, love, freedom & harmony; show patience & understanding - Chapter 14 Line(s): 15-16
Growth - Follow the real Truth, be steadfast, decide things righteously - Chapter 10 Line(s): 94
Growth - heed the truth, be careful on the way to the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 285-287
Growth - hinderances: excuses,laziness,time,materialism,wrong thoughts/feelings & avoiding the reality of life & death - Chapter 27 Line(s): 34-43
Growth - hindered by unintellect and irrationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 23
Growth - in the creational Laws and Recommendations = fathom, follow and bind to yourself - Chapter 28 Line(s): 535
Growth - in the creational Laws and Recommendations through motivation and interest - Chapter 22 Line(s): 60-61
Growth - in the Truth comes by doing rightfully in all things and learning everything about the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 25
Growth - in the Truth requires us to pull the weeds out of our life so good vegetation (teaching of the Truth) can flourish - Chapter 7 Line(s): 59-60
Growth - in the Truth: Be strong and guide yourselves - Chapter 6 Line(s): 139
Growth - it is a personal issue and motion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 539-540
Growth - it is recommended that you dedicate yourselves to the guidelines of the Laws and Recommendatons - Chapter 6 Line(s): 17
Growth - most important permanent activity - building of the truth in yourselves - Chapter 14 Line(s): 14
Growth - move forward in the Truth, it is not a sideshow - Chapter 25 Line(s): 212-218
Growth - of the inner world through insight (intellect) and true discernment (rationality) - Chapter 20 Line(s): 15
Growth - rescue yourself from unknowledge, direct your face to the Truth, place nothing alongside Creation - Chapter 10 Line(s): 90-92
Growth - search the Truth and teaching of the prophets, be open to it and steadfast of learning (knowing & wiser) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 247
Grwoth - the natural instinct for good must come from the core of your inner nature; cleanse your thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 291-297
Growth - thoughts and feelings cannot become real purity with a thought-volition alone - Chapter 25 Line(s): 290
Growth - spiritual growth is through wisdom of the prophets, avoiding Truth deniers & following the Laws & Recomm. - Chapter 16 Line(s): 1-3
Growth - stagnation brings instability - Chapter 28 Line(s): 540
Growth - stengthen yourself in the knowledge of the Truth so that you do not fall away from the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 14
Growth - strive for knowledge and wisdom toward control & gene manipulation of nature according to your will - Chapter 6 Line(s): 107
Growth - sweep away thoughs of resentment, strife, jealousy, hatred, revenge, retaliation, vice & craving for recognition - Chapter 7 Line(s): 44
Growth - teach others from the cradle and onward as they grow the Teaching of the Prophets - Chapter 5 Line(s): 126
Growth - through love, peace, freedom & harmony within...thus reaching a life in full magnificence - Chapter 23 Line(s): 49-50
Growth - understand and follow the Truth so that you don't show contempt for the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 99-100
Growth - you can be a hinderance to your own consciousness evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 528-534
Growth - you determine it through your inner world - Chapter 6 Line(s): 65
Growth -ideas, thoughts & feelings: clean them & build good things through your will using an honest effort - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
GT - importance of teaching - Chapter 2 Line(s): 162
Guard - against those that want to mislead you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 160
Guard - be on guard for those that would lead you away - Chapter 7 Line(s): 112-122
Guard - against all evil - Chapter 5 Line(s): 115
Guard - against being deceived by the truth-deniers; watch for deception, slanders and lies against the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 243
Guard - against distortion of false teachings and prophets - Chapter 6 Line(s): 71
Guard - against false prophets and their evil intentions - Chapter 7 Line(s): 100
Guard - against formenting chaos in the land and amongst people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 127
Guard - against inequity (unfairness) within you; it can become a fire within you and eat (take over) you up - Chapter 7 Line(s): 51
Guard - against temptations by keeping thoughts and feelings away from them - Chapter 19 Line(s): 31-32
Guard - against unbelievers intents - Chapter 4 Line(s): 134-135
Guard - against unbelievers trying to lead you astray - Chapter 9 Line(s): 43
Guard - be on guard about others - Chapter 8 Line(s): 51
Guard - be on guard when people bring you false teachings - Chapter 5 Line(s): 59-61
Guard - be watchful of people misled into hostility, do not capture or kill; stirve to offer peace and teach them the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 121
Guard - do not allow yourself to be deceived; use intellect and watch for delusions and trickery in what they say/do - Chapter 5 Line(s): 127
Guard - do not allow yourself to be seduced by mortal (earthly/material) life; instead live for the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 52
Guard - do not let unfair (irresponsible) things to deceive you, always be clothed iin the truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 22-25
Guard - stay distant to those that mock and joke about your love for the Truth; but be ready to counsel them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 78-82
Guard - your thoughts and feelings reach others, affects them and comes back to affect you to the good or bad - Chapter 25 Line(s): 205-211
Guard - yourself and check your intents - Chapter 6 Line(s): 57-60
Guard - yourself from the false & irrational teachings of religions, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 26
Guard - yourself and follow the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 14-17
Guard - yourselves against others controlling you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 42
Guardian - keep the treasure of the Truth so you may always be your own warner and protector - Chapter 11 Line(s): 13
Guardian - of self and others regarding the following of the Laws and Recommendations of the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 115
Guardian - of the kingdom of earth & kingdom of the firmaments (Universe); protect it and make it a paradise - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Guardian - you shall be guardians of the real truth and watchers over it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 116
Guardians - believers who guard the Truth; to pass it on to coming generations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 67
Guardians - mankind is put here to be guardians of all that has been created - Chapter 7 Line(s): 70
Guardians of the Truth - those who are proficient in the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 64
Guidance - how it happens: see also CHANGE, GUIDANCE, PSYCHOLOGIST, PSYCHIATRIST - Chapter 23 Line(s): 168-176
Guidance - arrange everything in yourselves to the good - Chapter 11 Line(s): 4
Guidance - cultivate your thoughts and feelings - Chapter 7 Line(s): 167-168
Guidance - through perceiving everything with rationality and intellect - Chapter 23 Line(s): 129-131
Guidance - determine goodness, turn to the Truth, avoid unright, open your eyes to the word of the true prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 157-159
Guidance - follow the straight and secure wway of thee truth and do not worship any gods or tin gods - Chapter 12 Line(s): 19
Guidance - give to descendents of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 92
Guidance - given in the Teaching of the Truth for knowledge & growth to gain benevolence within and for others - Chapter 7 Line(s): 53
Guidance - key is through understanding the creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 14-15
Guidance - remove all untruth within, be righteous, withstand temptation, protect yourself, pity and forgive yourself - Chapter 7 Line(s): 156
Guidance - seek companions who will show you the way to the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78
Guidance - seek from the laws and recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 128
Guidance - self-direction is when you give yourself help & power over all things you undertake - Chapter 7 Line(s): 191
Guidance - through the Creation-given Laws and Recommendations using intellect, rationality & logic as tools of life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 166-169
Guidance - through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 8 Line(s): 65-67
Guidance - through the Teaching of the Truth, Spirit and Life - Chapter 6 Line(s): 167
Guidance - to become knowing and wise, as well as responsible and conscientious - Chapter 10 Line(s): 89-94
Guidance -ideas, thoughts & feelings: clean them & build good things through your will using an honest effort - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
Guidance- ignore it when coming from unrighteous whether religious or those in public authority - Chapter 4 Line(s): 84-89
Guide - guide yourself by being open to the Truth so that you accept it and do not fall into delusion - Chapter 6 Line(s): 139
Guide - guide yourself rightly through honesty and equitableness (fairness) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 10
Guide/counselor - those who hold to the Truth that help those seeking the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 116-117
Guidelines - (sign postings) within the teaching of the Truth and shows you the way of your existence - Chapter 5 Line(s): 21
Guilefulness - scheming against people - do not do it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 31
Guilt - only you can load guilt onto yourself & only you can liberate yourself from guilt & change direction by you own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264
Guilt - admitting your guilt in a crime will be considered for a lighter punishment - Chapter 5 Line(s): 50
Guilt - all mankind is guilty of how each has treated the other - Chapter 28 Line(s): 384-385
Guilt - resolved through Truth recognition in order to be free from it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 241
Happiness - living a life in Truth through the Laws and Recommen. for peace within & with mankind - Chapter 16 Line(s): 51-62
Happiness - prepare within yourself to develop love, freedom, peace and harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 89
Happiness - rich in love, knowledge & wisdom within; does not bow down to a god/emisarries - Chapter 16 Line(s): 47-48
Happiness and Joy - due to following the truth - Chapter 13 Line(s): 20
Hardnedkedness - referred to as truth unknowledgeness, truth-denial & truth calumny - Chapter 27 Line(s): 31
Hardship - pain & misery comes when Truth is rejected - Chapter 25 Line(s): 79-80
Hardships - worries,affliction, misery,sorrow,pain: overcome through knowledge & wisdom - Chapter 22 Line(s): 4
Harm - do not harm yourself nor use suicide - Chapter 4 Line(s): 54
Harm - should not happen to yourself, spouse, family, friends, acquaintenances & all mankind - Chapter 2 Line(s): 132
Hatred - by being against people who accomplish things through their own power - Chapter 9 Line(s): 74
Hatred - do not bear hatred towards people; appreciate their good deeds and what they have created in goodness - Chapter 7 Line(s): 140
Hatred - do not harbor hatred nor jealousy so that you do not fall into evil and unright actions - Chapter 14 Line(s): 28
Hatred - due to beliefs, money, partner or race - Chapter 28 Line(s): 381
Hatred - ending all hatred and crimes begins by controlling self thoughts and feelings - Chapter 23 Line(s): 16
Hatred - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Hatred - do not use the creational & your own consciousness-based & physical energies/powers for evil - Chapter 25 Line(s): 249-252
Head covering - protect yourself from the sun (applies to woman and man) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 289
Head covering - removing it for hospitality and wearing it for weather conditions; never wear before gods or tin gods - Chapter 5 Line(s): 41
Healing - consult those versed in medicine for head and body illnesses - Chapter 2 Line(s): 299
Healing (inner) - by creational powers that are building up & penetrate the consciousness - Chapter 22 Line(s): 10
Health - total care of mind and body (self love) - Chapter 19 Line(s): 103-107
Hearing voices in your head - turn to the Laws & Recomm. to avoid being prey to evil & irresponsibility - Chapter 7 Line(s): 201-204
Heaven - a state of inner being made by yourself - Chapter 6 Line(s): 71
Heaven - false teachings and fundamentally wrong - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Heaven - is false and just an invention by those in delusion which puts people in bondage of thoughts - Chapter 2 Line(s): 326
Heaven - is not a place but rather condition in yourselves - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Heaven - senseless teachings that "consequences of the preceding life would have to be borne in the coming life" - Chapter 28 Line(s): 134
Heaven - is within you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 32
Heaven - is within you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 203
Heedfulness - recognizing the good & the evil in yourselves in heedfulness & attentiveness is the right way of cognition - Chapter 28 Line(s): 74
Hell - (a shadow world) unfair ones accuse the true prophets of activities of the shadow world (hell) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 37
Hell - (a shadow world) what you create inside yourself when you do evil toward others - Chapter 7 Line(s): 19
Hell - a condition within that can be changed with the rightness of the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 37
Hell - a shadow world "hell on earth" due to allowing belief in a god or tin gods and affecting your psyche and life - Chapter 3 Line(s): 14
Hell - a shadow world created when a person persists in unknowledge & rejects the signs (evidence) of the Laws & Rec.'s - Chapter 5 Line(s): 108
Hell - a shadow world created within you when you have hostility toward the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 60-63
Hell - a shadow world created within you when you refuse the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 94
Hell - a shadow world in you when not creating knowledge, love, wisdom & resulting in unfreedom, unpeace & unharmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 157
Hell - a shadow world that destroys you through unrighteousness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 215
Hell - a shadow world that develops when your thoughts and feelings are used wrongly - Chapter 7 Line(s): 180
Hell - a shadow world through destroying nature, war, hatred, jealousy, revenge, retaliation & all evil - Chapter 7 Line(s): 25
Hell - a shadow world when NOT creating knowledge, love, freedom, pace & harmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 157
Hell - a shadow world when persisting in unknowledge of the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 127
Hell - a shadow world within you when living in hypocrisy and a loveless life - Chapter 9 Line(s): 73
Hell - a shadow world within yourself when you refuse to turn to the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 42-43
Hell - a shadow world you live in when you are hypocritical - Chapter 9 Line(s): 68
Hell - a state of inner being made by yourself - Chapter 6 Line(s): 71
Hell - created within if you hold to pretexts and cowardice by refusing to change - Chapter 21 Line(s): 30
Hell - depravity from within - Chapter 3 Line(s): 243
Hell - senseless teachings that "consequences of the preceding life would have to be borne in the coming life" - Chapter 28 Line(s): 134
Hell - fabulated by humans and an evil condition created in you by you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 32
Hell - false teachings and fundamentally wrong - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Hell - imaginary, created through your thoughts and feelings and result in evil deeds - Chapter 25 Line(s): 103
Hell - is a shadow world and does not exist; it is a condition of your feeling - Chapter 2 Line(s): 175
Hell - is not a place but rather condition in yourselves - Chapter 28 Line(s): 49
Hell - is only created in your life by bad deeds - Chapter 3 Line(s): 239
Hell - is within you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 32
Hell - is within you when your inner world goes/feels wrong - Chapter 25 Line(s): 203
Hell - no such place in a religious context where a devil and human punishment exist - Chapter 11 Line(s): 65-66
Hell - occurs due to evil within - Chapter 7 Line(s): 42
Hell - refrain from going deeper in it through separating evil from good; forgive yourself and turn to the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 38-41
Hell - self-created shadow world by a person's own decision - Chapter 4 Line(s): 147
Hell - shadow world created by unknowledge and rejection of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 108
Hell - the shadow world created by you and within you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 23
Hell (fire) - a threat used by those (God believers) that reject the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 230
Hell (fire) - does not exist; invented delusion to coerce humans to follow false God(s) and servants - Chapter 2 Line(s): 304
Hell (fire) - it is not reality, just an internal feeling in accordance with your own deeds, efforts and blame (responsibility) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 239
Help others - in bodily misery, thinking ability, character/personality - Chapter 10 Line(s): 84
Help others - providing food and clothing for one another (welfare support) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5-6
Help others - repaid a thousand times over by others who esteem your help - Chapter 2 Line(s): 382
Help others - who are struggling with the issues of life - Chapter 9 Line(s): 49-50
High-stylize - making someone/something appear to be more important/better than he/she/it reality is or not - Chapter 28 Line(s): 1
Hinderances - they are proof-stones that you can learn from in resolving your errors - Chapter 25 Line(s): 239-241
Holy tests - contain unhumane laws and recommendations - Chapter 3 Line(s): 233
Homosexuality - Chapter 2 Line(s): 267
Homosexuality - bond in marriage must be with responsibility and obligation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 323
Homosexuality/lesbian - not considered unright, without regret; live in peace as those with a different nature in sexuality - Chapter 4 Line(s): 23
Homosexuality/lesbian - shall not be punished - Chapter 4 Line(s): 23
Homosexuality/lesbian - unnatural naturalness - it is against Creation but not against nature - Chapter 4 Line(s): 23
Honesty - obtain everything with honest commerce and mutual consent - Chapter 4 Line(s): 53
Honor - honor the Truth...not fabulated gods and tin-gods - Chapter 11 Line(s): 56
Hope - do not hope for things of cognition which you cannot hope for (shall not experience) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 137
Horoscope - not to use - Chapter 28 Line(s): 218
Hospitality - though others live without the Truth, be respectful to them so that peace prevails and goodness within - Chapter 7 Line(s): 47-48
Hospitality - when being served, all food & drink is allowed that is non-harmful to you personally - Chapter 5 Line(s): 15
Hospitality - with others in "Community" - Chapter 7 Line(s): 160-162
Hostile people - how to handle them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 120
Hostile people - leave their presence until hostility is gone and you are welcomed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 38-40
Hostility - not to be shown toward your enemy when they turn to you in peace - Chapter 2 Line(s): 284
Hostility - toward the Truth creates a showdow world (hell) within you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 60-63
Human being - what is , who is and how is…. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 92-95
Human being - the consciousness-block, spirit-form and what happens after death with them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 507
Human beings - created as human beings by Creation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 230
Human beings - live in purely materialistic, eath-bound & low standing thoughts and feelings - Chapter 28 Line(s): 157
Human beings - majority rely on convenience, hypocritical religious, ideological, & philosophical.. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 178
Human beings - should not be glorified, just in honourable remembrance in dignity so that a human-cult cannot be practiced - Chapter 28 Line(s): 509-511
Human creation - from the nature of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 10
Human development - from animated (organic) acid waters (amino acids) & from microorganism - Chapter 6 Line(s): 106
Human life - it is the highest life form amongst all life forms - Chapter 6 Line(s): 67
Human life - you have come forth from the earth as people of your kind (human beings) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 109
Human mind - belief in a godhead results in selfishness, imperiousness, judging, & irrational fanaticism - Chapter 25 Line(s): 148
Human trafficking - not allowed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 51
Human trafficking - not allowed - Chapter 8 Line(s): 28
Humankind - lives a life of ignominy, over-bearingness, self-willed, conceit in "belief" (religious) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 12-16
Humankind - no different levels, all are created equally and to be treated equally - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Humankind - needs fair, responsible & consciousness-based, attentive, strict, heedful thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 81
Humans - appreciate all people on earth as well as in the universe - Chapter 11 Line(s): 31
Humans created - Chapter 6 Line(s): 106
Hygiene - before eating, when dirty, after privy, after intercourse or masturbation - Chapter 5 Line(s): 19
Hygiene - body parts - Chapter 2 Line(s): 289
Hygiene - body parts - Chapter 4 Line(s): 68
Hypocrisy - ask for help in modesty from fellow human beings, but only you can change yourself - Chapter 26 Line(s): 32-33
Hypocrisy - causes pain in thoughts/feelings & stirs conscience in a disagreeable way - Chapter 26 Line(s): 29-30
Hypocrisy - do not deceive others - Chapter 8 Line(s): 50
Hypocrisy - don't be a hypocrite - Chapter 8 Line(s): 50
Hypocrisy - don't repay evil for evil - Chapter 4 Line(s): 190-191
Hypocrisy - due to not listening, being arrogant, false conduct; in truth they want to be irresponsible & conscienceless - Chapter 8 Line(s): 21-24
Hypocrisy - imposes self-punishment on your inner nature and psyche - Chapter 4 Line(s): `175
Hypocrisy - leads to life in a shadow world (hell) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 68
Hypocrisy - living hypocritical - Chapter 6 Line(s): 101
Hypocrisy - results in hypocritical demands and overbearingness - Chapter 26 Line(s): 30
Hypocrisy - saying one thing and doing another means lies and deception - Chapter 9 Line(s): 101-104
Hypocrisy - the danger in practicing it...and the blessing of shunning it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 181-183
Hypocrites - discern who is who, don’t follow - Chapter 3 Line(s): 211-212
Hypocrites - discern who is who, don’t follow - Chapter 4 Line(s): 75
Hypocritical - don't follow those who preach religion...and yet spread the Truth at the same time - Chapter 9 Line(s): 107-108
Hypocritical - in your own life - Chapter 5 Line(s): 116
Hypocritical - swaying back and forth in your belief - Chapter 6 Line(s): 31-32
Hypocritical living - lessons of it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 61-69
Ideas - clean them & build good things through your will & decisions if you make an honest effort - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
Ideas and thoughts - come solely out of the energy and power of the consciousness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 156
Ideologies - (philosophies of religion) belief-conditioned theories & have nothing to do with the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 129
Ideologies - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Idolatry - (personal) indicated in immodesty, addicted to sensation and worship in false zeal through thougs/feelings - Chapter 2 Line(s): 321
Idolized human(s) - gives false expectations - Chapter 26 Line(s): 27
Idols - none - Chapter 7 Line(s): 149
Ignominy - blatant badness and disgracefulness (examples are listed) - Chapter 19 Line(s): 51-52
Ignominy - human IGNORANCE due to unfairness, truth-unknowledgeness, religions, ideologies & philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 12
Illness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 299
Illness (and pain) - suppressed or resolved when great pressure is put on the consciousness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 96
Illness - treating it by concentrated focus on the area of pain through - Chapter 25 Line(s): 96-99
Illnesses - medicines can heal consciousness-illnesses - Chapter 25 Line(s): 159
Illnesses - unhealable types are acute insanity or other constantly acute lunacy - Chapter 25 Line(s): 159
Illusion - false teaching that angels will protect you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 21
Illusion - occurs when religion says that they have the truth and leads them in trying to proselytise you - Chapter 26 Line(s): 7-10
Illusion - occurs through false teachers and you feel an elevated state of consciousness/thoughts - Chapter 26 Line(s): 7-10
Immodesty/Immoderacy - pathological craving for things and how to overcome it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 41-42
Immortality - false teaching of religion, sectarian, ideological or philosophical delusion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 310-314
Impulsations (swinging waves) - that you send out come back to you through others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 163-164
Incest - wrong & types - Chapter 4 Line(s): 33-40
Individuality - decided by the individual of their own free choosing and will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 95
Individuality - pay attention to your inner nature, outward influences & relationships (positive/negative) - Chapter 23 Line(s): 90-92
Individuum - formed as an inner nature through the entire sorrowful & inadequate evolution-history - Chapter 23 Line(s): 89
Individuum & individuality - character, virtues and personality - must be considered as a whole - Chapter 23 Line(s): 79-83
Indolence - neglect/laziness in the duties and tasks of life - Chapter 19 Line(s): 47-50
Indolence - when a person takes refuge in a belief instead of searching for the Effective Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 220
Indolence - whole humankind is enmeshed in very deeply - Chapter 25 Line(s): 81
Influences - positive or negative toward others ends up staying with you (boomerangs back to you) - Chapter 25 Line(s): 208-210
Inheritance - equal distribution - Chapter 4 Line(s): 230
Inner being - do not destroy by believing in gods and tin gods - Chapter 11 Line(s): 64
Inner nature - can be destroyed through inner delusions - Chapter 4 Line(s): 227-228
Inner nature - core of it is formed through creational nature, i.e. its energy and power - Chapter 28 Line(s): 258
Inner nature - do not form it in a negative way - Chapter 14 Line(s): 23-27
Inner nature - be open & alert to the present; it forms the consciousness & living-experience & the consciousness-based evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 420-421
Inner nature - formed through your free will and your individuality working together - Chapter 28 Line(s): 265-266
Inner nature - let modesty & simplicity prevail over you, not conceit - Chapter 25 Line(s): 292
Inner nature - you must stirve for the noble & characteristic nature of the core or you will form to the negative, bad & evil way - Chapter 28 Line(s): 266
Inner nature - let the noble & good in you be free to create a new thought & feeling world - Chapter 25 Line(s): 293
Inner nature - must recognize the core of your inner nature so that true love, truth & fairness can become new in your self - Chapter 28 Line(s): 31-32
Inner nature - of pure spiritual nature & belongs to the realm of the spirit-form - Chapter 23 Line(s): 173
Inner nature - the result of the entire practical experiences of the entire knowledge & of all things - Chapter 23 Line(s): 88
Inner nature - where true love is guided by creational laws and recommendations - Chapter 23 Line(s): 173
Inner world - needs taking care of just as the world around you does - Chapter 21 Line(s): 27-29
Inner world - develops thoughts & feelings that in turn form the psyche that forms character, virtues & personality - Chapter 16 Line(s): 14
Inner world - you determine it's growth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 65
Instruction - instruct children when they are young in the Truth so that they are free to follow it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 207-208
Integrity - Chapter 3 Line(s): 37-38
Integrity - Chapter 4 Line(s): 54-55
Integrity - Chapter 4 Line(s): 64
Integrity - Chapter 4 Line(s): 184-185
Integrity - live it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 163-164
Intellect - directed towards school, religious, ideological, etc and is hostile towards the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 104-106
Intellect - it alone cannot create any result at all without the co-operation of the rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 568
Intellect - of humans is restricted by space and time and your poor rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 373
Intellect and rationality - opposite of consciousness-indolence - Chapter 25 Line(s): 80
Intellect/Rationality - aspects of it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 135-149
Intellect/Rationality - let it grow up and learn - Chapter 28 Line(s): 156
Intellect/Rationality - opens the blockade in your consciousness to become broad-sighted & compre. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 46
Intellect/rationality/logic - the power of consciousness which recieves life-energy out of the spirit-form & awakens to the life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138-145
Intellect/rationality - stir fine-fluidally outside the space/time configuration through the energy and power of..... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 145
Intellect/rationality - through the energy and power of the consciousness via the pineal gland - Chapter 28 Line(s): 145
Intellect/rationality/logic - the lack of LOGIC chains you to everything coarse-substantial - Chapter 28 Line(s): 154
Intellect/rationality - only these two can hold fast to something and effectively work it out to a result - Chapter 28 Line(s): 565
Interaction - arises out of thoughts, feelings, actions, deeds & your entire activity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 513
Interaction - in considering deeds/actions of unfair ones, remain neutral; do not condemn/damn them; all are equal worth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 62
Interaction - laws of: cause & effect, becoming and passing is consant & again a new becoming - Chapter 28 Line(s): 86
Interpersonal relationships - built on love, harmony, peace and freedom - Chapter 23 Line(s): 105
Intuition - part of human consciousness-power (swinging waves) - Chapter 22 Line(s): 37
Invented gods & tin gods - by humans thousands and millions of years ago - Chapter 23 Line(s): 21-23
Invented gods & tin gods - by humans thousands and millions of years ago - Chapter 23 Line(s): 27-28
Invented gods & tin gods - by humans thousands and millions of years ago - Chapter 23 Line(s): 39
Invented gods & tin gods - by humans thousands and millions of years ago - Chapter 23 Line(s): 43
Invented gods & tin gods - by humans thousands and millions of years ago - Chapter 23 Line(s): 84
Irrational teachings - presents an illusiion that god or tin god will help you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 572-574
Irrational teachings - religions, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 135
Irrational teachings - religious, ideological , philosophical by false prophets, priest, gurus, masters, sublime ones, godly ones - Chapter 27 Line(s): 23
Irrationality - along with greed will not lead to success - Chapter 4 Line(s): 98
Irrationality - results in the belief of imaginary gods and tin gods - Chapter 4 Line(s): 150-151
Irrationality - results of - Chapter 8 Line(s): 30
Irrationality - the real hindrance for not finding the effective truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 100-107
Irrationality - the result of mankind turning away from the Truth, leads to belief in gods/tin gods etc. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 219
Irrationality - towards the Laws and Recommendations brings personal defeat/downfall in your life - Chapter 19 Line(s): 3
Irresponsibility - personal living guidance to become responsible - Chapter 8 Line(s): 39
Irresponsibility - what it causes - Chapter 28 Line(s): 126-129
Irresponsibility - by turning away from the creational laws & recommendations was displayed in time past....and still is the same today - Chapter 28 Line(s): 380
Jewelry - guidelines: ok for beauty purpose but not for religious purposes - Chapter 7 Line(s): 32-33
Joy - living in accordance with the Creation-idea and the Cration-given laws and recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 455
Joy (garden of) - consisting of joy, love, peace, freedom and harmony; you will be full of happiness - Chapter 6 Line(s): 143
Joy and affliction - used to shaken yourself to really awaken in your consciousness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 133
Joy and happiness - fear the untruth, inequity and unrighteous; the result will be love, pece & freedom will reside in you - Chapter 3 Line(s): 244
Joy and happiness - prepare in yourselves, in your inner nature - Chapter 9 Line(s): 89
Joy and prosperity - through following the laws and recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 143
Joyful news - the last true prophet will bring joyful news - Chapter 5 Line(s): 35
Judged - by others according to your knowledge, deeds, virtues and wisdom - Chapter 5 Line(s): 44
Judgement - by a god or tin god cannot do anything for you or to you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 30
Judgement - caution on expecting a big settlement - Chapter 2 Line(s): 393
Judgement - the accountability of your actions is measured on the scales of equitableness (fairness) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 7
Judgement - day of judgement: a false teaching by religions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 30
Judging - do it with equitableness and based on the circumstances; refrain from prejudices - Chapter 4 Line(s): 82
Judging - do not compare one believer's growth in the Truth to another believer's growth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Judging - do not judge a group of people based on an individual or a few of them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 148
Judging - right and wrong and the punishment thereof - Chapter 5 Line(s): 63-66
Judging - you are judged by how you live - Chapter 6 Line(s): 97-99
Jurisdictions - should act in fairness or be removed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 65
Justice - there remains a great gap between Creational fairness & jurisdictions of mankinds fairness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 372-380
Karma - teaching of it is false and irrational - Chapter 28 Line(s): 109
Karma - teaching of it is false and irrational - Chapter 28 Line(s): 218
Karma - false teaching that consequences of a preceding life would have to be borne in the coming life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 134
Key to right guidance & mastery of life - solely through understanding the creational Laws & Recomm. - Chapter 22 Line(s): 14-15
Killers - villainous mass killers and their punishment - Chapter 9 Line(s): 97-99
Killing - Chapter 4 Line(s): 93
Killing - killing vs punishment - Chapter 5 Line(s): 48-50a
Killing - not allowed - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Killing - not allowed - Chapter 7 Line(s): 127
Killing of people - not allowed except for self-defense - Chapter 6 Line(s): 164
Kindheartedness - to be shown to family, friends, orphaned and all human beings; spread the Teaching of the Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 130
Kindness - to all people and all life forms - Chapter 7 Line(s): 138
Kindness - to unfair (unbelieving) ones - Chapter 9 Line(s): 5-6
Kindness - towards all fellow human beings while being steadfast in good deeds - Chapter 11 Line(s): 10-12
Kingdom of firmaments - universe and all planets - Chapter 5 Line(s): 56
Kingdom of heaven - (in a religious context) is fabulated by humans and is created in you by you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 32
Kingdom of heaven - is your power to act (will) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 150
Kingdom of heaven - non existent place (in a religious context) - Chapter 11 Line(s): 65-66
Kingdom of heaven - your own will and perseverance in following the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 10 Line(s): 36
Knowledge - build on knowledge of the real truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 182
Knowledge - door of cognition into truth-teaching and bond with it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 198-201
Knowledge - excessive knowledge can be dangerous because it can cause confusion - Chapter 5 Line(s): 122
Knowledge - of the truth open to all, to those open-minded & willing to turn to the truth and follow it - Chapter 22 Line(s): 26
Knowledge (pure) and wisdom - through the way of the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 132
Knowledge & wisdom - can only be achieved through cognisance and knowledge - Chapter 16 Line(s): 18
Knowledge & wisdom - included into developmental change resulting in further cognitions/cognisances - Chapter 25 Line(s): 228
Knowledge & wisdom - no greater might to enable things and miracles to be done beyond our dreams - Chapter 22 Line(s): 51
Knowledge & wisdom - the outcome of the growth of consciousness-evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 514
Knowledge & wisdom - through the Laws and Recommendations (teaching of the truth, life and the spirit) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 49
Land - cultivate (take care) of it, otherwise it will turn against you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 130-131
Law - jurisdiction and deeds are guided by consequences and change in a person - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Law of interaction - destiny is triggered by attracting "same kinds" through the motion of a creation, i.e. thoughts, etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 117
Law of interaction - results in a symbiotic connection resulting in immense power & acts as a sender - Chapter 28 Line(s): 117
Law of right motion - everything created is in motion to eventual passing (dieing, decaying, rusting, etc.) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 460-463
Law of the giving and taking - give help and you will receive help in return - Chapter 25 Line(s): 193-200
Law of cause and effect - action or in-action will cause something to happen or not happen - Chapter 25 Line(s): 193-200
Law of presentation and acceptance - of enduring values - Chapter 25 Line(s): 193-200
Lawbreakers - they are not safe in any place of hiding - Chapter 9 Line(s): 59
Laws - do not exceed laws created by mankind; it will result in conflict and hostility - Chapter 5 Line(s): 109
Laws - of cause and effect - also known as the law of causality - Chapter 19 Line(s): 22
Laws - of cause and effect, interaction, becoming & passing, sowing & reaping - Chapter 28 Line(s): 86-87
Laws - of cause and effect, know it and understand it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 183
Laws - of the interaction and also destiny; what you set in motion with self and others (interaction) for good or evil - Chapter 28 Line(s): 112-122
Laws and Recommendations - acquired through rationality and intellect - Chapter 23 Line(s): 107
Laws and Recommendations - all laws and recommendations of the life are given through Creation - Chapter 5 Line(s): 54
Laws and Recommendations - all things are regulated (determined) through them on earth & universe - Chapter 13 Line(s): 4
Laws and Recommendations - applies to all existence & is the kingdom of the creaation which has might over everything - Chapter 5 Line(s): 138
Laws and Recommendations - applies to all life in the universe - Chapter 5 Line(s): 138
Laws and Recommendations - are a leadership guidance - Chapter 7 Line(s): 101
Laws and Recommendations - are for you to follow, but leave you free to do or refrain from - Chapter 15 Line(s): 7
Laws and Recommendations - referred to by religion as "God" - Chapter 23 Line(s): 17
Laws and Recommendations - are not dependent upon you, but you are dependent on them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 130
Laws and Recommendations - are required for all life including vegetation which give breath to all - Chapter 10 Line(s): 32
Laws and Recommendations - are the gateway of all things (knowledge & wisdom) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 49
Laws and Recommendations - believe in them with unwavering - Chapter 4 Line(s): 190-191
Laws and Recommendations - brings liberation from unpeace, wars, disharmony, hatred, unfreedom - Chapter 24 Line(s): 1
Laws and Recommendations - brings love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 13 Line(s): 13-17
Laws and Recommendations - connect to it & you will not be afraid to stand up according to right and law - Chapter 13 Line(s): 16
Laws and Recommendations - created for striving towards true love, knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 16 Line(s): 6-8
Laws and Recommendations - directed towards true love of all creatures as wll as peace, feedom and harmony - Chapter 5 Line(s): 75
Laws and Recommendations - do not demand change, they only recommend a change; it's your responsibility - Chapter 28 Line(s): 575-576
Laws and Recommendations - do not make your own that are against those of creation - Chapter 12 Line(s): 7
Laws and Recommendations - do not misuse them, exaggerate them nor use them for hateful speeches - Chapter 2 Line(s): 294
Laws and Recommendations - do not transform them into a "belief-teaching" with lies, customs and rules - Chapter 5 Line(s): 9-10
Laws and Recommendations - does not demand that you be subservient to them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 20
Laws and Recommendations - draw from and benefit to achieve full development - Chapter 19 Line(s): 2
Laws and Recommendations - explained by each prophet in his way and according to his word in knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 11 Line(s): 1
Laws and Recommendations - fathom, find & follow the Truth to a high consciousness-based evolutionary fulfilment - Chapter 28 Line(s): 534-539
Laws and Recommendations - follow them and it will create love, peace, freedom and harmony within - Chapter 15 Line(s): 8-11
Laws and Recommendations - follow them in gaining intellect and rationality - Chapter 17 Line(s): 1-6
Laws and Recommendations - follow them using intellect and rationality so all turns out best within and without you - Chapter 11 Line(s): 70
Laws and Recommendations - following them is a free and wilful act without coercion - Chapter 19 Line(s): 9
Laws and Recommendations - following them teaches you to live in goodness, love, harmony and freedom - Chapter 15 Line(s): 15-17
Laws and Recommendations - follow them to fulfill your task regarding consciousness-evolution & enrichment to your spirit - Chapter 28 Line(s): 527
Laws and Recommendations - free to follow or disregard them just like human laws and ordinances - Chapter 28 Line(s): 242-243
Laws and Recommendations - fulfill them to create true love, freedom, peace & harmony toward all - Chapter 11 Line(s): 69-70
Laws and Recommendations - given for all created creations (life forms) - Chapter 18 Line(s): 1
Laws and Recommendations - grant you help providing you follow their guidelines - Chapter 7 Line(s): 193
Laws and Recommendations - heed them, trust in them so you rescue yourselves from bad things before they happen - Chapter 11 Line(s): 51
Laws and Recommendations - help is granted to you if you follow them conscientiously & fairly at all times - Chapter 11 Line(s): 43
Laws and Recommendations - helps determine before acting what shall be with regard to the decision i.e. cause & effect - Chapter 10 Line(s): 31
Laws and Recommendations - if you follow them they are everlasting and good for you; else a shadow over you - Chapter 13 Line(s): 25-28
Laws and Recommendations - in their mode of functioning are bound to the law of cause and affect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 111
Laws and Recommendations - irrationality towards them brings personal defeat and downfall - Chapter 19 Line(s): 3
Laws and Recommendations - is the truthly Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 15
Laws and Recommendations - it brings blissfulness, joy, inner peace, love, freedom and harmony - Chapter 10 Line(s): 10
Laws and Recommendations - know at all times what is revealed to you through them to se what is true or false - Chapter 13 Line(s): 13
Laws and Recommendations - leads to a good life in fairness, righteousness and responsibility - Chapter 20 Line(s): 20-27
Laws and Recommendations - liberates you from all strife - Chapter 9 Line(s): 44
Laws and Recommendations - listen to them and gain cognition, discernment and clear-sightedness - Chapter 7 Line(s): 205
Laws and Recommendations - make a gond with it so that you lead a responsible life in fulfillment - Chapter 8 Line(s): 57-58
Laws and Recommendations - many show contempt towards, ungrateful, hostile towards, bitterness - Chapter 19 Line(s): 13-19
Laws and Recommendations - must be recognized, used and followed for specific effects - Chapter 16 Line(s): 17
Laws and Recommendations - not giving thanks for anything given through the Laws & Rec. results in calamity and harm - Chapter 10 Line(s): 24
Laws and Recommendations - only through them will you find your thruthly life-conduct in your existence (life) - Chapter 11 Line(s): 48
Laws and Recommendations - originated by Nokodemion - Chapter 4 Line(s): 210
Laws and Recommendations - recognize them, they alone are included into equitablenes (fairness) and true love - Chapter 4 Line(s): 184
Laws and Recommendations - recommend that you be steadfast in them - Chapter 10 Line(s): 80-82
Laws and Recommendations - Search them, follow them at all times; be open in honest knowledge - Chapter 7 Line(s): 30
Laws and Recommendations - strive to this uprightly in a neutral way without any belief in a god(s) - Chapter 25 Line(s): 1-2
Laws and Recommendations - taught since time immemorial - Chapter 4 Line(s): 146
Laws and Recommendations - the all-embracing truth you can make your own & re-form your life - Chapter 22 Line(s): 55-61
Laws and Recommendations - they are the true teaching of the prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 205
Laws and Recommendations - they do not bend and are formed according to creation - Chapter 7 Line(s): 194
Laws and Recommendations - they do not contain any lie, slander, unrightness, unfairness or unvirtue - Chapter 5 Line(s): 123
Laws and Recommendations - they do not demand submissiveness, only willful acceptance - Chapter 6 Line(s): 48
Laws and Recommendations - they do not expose you to temptation (delusion) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Laws and Recommendations - they teach the truth which is opposed to punishment and revenge - Chapter 5 Line(s): 66
Laws and Recommendations - Truth is given through them - Chapter 10 Line(s): 29
Laws and Recommendations - is not a secret if fathomed and recognized - Chapter 22 Line(s): 40
Laws and Recommendations - understanding it through your free will & following its guidance to your inward change - Chapter 28 Line(s): 275
Laws and Recommendations - to correctly recognize & comprehend it you need only a healthy intellect & clear rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 524
Laws and Recommendations - use it rightfully, pass it on to develope good & positive change in others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 283
Laws and Recommendations - guarantees that you experience uplifting times in your existence - Chapter 22 Line(s): 61
Laws and Recommendations - whether followed or not, you're still integrated in it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 10
Laws and Recommendations - you are not coerced to submit yourselves to them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 11
Lawss and Recommendations - holding fast to them brings peace & harmony to themselves & all peoples - Chapter 13 Line(s): 17
Laws of nature - are the laws of the creation given to you as counsels for the fulfilment of the laws - Chapter 28 Line(s): 89
Laws of nature - do not cease to exist but continue to act in an unchangeable, calm & constant way - Chapter 28 Line(s): 100
Laws of nature - do not cease to exist but continue to act in an unchangeable, calm & constant way - Chapter 28 Line(s): 100
Laziness - being lazy in the Truth results in falling prey to false ideologies, philosophies or religions - Chapter 25 Line(s): 218
Laziness - laziness vs work-rich life re: harmony with your consciousness-evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 472-479
Laziness - see Indolence - Chapter 19 Line(s): 47-50
Leader - election of wise ones - Chapter 2 Line(s): 352-353
Leader - for guidance - choose a wise leader - Chapter 2 Line(s): 351-352
Leaders - beware of arrogant ones - Chapter 7 Line(s): 77-80
Leaders - false - Chapter 4 Line(s): 76-77
Leaders - false ones; never let them lead you; be your own leader that it may go well with you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 144
Learn - from cradle through life the Truth as was done by the prophets - Chapter 5 Line(s): 126
Learn - LEARN of the true prophets, FULFILL it and gain goodness, GUARD yourself against that which is evil - Chapter 6 Line(s): 166-168
Learn - through the Teaching of the Prophets - Chapter 25 Line(s): 281
Learning - always learn and be connected to the Truth - Chapter 17 Line(s): 13-14
Learning - is hindered by materialism. Each moment of not-learning is lost life and growth - Chapter 27 Line(s): 44
Learning - the free will to the learning that will lead to success - Chapter 16 Line(s): 9
Learning (of the Truth) - do not allow yourself to be persuaded from the Truth - Chapter 10 Line(s): 40-42
Liberate yourself - from gods and tin gods - Chapter 6 Line(s): 28
Liberate yourself - from gods and tin gods through discernment and insight - Chapter 9 Line(s): 114
Liberation - from delusional teachings of religion is through the Teaching of the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 105
Liberation - through self-forgiveness resulting in good deals - Chapter 7 Line(s): 162
Lies - against Creation will not go well with you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 18
Lies (calumnies) - (against the Truth) come from all religions, sects, ideologies, philosophies & occultism - Chapter 25 Line(s): 110-111
Lies - do not fabricate them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 14-22
Lies - do not fabricate them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 39
Life - "real life" is more than school knowldedge & comes from the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 5
Life - (Is there any sense to life?) looking at all the chaos & degredation of self & all mankind - Chapter 23 Line(s): 5-6
Life - all life has been created through the laws of Creation - Chapter 3 Line(s): 3
Life - after death - your personality becomes neutral spiritual energy when you are reincarnated as a new person at a new birth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 306
Life - be at all times satisfied with what your life gives you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 60
Life - be compassionate/kindhearted towards all life - Chapter 2 Line(s): 197
Life - brings its own problems and opportunities; you musst master yourself according to their condition - Chapter 20 Line(s): 34
Life - build it through the Laws and Recommendations in love, knowledge, wisdom. Guard against untruth. - Chapter 2 Line(s): 376
Life - cannot be created by humans - Chapter 6 Line(s): 87
Life - challenges of life is what life is primarily made worth living - Chapter 21 Line(s): 5
Life - comes from the primal power Creation and will return to it one day - Chapter 19 Line(s): 88-89
Life - comes from the spark of inspiration of the promal power of the life (Creation) for all forms of life - Chapter 19 Line(s): 1
Life - comprehensive examination needed daily in joy, affliction, fortune and unfortune - Chapter 28 Line(s): 405-423
Life - continues with constant searching, researching & fathoming which leads you to become wiser - Chapter 25 Line(s): 232
Life - create an inexhaustible treasure through finding and following the Truth of all truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 504
Life - do not be excessive in your mode of life - Chapter 7 Line(s): 82
Life - do not create untruth but recognize it so that you may consciously turn away from it - Chapter 20 Line(s): 27-30
Life - does not care about your right or wrong, it only knows the law of cause and effect given through the Cretional Laws & Recomm. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 406
Life - everything is in constant developmental change, becoming, passing & re-becoming - Chapter 25 Line(s): 135
Life - experiences: meet every assessment in an examining way - Chapter 28 Line(s): 388
Life - live in the reality of the present, not the dreams of the future - they do not equate to what is real and rational - Chapter 28 Line(s): 435
Life - move beyond the past, don't dwell on it but use the past to better the future - Chapter 28 Line(s): 436-437
Life - failure is through your material life instead of following the Creational Laws & Recommen. - Chapter 23 Line(s): 93-94
Life - guidance for positive living through the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 52-53
Life - heed the Laws and Recommendations to live rightfully and not create punishment in yourself - Chapter 13 Line(s): 5
Life - honor it in all its kinds whether in the present or in the life of death - Chapter 8 Line(s): 56
Life - imagining the untruthful/negative should lead us to living in a positive way - Chapter 20 Line(s): 28-29
Life - is not a game and no pastime but an existence to fulfill conscientiousness, obligation, fulness & evolving - Chapter 6 Line(s): 36
Life - its reward (peace, love, freedom and harmony) is through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 9 Line(s): 27-28
Life - its reward is through deeds of love and fulfillment of the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 20
Life - live in wisdom, connect to love and truth to find peace, freedom, harmony within and without - Chapter 19 Line(s): 4
Life - looking at and perceiving through your own motivation, will & initiative - Chapter 23 Line(s): 137
Life - maintain your life in modesty, righteousness, virtues and equitableness - Chapter 7 Line(s): 153
Life - negative things help us to see good things and values in yourselves i.e. love, freedom, peace & harmony - Chapter 20 Line(s): 26
Life - nothing happens without reason, so you must also accept fight and affliction - Chapter 25 Line(s): 242
Life - past, present and future - Chapter 28 Line(s): 412-415
Life - Plan it through the truth of the laws and recommendations for the reality of goodness and growth (progress) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 68
Life - preserving a life does not create sorrow but allows others to rejoice in joy and happiness also - Chapter 5 Line(s): 49
Life - secret of it is truthly love that proceeds from the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 19 Line(s): 77-80
Life - the great value of it is the "Truth" - Chapter 10 Line(s): 23
Life - treat all life with respect (human, animals and creatures) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 223
Life - turn to the Truthly life and be content with it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 38
Life - what should be important in your life - Chapter 23 Line(s): 130-131
Life - worth living and a valueful gift - Chapter 21 Line(s): 23
Life - you create your own reward (good or bad) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 46-47
Life - no god or tin god can take away complaints and sorrows from you, you alone master & overcome everything - Chapter 26 Line(s): 35-36
Life - you master it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 186
Life - you shall be at all times a friend and helpoer to life - Chapter 9 Line(s): 116
Life - your life is given to people to bring it to fulfillmant based on creational principles and all recommendations - Chapter 20 Line(s): 24
Life - your life to learn and fulfill the sense of life that is given in the swelling (evolution) of knowledge & wisdom - Chapter 2 Line(s): 317
Life- ends at death, then the Spirit escapes from the body to the otherworld/death life until reincarnation in another body - Chapter 2 Line(s): 368-369
Life-conduct - young and old need to be responsible for teaching truthly life-conduct to children - Chapter 28 Line(s): 326-327
Life-forms - Creation brough all life in prehistory (in the origin) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 5
Life-forms - there are other civilizations in the universe - Chapter 28 Line(s): 131
Life-sense - consists in bringing your consciousness-evolution to the highest possible level of love, knowledge & wisdom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 484
Life-time - fixed lifetime is given to all - Chapter 7 Line(s): 186
Life-wisdom - the action of learning when young & teaching it to others when you are old - Chapter 28 Line(s): 464-466
Listen - to those who teach THE TRUTH - Chapter 25 Line(s): 281
Listen - within yourself & hear the voice (swinging waves) of the Truth so you don't commit omission - Chapter 19 Line(s): 8
Livestock - not to be sacrificed - Chapter 6 Line(s): 152
Living - activity: types of living to avoid - Chapter 7 Line(s): 34
Living - be consistent in living the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 53
Living - do not lie or do honorless things - Chapter 3 Line(s): 37-38
Living - do not live in falsehood and perpetrate evil - Chapter 7 Line(s): 151
Living - honest - Chapter 2 Line(s): 246-247
Living - in goodness, fairness and righteousness for freedom, peace, love and harmony - Chapter 14 Line(s): 15
Living - in truth = being consoled and blissful (happy) even if sorrow befalls you - Chapter 16 Line(s): 51-52
Living - live upright in word and deed - Chapter 11 Line(s): 57-58
Living - living a lie vs living upright has its consequences - Chapter 7 Line(s): 153
Living - rightful - Chapter 7 Line(s): 98
Living - rightful per the laws and recommendations and the true prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 157-159
Living - the highest good you could live is in the love of the fertilization of the life (Creation) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 23
Living - through the Laws & Recommendations brings glory within resulting in love, peace, freedom & harmony - Chapter 2 Line(s): 296
Living - upright - Chapter 2 Line(s): 102
Living - victoriously through being free from evil, negative and ungood thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 236-238
Living in fullness - outwardly & inwardly in accordance with the true creational core of your inner nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 417
Living in the near or far future - consider that the present of your everyday life has a lot to offer for the future - Chapter 28 Line(s): 414-416
Living in the past - comprehension can only be appreciated when the situation has passed - Chapter 28 Line(s): 411-413
Living in the present - be open and alert, live in the present as it forms the consciousness-based evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 418-422
Living successfully - expecting nothing from space, time or humans; then you will live in love, peace, freedom & harmony - Chapter 28 Line(s): 433-434
Loan - do it in writing with witnesses - Chapter 2 Line(s): 394
Loan - of goods for later return - Chapter 2 Line(s): 395
Logic - along with rationality become lost due to materialism - Chapter 28 Line(s): 153-154
Logic - through intellect and rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 568-571
Logic, intellect, rationality - living in love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138
Lord/Master of your life - if you recognize this life-purpose/life sense (see verse # 1) - Chapter 22 Line(s): 1-3
Lospfeil - the use of black magic with bones/shells/stones etc. to predict the future - Chapter 5 Line(s): 7-8
Love - absolute certainty of oneself living ogether and co-existing in everything - Chapter 19 Line(s): 82
Love - all people in spite of their characteristics - Chapter 19 Line(s): 90-92
Love - and do good to others, be a good example to them, help them in tribulation and misery, no deceiving or false advice - Chapter 19 Line(s): 90-102
Love - aspects of and how to love - Chapter 28 Line(s): 196-214
Love - Creation is bound in it, so should human beings of Earth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 200
Love - false love in marriage, creation and mankind - Chapter 28 Line(s): 205-206
Love - find true love through the Laws and Recommendations which can lead you to success - Chapter 19 Line(s): 76
Love - for all mankind and creatures - Chapter 8 Line(s): 64
Love - for self - Chapter 19 Line(s): 103-107
Love - fundamental factor of all being of the whole Creation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 200
Love - Innocent love - Chapter 3 Line(s): 192
Love - knows no limits, source of all goodness and beauty, gives fulfillment of the life, expectations and wishes - Chapter 19 Line(s): 69-74
Love - lost/unknown in friendship, parent-sibling relationship, next ones - Chapter 28 Line(s): 201
Love - no true love is in religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 27
Love - of enemies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 211-212
Love - the absolute certainty of oneself living together and coexisting with and in everything - Chapter 28 Line(s): 207
Love - the main virtue - Chapter 19 Line(s): 60-67
Love - the main virtue & explained - Chapter 19 Line(s): 58-76
Love - the sign-posting (leading thought) of the lfe - Chapter 2 Line(s): 19
Love - the true way of the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 201-202
Love - those that have made it into a religion, ideology or philosophy - Chapter 28 Line(s): 213
Love - to find it you are not allowed to believe in a god or gods, demons, etc. - Chapter 19 Line(s): 76
Love - to find true love one must be pure, without falseness, strives for honesty for the Truth of the Laws & Recomm. - Chapter 19 Line(s): 75
Love - toward one another and forgiveness whatever their reasons may be - Chapter 8 Line(s): 73-74
Love - TRUE love and the life are of spirit form & guided by creational laws and recommend - Chapter 23 Line(s): 173-176
Love - Truthly love is the true secret of the life - Chapter 19 Line(s): 76
Love (TRUE love) - brings freedom - Chapter 23 Line(s): 171
Love (TRUE) - by turning to the truth of all truth to create peace, freedom & harmony - Chapter 25 Line(s): 57
Love (TRUE) - no coercion, be created and become reality from out of your own will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 215
Love (True) - finding and building up true love is by liberating yourself from all dogmatic restrictions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 215
Love (True) - is the way of the truth and the life; give it and it will be given to you in return - Chapter 25 Line(s): 202
Love (True) - let ti grow in you and in your fellow beings for peace, harmony, freedom with others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 201
Love (TRUE) - not sought in leaders, helpers, in a belief/false teachings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 59
Love (TRUE) - remove belief in gods, demons, angels, sublime ones, tin gods - Chapter 25 Line(s): 55-58
Love (true) - the absolute thing of all - Chapter 19 Line(s): 81-86
Love (TRUE) - the Queen of all virtues - Chapter 16 Line(s): 28
Love (TRUE) vs feigned love - Chapter 16 Line(s): 28-31
Love (Truthful) - defined - Chapter 28 Line(s): 206-210
Love and kindness - be at all times mindful of it - Chapter 14 Line(s): 8
Love and Truth - can be ruined through war & hatred by acting against the Creational Laws & Recommend. - Chapter 27 Line(s): 11-12
Love for others - must be the same towards one person as it is towards another person - Chapter 15 Line(s): 13-14
Love for others - second main virtue - Chapter 19 Line(s): 61
Love the true love - for happiness, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 19 Line(s): 67
Love the true love - for happiness, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 49
Love the true love - for happiness, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 13
Love, happiness, peace, freedom and harmony - use logic, rationality & intellect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138
Love, peace, harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 27-28
Love, true (finding it) - not allowed to believe in a god(s), demons, etc. - Chapter 19 Line(s): 76
Loving self - Chapter 7 Line(s): 50
Magic - a hallucinations of false prophets, priests & servants of gods and tin gods - Chapter 7 Line(s): 121
Magic - by false prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 121
Magic, legerdemain, tricks, black arts, unrightful doings - Chapter 7 Line(s): 110-118
Magic, spells, illusions - avoid - Chapter 6 Line(s): 134-137
Magnificance - does not mean glorification, but grace, beauty, true love, fairness and attraction - Chapter 28 Line(s): 510
Mankind - appreciate all people on earth as well as in the universe - Chapter 11 Line(s): 31
Mankind - be kindhearted - Chapter 7 Line(s): 83
Mankind - created by Creation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 2
Mankind - created from theinspiration (idea) of Creation & animated through its breath (spirit/spirit-form) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 5
Mankind - created through the activity of the Creational Laws & Recomm. to learn & evolve in love,... - Chapter 25 Line(s): 225
Marital love - attributes of a false love - Chapter 28 Line(s): 202
Marriage - Chapter 2 Line(s): 249
Marriage - allowed with blood relative after the 3rd generation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 38
Marriage - be at all times satisfied together - Chapter 9 Line(s): 87
Marriage - common law - Chapter 4 Line(s): 45-46
Marriage - definition of a bond - Chapter 2 Line(s): 261
Marriage - disagreement counseling - Chapter 4 Line(s): 164
Marriage - do not break the bond - Chapter 2 Line(s): 292
Marriage - equality - Chapter 4 Line(s): 1-2
Marriage - irresponsible bond results in children who become asocial or forlorn in themselves - Chapter 28 Line(s): 323
Marriage - key to harmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 43
Marriage - management in the bond relationship, separation and divorce - Chapter 4 Line(s): 58-59
Marriage - multiple wives - Chapter 4 Line(s): 32
Marriage - must not be taken irresponsibly or without obligation - Chapter 28 Line(s): 323
Marriage - mutual consent - Chapter 4 Line(s): 44
Marriage - not allowed for mentally handicapped - Chapter 4 Line(s): 11
Marriage - parent or grandparent to child or grandchild not allowed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 34-36
Marriage - PROBLEMS - both need to discuss the problem to achieve reconciliation for peace - Chapter 4 Line(s): 164-166
Marriage - same sex - Chapter 2 Line(s): 267
Marriage - sexual abstinence - Chapter 2 Line(s): 275
Marriage - sibling to sibling not allowed - Chapter 2 Line(s): 262
Marriage - sibling to sibling not allowed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 37-38
Marriage - slack responsibility, obligation and attitude - Chapter 28 Line(s): 321-327
Marriage - talents/abilities of each partner to be used and respected - Chapter 4 Line(s): 58
Marriage - to step child and adopted child guidelines - Chapter 4 Line(s): 39
Marriage - with a god-believer...protect yourself so that you do not fall into their belief - Chapter 2 Line(s): 263-264
Martyrdom - Chapter 2 Line(s): 208-210
Martyrdom - do not seek - Chapter 3 Line(s): 202
Martyrdom - don't become a victim; be silent if you are threatened - Chapter 8 Line(s): 8-10
Martyrdom - will not help in getting others to accept the Truth; it ends your ability to speak the Truth in the future - Chapter 8 Line(s): 8
Master - of your life through the real truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 186
Master - you are your own master - Chapter 10 Line(s): 50
Master - you determine for yourselves benevolence or malevolence - Chapter 6 Line(s): 149
Mastery of the life - through the understanding of the creational Laws & Recommendations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 14
Masturbation - allowed but clean yourself afterward - Chapter 5 Line(s): 19
Masturbation - male or female - Chapter 2 Line(s): 268
Material - become free from it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 165-174
Material realm - can be befallen i.e. with illness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 155-160
Material-consciousness - is that factor out of which you create your ideas & thoughts etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 5
Materialism - do not cling to them & be enslaved & oppressed. Don't throw them away just to live in poverty - Chapter 28 Line(s): 343-344
Materialism - can lead to an unhealthy state of the truth-refusal/denial - Chapter 28 Line(s): 353-358
Materialism - do not tend excessively towards earthly goods which will adversely affect your inner world - Chapter 7 Line(s): 177
Materialism - do not use possessions to show a high or low position in society - Chapter 28 Line(s): 358
Materialism - fall prey to material possessions, greed with regard to goods and riches - Chapter 28 Line(s): 349-352
Materialism - if it becomes your priority you will be kept from the higher culmination-point of finding & living the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 345-348
Materialism - influence & bribery of religions/ideologies/philosophies/people that draw you away from the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 352-356
Materialism - mankind has submitted to intellect and rationality but severly lacks how to use logic - Chapter 28 Line(s): 153-154
Materialism - moves you away from the truth, intellect and rationality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 182-185
Materialism - should not become excessive and you end up losing the way of the Truth in you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 355
Materialism - used by those who are hostile to the truth as they try to influence you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 356-357
Materialism - wrong priority in life and hinders consciousness-evolution - Chapter 27 Line(s): 34-44
Materialism - narrows the horizon of your intellect and rationality so that you no longer recognize logic - Chapter 28 Line(s): 184
Medicine - consult those versed in medicine for healing - Chapter 2 Line(s): 299
Meeting place - for those that hold to the Truth "build up a house" - Chapter 2 Line(s): 180
Meeting place - for those that hold to the Truth, attitude towards - Chapter 2 Line(s): 300-303
Meeting place - for those who search for the Truth as well as taught it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 180-181
Meeting place - where the Goblet of the Truth can be passed on unrestrictedly - Chapter 22 Line(s): 45
Meeting place - for those who search for the Truth as well as taught it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 6
Meeting place - when you meet, ensure there is not doubt in you when listening or teaching - Chapter 3 Line(s): 32-35
Mental block - perceptions,cognitions,pseudo-knowledge,experiences,views,ideas,ideals - Chapter 23 Line(s): 176
Mental block - where consciousness, thoughts, feelings take place - Chapter 23 Line(s): 176
Mentality - be clear and right towards others as well as yourselves - Chapter 11 Line(s): 29
Mentality - determines your good or evil actions - Chapter 4 Line(s): 106
Mentally handicapped - do not allow them to marry & care for them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 11
Mind and heart - of the human - Chapter 25 Line(s): 147-149
Miracle - an absolutely normal and natural process of cause and effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 371
Miracle - based in the Creation-given laws and recommendations which are unchangeable - Chapter 28 Line(s): 371
Miracle - comes about through your own energy & power (cause & effect) and IF it comes true, you falsely claim it a miracle - Chapter 28 Line(s): 367-368
Miracle - defined - Chapter 28 Line(s): 363-371
Miracle - no such thing. All happenings must function within the laws of nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 369
Miracle - not possible - Chapter 28 Line(s): 359-360
Miracle - truthly does not exist - Chapter 28 Line(s): 361
Miracle - religion falsely teaches it is possible by a god, tin god or idolized human being - Chapter 28 Line(s): 362
Miracle - per logic: must have an outcoming effect as a distinct happening (cause & effect) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 365
Miracle - unchangeable through the Creation Universal Consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 371
Miracles - purely an illusion - Chapter 25 Line(s): 90-92
Miracles - the awesome experience (unsurpassabilities) of nature and creation of all things - Chapter 8 Line(s): 3
Miracles - they are inventions of people and are powerless because they are fabulations of your brain - Chapter 3 Line(s): 51
Misdeeds - (errors in behavior) learn from them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 75
Misdeeds - (erros in behavior) turn from them to the Truth, recognise them in their reality & create a garden of Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 26
Misdeeds - rightful to prevent another from committing misdeeds - Chapter 5 Line(s): 101
Misdeeds - those who commit misdeeds have rights, must not be condemned or mistreated - Chapter 2 Line(s): 110
Misery - rescue those in misery in body, life, and psyche; show them your kindheartedness - Chapter 10 Line(s): 84
Misery (inner) - avoid woe & pain by fulfilling the teaching of the Laws and Recommendations of all life (Creation) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 232
Misfortune - Chapter 2 Line(s): 210
Misfortune - will continue for you when you call on god(s)/tin gods because they are only fabulations/inventions - Chapter 10 Line(s): 13
Mission in life - to be evolutively active in your consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 518-519
Mockers of the truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 78-80
Mockery - when you are mocked, stand for the Truth & the mockers will moderate themselves and eventually stop - Chapter 28 Line(s): 295-298
Mocking - definitions and how to overcome it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 40
Mocking - do not mock the Truth or it will catch up to you and you will give an account for it - Chapter 15 Line(s): 21-22
Modest living - Chapter 7 Line(s): 153
Modesty - in actions/attitudes - Chapter 17 Line(s): 18-19
Modesty - definition and guarding against submissiveness - Chapter 17 Line(s): 19
Modesty - in desires (sexually) - Chapter 7 Line(s): 82
Modesty - live with modesty towards others and with yourselves - Chapter 2 Line(s): 298
Modesty - must prevail in all human drives - Chapter 17 Line(s): 17-18
Modesty - practice it in wearing jewelry, eating, drinking, etc. ; it's part of doing rightful and fair (responsible) things - Chapter 7 Line(s): 32-33
Modesty - the mode of walking in the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 131-132
Modesty - true nature of the true people - Chapter 2 Line(s): 320
Molestation - child - Chapter 2 Line(s): 269
Moon/stars - purpose - Chapter 2 Line(s): 248
Motion - all is in constant motion & develops higher and higher including your consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 484
Motion - the law of the right motion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 460-465
Motion - upbuilding, preservation & development in life to a distinct destination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 471
Motivation - "false motivation": do not falsify the Truth to motivate a person to choose the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 17-18
Motivation - is a virtue and required power for success - Chapter 16 Line(s): 19
Mountains - will not move when spoken to, it is just an allegory - Chapter 13 Line(s): 21
Murder - finality of death, disposition of the Spirit - Chapter 2 Line(s): 368-370
Murder - guidelines: types, people (i.e. mentally handicapped & children) and punishments - Chapter 4 Line(s): 122
Murder - in defense - Chapter 4 Line(s): 120
Murder - only allowed in a life-threatening emergency (self-defence) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 220
Murder - penalty for adults and children - Chapter 3 Line(s): 213-215
Murder - results in sorrow for the ones left behind just as if they had been murdered - Chapter 5 Line(s): 48
Murder - seek love, peace to live in freedom and harmony vs murder - Chapter 4 Line(s): 102
Murder - Teaching of the Prophets teaches empowerment for life and maintaining it; not murder or suicide - Chapter 3 Line(s): 213
Murder - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Murder (commissioned) - do not commit !!! - Chapter 25 Line(s): 98
Murdered - killed for the Truth (martyred); avoid it by keeping silent; get along with your adversary until out of danger - Chapter 3 Line(s): 202
Murderers/mass killers - those who do mass bloody deeds and a villainous life; no certainty they will change to the good - Chapter 9 Line(s): 97-99
Murdering - an act of chickenheartedness against life - Chapter 17 Line(s): 15
Nature - blame for its torture (not taking care of it) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 120-122
Nature - coming/passing of nature is likened to human coming/passing - the spirit-form comes alive for a new personality - Chapter 7 Line(s): 58
Nature - contempt towards it leads to the greatest evil for all people - Chapter 19 Line(s): 13
Nature - do not attempt to change because it is part of the Laws and Recommendations of Creation - Chapter 10 Line(s): 16
Nature - do not commit outrages against it nor against the Laws and Recommendations so that calamity may not befall you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 134
Nature - heed the signs of nature so that you do not go into delusion and act unrightfully - Chapter 7 Line(s): 176
Nature - laws of nature will not submit to you, you must fall in line with it to obtain the best gains from it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 132
Nature - mankind is the keeper of nature - Chapter 7 Line(s): 55
Nature - recognize it laws, follow its guidance; Learn & avoid foolishness when existence comes to an end - Chapter 2 Line(s): 78
Nature - referred to as "appearance" (throughout the Goblet of the Truth) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 108-115
Nature - show respect for and keep it in health and benevolence (world) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 119
Nature - subjecting it to torture will cause misery - Chapter 9 Line(s): 125
Nature - the appearance of Creation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138
Nature - the appearance of the laws and recommendations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 98
Needy people - Give to them generously - Chapter 7 Line(s): 85-86
Needy people - Give to them with the right intent - Chapter 9 Line(s): 53-57
Neighbor - respect them in all ways, be friendly, honor guests, be fearful of the unright so that it may go well with you - Chapter 2 Line(s): 247
New Time - began in 1844 - Chapter 5 Line(s): 31
New Time - final prophet will record the teachings of the Truth, Spirit and Life - Chapter 4 Line(s): 194
New Time - last prophet from the line of Nokodemion will write the teaching permanently - Chapter 4 Line(s): 195-197
New Time - Prophet of the New time (see also "Prophet") - Chapter 3 Line(s): 241
New Time - when the last true prophet will write the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 9
Nokodemion - appeared on Earth as Henoch (Enoch) - first prophet on the Earth inthe line of Nokoemion - Chapter 2 Line(s): 322
Nokodemion - bringer of the truth Teaching (Laws and Recommendations) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 322
Nokodemion - He (his Spirit) will continue in a sequence of 7 prophets beginning with Henoch (Enoch) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 322
Nokodemion - originator of all the prophets - Chapter 3 Line(s): 197
Nokodemion - originator of the Truth Teaching (Laws and Recommendations) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 210
Nokodemion - originator of the Truth Teaching (Laws and Recommendations) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 194
Nokodemion - taught it to his people before the Prophets began teaching it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 1
Nokodemion - the last true prophet (Edward "Billy" Meier) will come from his line - Chapter 5 Line(s): 31
Nokodemion - the last true prophet will write down the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 9
Nokodemion - the line that the 7 prophets came from - Chapter 6 Line(s): 8
Nokodemion - the line that true prophets came from - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138
Nokodemion - the originator of the True prophets - Chapter 5 Line(s): 35
Nokodemion - the true prophets from the line of Nokodemion were persecuted and slandered - Chapter 5 Line(s): 37
Nokodemion - the true prophets of his line are not envoys of gods or tin gods - Chapter 5 Line(s): 36
Nokodemion - true prophets were from his line - Chapter 5 Line(s): 30
Nourishment - discern good/bad food and drink - Chapter 3 Line(s): 114
Oaths - false - Chapter 6 Line(s): 118
Oaths - false oaths of those that are unfair (unbelievers) ones - Chapter 9 Line(s): 95-96
Oaths - guidelines; those made in honesty and those made that were through unknowing circumstances - Chapter 2 Line(s): 348
Obedience - coerced is not the guideline for the teaching of the truth...only free will - Chapter 4 Line(s): 108-109
Obedience to the Truth - gains great love, freedom, peace, harmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 85
Obstinate - Chapter 19 Line(s): 56
Offerings - (sacrifices) will not reach gods or tin gods, they are unsubstantial figures of delusion (illusions) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 152
Officials - elected ones (guidelines) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 100
Old age - plan for financially; can't count on family to take care of you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 43
Oneness in Creation - this world and the other world (where the spirit abides after death) - Chapter 25 Line(s): 160-161
Opionions - man and woman and children to parents; express without fear or punishment providing it is not of unright - Chapter 4 Line(s): 166
Opionions - Splitting opinions, views and meanings ultimately keeps you from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 60
Oppression - victory over - Chapter 7 Line(s): 142-143
Orgies - matchmaking-orgies: no regard to righteous connectedness, responsibility & dignity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 324-326
Orphans - adoption - by married couple or single person - Chapter 4 Line(s): 7
Orphans - care and support as adults - Chapter 4 Line(s): 163
Orphans - care for them - Chapter 2 Line(s): 345
Orphans - don't take their possessions - Chapter 6 Line(s): 165
Orphans - giving to - Chapter 4 Line(s): 6
Orphans - if adopting them, care for them as if they were your own; otherwise do not adopt due to possible inequitably - Chapter 4 Line(s): 7
Orphans - possessions - Chapter 4 Line(s): 8-9
Orphans - those who have no parent; half-orphans are children with just one parent - Chapter 4 Line(s): 6-7
Others - kind to all - Chapter 2 Line(s): 130
Others - learn to see the goodness in them - Chapter 19 Line(s): 93
Others - no harm to - Chapter 2 Line(s): 132
Others - no harm to - Chapter 2 Line(s): 157
Others - no mistreatment - Chapter 2 Line(s): 110
Others - treat as yourself - Chapter 2 Line(s): 85-88
Other-world - a spirit-energetical sphere & is connected with the material world, yet differently dimensioned - Chapter 25 Line(s): 150-152
Outrage - against people is against Creation - Chapter 10 Line(s): 14-16
Outrage - against the truth, lying, slander - Chapter 6 Line(s): 161-163
Outrage (against the Truth) - is given through religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 170-174
Overcoming unfortunes of life - Chapter 4 Line(s): 97
Pain (relief) - not by godly powers or spirit, but trough hypnosis & meditation for temporary pain relief - Chapter 25 Line(s): 89
Painful happenings - have their place in the higher regulation of the life - Chapter 22 Line(s): 6
Paradise - (In a personal application) is the inner realm of pleasure you create via the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 156
Paradise - (in a religious context) is an invented place created by religionists - Chapter 2 Line(s): 326
Paradise - (in a religious context) is an invented place created by religionists - Chapter 11 Line(s): 65-66
Paradise - (personal) through personal change in truth & reality brings love, peace, freedom & harmony - Chapter 23 Line(s): 99
Paradise - delusion of the brain - Chapter 2 Line(s): 148
Paradise - lost within if you hold to pretexts and cowardice - Chapter 21 Line(s): 30
Paradise - place of happiness in yourselves - Chapter 10 Line(s): 27
Parents - honor them and do good things to them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 164
Parents - that you show deference (respect) toward them - Chapter 17 Line(s): 11
Past - leave the past alone, follow the Truth & the bearing of responsibility without cowardice - Chapter 28 Line(s): 77
Past - you can't change things that happened in the past...offer apologies & make amends - Chapter 28 Line(s): 76
Patience - all stivings yield good fruits and time will ultimately change everything to the good - Chapter 2 Line(s): 209
Patience - equip yourself with patience and righteousness resulting in being a person of intellect - Chapter 2 Line(s): 294
Payment - for teaching the truth - None, except for expenses - Chapter 4 Line(s): 204-205
Peace - Chapter 3 Line(s): 15
Peace - be at all times peaceful with your enemies - Chapter 2 Line(s): 283
Peace - create it! - Chapter 4 Line(s): 121
Peace - creating a garden of peace within - Chapter 7 Line(s): 20
Peace - free will to live in - Chapter 2 Line(s): 356
Peace - how to be at peace with others - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Peace - inner prosperity - Chapter 7 Line(s): 43-44
Peace - keeping peace promotes living in true love, freedom and harmony - Chapter 16 Line(s): 60
peace - lack of it due to belief in god/gods, money, a human, or race; leads to jealousy, resentment, strife, wars, murder, etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 381-385
Peace - not found if you are unfair to people, to your body, to your psyche by injury or killing - Chapter 4 Line(s): 143-144
Peace - developing it: using calm consideration using logic, intellect & ratioinality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 386-387
Peace - offer the hand of peace after you forgive others; be calm and show dignity - Chapter 11 Line(s): 54
Peace - with one another - Chapter 6 Line(s): 88
Peer pressure - Chapter 17 Line(s): 15-17
People - (who have conscious needs) i.e. lawbreakers, doubtful, trouble & adversaries - Chapter 19 Line(s): 98
People - (who have physical needs) meet those needs i.e. food, clothing & shelter - Chapter 19 Line(s): 97
People - all should be done in care and kindheartedness towards all people - Chapter 10 Line(s): 59
People - appreciate them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 31
People - be fair and help them - Chapter 11 Line(s): 23-24
People - Creation considers all mankind is of equal value and unified - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
People - do not turn from the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 87
People - help and instruct others - Chapter 10 Line(s): 43-49
People - helping them - Chapter 8 Line(s): 72
People - hostile type (how to handle them) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 120
People - learn to see the good in all people and value it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 93
People - prehistoric times banded together then disunited, waged war & fabulated gods & tin gods - Chapter 10 Line(s): 20-21
People - treat all rightfully - Chapter 10 Line(s): 83-84
People - treat all rightfully - Chapter 11 Line(s): 61-64
People - treatment of them - Chapter 9 Line(s): 75-77
People - who refuse the Truth - show no submissiveness to them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 138
Perjury - do not commit false witness (i.e. lying verbally or mode/style of daily living) be always truthful - Chapter 2 Line(s): 293
Persecution - Chapter 2 Line(s): 332-338
Persecution - do not persecute others in spite of race, opinion, knowledge (belief) or sense - Chapter 10 Line(s): 83
Personal change(1) - unbelievers won't change due to comfort and indolence - Chapter 25 Line(s): 188
Personal change(2) - not happening due to lack of personal effort - Chapter 25 Line(s): 189
Personal change(3) - believers of the Truth - do not quarrel with unbelievers - Chapter 25 Line(s): 190
Personal change(4) - believers are to help those searching for the truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 191
Personal change(5) - teach those searching, answer their questions - Chapter 25 Line(s): 192
Personal hygiene - washing daily, after work, after sex or masturbation; using water or alcohol - Chapter 5 Line(s): 19
Personalities - all your personalities are from your personalities since time immemorial - Chapter 25 Line(s): 227
Personalities - all your personalities are stored in storage-banks - Chapter 25 Line(s): 226
Personality - what happens with it after death? - Chapter 28 Line(s): 132-134
Philosophers - they use "systems" - but you alone must be the one to bring inner change - Chapter 23 Line(s): 172
Pineal gland - animals excluded from energy & power of the consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 147
Pineal gland - clairvoyants, channelers, telepathers cannot control the pineal gland - Chapter 25 Line(s): 85
Pineal gland - its role in consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 145-147
Pineal gland - its role with the energy and power of the consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 147
Pity - no self pity - Chapter 8 Line(s): 54-55
Plea bargain - ideology behind it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 50b
Pleasure - by knowing the Truth & creating gardens of love & freedom with streams of peace & harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 72
Pleasure - comes by not wavering, being strong, sheild from evil, calamity, all terrible things - Chapter 8 Line(s): 27
Pledge - should never be broken; breaking it leads to defilement, dishonor and disrepute - Chapter 5 Line(s): 110
Poaching - of animals not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 2
Poaching - of animals not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 117
Poor - do not disdain or ridicule - Chapter 9 Line(s): 79
Population - control of excessive population - Chapter 7 Line(s): 61
Population - do not make excessive - Chapter 28 Line(s): 520
Population - management (max. 529 million) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 5
Population - overpopulation: creates problems in families, socially, with nature, weather, laws & natural resources - Chapter 28 Line(s): 159
Population - over-population results in destroying all that is around you in humanity and nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 501
Population - over-population creates world stress with torment, destruction, death, all kinds of wrongful actions & struggle to live - Chapter 28 Line(s): 403-404
Population control - gets out of control through pathological craving for uncontrolled offspring - Chapter 27 Line(s): 60
Population control - needed or calamities will occur - Chapter 9 Line(s): 118
Population control - you alone are responsible - Chapter 27 Line(s): 60-61
Possessions - do not grab them and fall into possession-greed; it chokes out your search for the truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 345-346
Possessions - obtaining them by clandestine means (i.e. lies, theivery, cheating, etc.) never prospers - Chapter 2 Line(s): 343
Poverty - (see "donations" also) provide for those in need - Chapter 7 Line(s): 85
Power-source - created from your understanding and acts of good interactions resulting in a protective shield - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138
Prayer - Chapter 1 Line(s): 6
Prayer - cannot produce a material answer - Chapter 3 Line(s): 52
Prayer - directed call for something of value & perceptions to arise from the inner world (consciousness) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 78
Prayer - directed to your inner world (consciousness) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 26
Prayer - directed to your inner world (consciousness), spoken in rationality...not babbling - Chapter 3 Line(s): 60-61
Prayer - do not pray to yourself in a way that leads to arrogancy - Chapter 7 Line(s): 153
Prayer - don't pray to gods - Chapter 6 Line(s): 62
Prayer - don't pray to people i.e. rulers - Chapter 11 Line(s): 27-28
Prayer - effective activity - Chapter 6 Line(s): 95
Prayer - fantasies of confused people - Chapter 11 Line(s): 49
Prayer - is not worship - Chapter 3 Line(s): 78
Prayer - made to yourself; any time & anywhere; does not have to be at specific times; can be as a group in meditation - Chapter 5 Line(s): 11-13
Prayer - not to a god - Chapter 2 Line(s): 129
Prayer - not to gods and tin gods, priests, false prophets, or servants of gods and tin gods - Chapter 11 Line(s): 2
Prayer - not to gods or tin gods - Chapter 7 Line(s): 56
Prayer - not to gods or tin gods because they do not exist; Creation is sublime over all things - Chapter 6 Line(s): 27
Prayer - not to gods or tin gods nor to people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 71
Prayer - not to gods or tin gods, priests, servants of them, angels or demons - Chapter 3 Line(s): 80
Prayer - praying to a god who does not have the might to do anything is worthless; keeps you in bondage/servitude - Chapter 5 Line(s): 97
Prayer - to a god/tin god puts you in servitude - Chapter 5 Line(s): 104
Prayer - to false gods/tin gods are just cult objects - Chapter 5 Line(s): 95
Prayer - to god and tin gods is not over or greater than creation - Chapter 6 Line(s): 27
Prayer - to gods, tin gods & human idols will never help you - Chapter 23 Line(s): 108
Prayer - to gods and tin gods not going to be answered - Chapter 7 Line(s): 199
Prayer - to gods and tin gods resulting in delusional teaching that deceives people - Chapter 4 Line(s): 179
Prayer - to gods or tin gods, they will not benefit nor harm you; it is evil and falsehood - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78
Prayer - to your inner world at any time for your unfolding (evolution) so that you may progress - Chapter 4 Line(s): 136
Prayer - will not reach gods or tin gods, they are unsubstantial figures of delusion (illusions) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 152
Prayer/Offerings - not to be offered to gods - Chapter 6 Line(s): 152
Preaching - do not do to others - Chapter 7 Line(s): 165
Predestination - does not exist, you determinator your own life - Chapter 9 Line(s): 50-52
Pregnancy - irresponsible planning results in catastrophes in life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 319-322
Pregnancy - irresponsible type compared to bonobos and chimpanzee - Chapter 28 Line(s): 321
Pregnancy - unwed - Chapter 2 Line(s): 255
Pregnancy - unwed (thoughtless) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 315-322
Prehistoric times - people banded together then disunited, waged war & fabulated gods & tin gods - Chapter 10 Line(s): 20-21
Prejudice - against levels of mankind is not allowed - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Prejudice - against people of various colors is against the Laws and Recommendations of Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 307
Prejudice - do not hold against yourself nor others of different color, language, customs or belief - Chapter 6 Line(s): 147
Prejudice - not allowed regardless of agreement, opinion, color or belief - Chapter 10 Line(s): 83
Prejudice - wrong to practice partialiity = favoring one over another to benefit you in the end - Chapter 12 Line(s): 6
Presentation and acceptance - giving and taking, swinging based energies - Chapter 25 Line(s): 193-200
Pretexts - (a purpose stated in order to conceal the real Truth) do not search for them if you have to adhere to something - Chapter 9 Line(s): 90
Price - mark-up of goods; guidelines for seller and buyer - Chapter 2 Line(s): 388-390
Priests - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Priests - do not listen to - Chapter 4 Line(s): 69
Priests - the Truth is not found in them or in angels, demons, priests or servants - Chapter 3 Line(s): 57
Primal wellspring of life - Creation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 84
Priorities - materialistic vs effective truth & consciousness-evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 342-353
Prisoners - give dignified treatment to them - Chapter 19 Line(s): 97
Prisoners - of great crimes secluded for life, able to provide for themselves & learn from the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 69
Prisoners - only restrict their freedom in a secluded place - Chapter 8 Line(s): 68
Prisoners - teach, counsel, be benevolent, fair & forgive if they show remorse - Chapter 8 Line(s): 70-71
Pro-life - the empowerment for life and maintaining it; not murder or suicide - Chapter 3 Line(s): 213
Proclaimer - is human and subject to illnesses & accidents as other humans - not protected by a godhead - Chapter 25 Line(s): 88
Proclaimers - (prophets) do not elevate themselves over you; they are modest & well-versed in the Truth - Chapter 18 Line(s): 4-6
Proclaimers - of the truth, on their own initiative, send themselves out to teach & admonish against false teachings/beliefs - Chapter 26 Line(s): 3
Proclaiming - go out, speak the Truth to those that want to hear it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 58
Proclaiming - guidance on proclaiming the Truth to others - Chapter 8 Line(s): 7
Procrastination - don't put off turning to the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 136
Procrastination - don't put off turning to the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 9
Procreation - do not use for excessive population - Chapter 28 Line(s): 520
Procreation - most humans are not serious and lack responsibility about it just like the bonobos and chimpanzees - Chapter 28 Line(s): 319-323
Promises - Carry them out if are truthful (sincere) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 49
Prophecies - (future) unweather, high waters, storms, earthquakes, lies, mishaps, illness, unfortune & plagues - Chapter 11 Line(s): 35
Prophecies - for warnings….can be changed to the better through creating of new/good/positive… - Chapter 28 Line(s): 111
Prophecies (oracles) - of the true prophet are for you to pass on to your descendants - Chapter 11 Line(s): 33-38
Prophecy - not equate true prophecy with predictions - Chapter 6 Line(s): 73
Prophecy - there is a set time for its fulfillment; do your best to avert the vil - Chapter 6 Line(s): 73
Prophet - the last one - Chapter 2 Line(s): 198-200
Prophet - the last one - Chapter 3 Line(s): 102
Prophet - (Billy) through him the Truth has come again in a new form which brings prosperousness (wellbeing) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 93
Prophet - after the last one there will be no other - Chapter 2 Line(s): 190
Prophet - from your midst (Billy) all ready lived as another person & taught Teachings of the prophets - Chapter 10 Line(s): 17
Prophet - from your midst (Billy); learn from him so that you can follow the teaching and things go well with you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 3
Prophet - listen to admonishment and instruction - Chapter 11 Line(s): 26&32
Prophet - listen to admonishment and instruction - Chapter 11 Line(s): 35-38
Prophet - new (and last) one - Chapter 3 Line(s): 234
Prophet - of new time; his teaching will be vast & write it with his own hand to prevent it from being distorted/defiled - Chapter 3 Line(s): 241
Prophet - spirit within Billy previously lived in another person - Chapter 10 Line(s): 17
Prophet - the last one will bring the Truth-teaching as no one has before...outstanding without measure - Chapter 2 Line(s): 198
Prophet - the true one of the new time - Chapter 4 Line(s): 197
Prophet - the true one of the new time - Billy Meier - Chapter 11 Line(s): 32
Prophet - to follow a proclaimer (prophet) you must choose to do this & to liberate yourself from all that is earthly - Chapter 18 Line(s): 7
Prophets - always equal to each other; they re-explained the truth per a person's understanding of the teaching - Chapter 2 Line(s): 358
Prophets - attitude toward - Chapter 7 Line(s): 62-65
Prophets - attributes of true prophets - Chapter 13 Line(s): 7-9
Prophets - attributes of true prophets - Chapter 18 Line(s): 1-7
Prophets - be open to their teaching - Chapter 9 Line(s): 117
Prophets - come with the Goblet of the Truth as intermediaries - Chapter 28 Line(s): 188
Prophets - deceive you and devise evil against you; leads to bad consequences - Chapter 7 Line(s): 123-125
Prophets - don't rise against them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 66
Prophets - don't rise against them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 145-146
Prophets - duty of - Chapter 3 Line(s): 187
Prophets - duty of - Chapter 3 Line(s): 179-180
Prophets - duty of - Chapter 6 Line(s): 14
Prophets - false actions/practices - Chapter 6 Line(s): 153-155
Prophets - false and their character - Chapter 7 Line(s): 92-96
Prophets - false and their evil deeds - Chapter 7 Line(s): 123-125
Prophets - false ones - Chapter 3 Line(s): 140-141
Prophets - false ones - Chapter 3 Line(s): 181-182
Prophets - false ones - Chapter 4 Line(s): 69
Prophets - false ones - Chapter 4 Line(s): 206
Prophets - false ones - don't follow - Chapter 6 Line(s): 102
prophets - false ones = delusions - Chapter 6 Line(s): 70-71
Prophets - false ones lie and spread delusional teachings - Chapter 9 Line(s): 105
Prophets - false ones, guard against their distortion - Chapter 6 Line(s): 71
Prophets - false ones, learn the difference - Chapter 7 Line(s): 88
Prophets - false ones; do not listen to false ones as well as priests and servants of gods and tin gods - Chapter 4 Line(s): 69
Prophets - false, schemes of, beware of them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 100
Prophets - follow them - Chapter 3 Line(s): 164-165
Prophets - follow them - Chapter 3 Line(s): 188-191
Prophets - follow them by disconnecting yourself from all that is earthly - Chapter 18 Line(s): 7
Prophets - have given the "pure" Truth - Chapter 15 Line(s): 15-19
Prophets - heed the warnings of the prophets, once something cannot turn back time to change things - Chapter 7 Line(s): 54
Prophets - know them - Chapter 3 Line(s): 65-68
Prophets - listen to them - Chapter 9 Line(s): 123-129
Prophets - listen to them for present and future - Chapter 11 Line(s): 34-35
Prophets - listen to them, they bring the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 152
Prophets - many have followed because they didn't want to know the truth in times past - Chapter 5 Line(s): 30
Prophets - message of - Chapter 3 Line(s): 230
Prophets - Nokodemion and others - Chapter 2 Line(s): 322-325
Prophets - not angels nor envoys of gods and tin gods - Chapter 6 Line(s): 56
Prophets - not envoys of a god - Chapter 4 Line(s): 226
Prophets - number of them - Chapter 1 Line(s): 1
Prophets - obey them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 95
Prophets - only give you explanations regarding the Truth for life conduct, but only you can change your life - Chapter 26 Line(s): 34
Prophets - persecuted, cursed and slandered by mankind - Chapter 28 Line(s): 396
Prophets - purpose of them - Chapter 3 Line(s): 62-64
Prophets - purpose of them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 53
Prophets - purpose of them - Chapter 15 Line(s): 5-7
Prophets - purpose of them - Chapter 15 Line(s): 15-16
Prophets - real ones - Chapter 5 Line(s): 31
Prophets - respect them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 218
Prophets - sadness which often befalls the true prophets - Chapter 28 Line(s): 214
Prophets - taught from the creational Laws and Recommendations what they recognized as their duty - Chapter 12 Line(s): 22
Prophets - teach in admonishment and sign-posting to all people - Chapter 6 Line(s): 97
Prophets - teaching of - Chapter 5 Line(s): 120-124
Prophets - teaching of the prophets is the Laws & Recommendations of the unfolding of BEING - Chapter 12 Line(s): 2
Prophets - teaching of the prophets shows the way you must take if you strive in rationality and intellect - Chapter 12 Line(s): 22
Prophets - teaching you - Chapter 8 Line(s): 65
Prophets - The last "Billy" - Chapter 4 Line(s): 195-196
Prophets - The last "Billy" - Chapter 4 Line(s): 197
Prophets - The last "Billy" - Chapter 5 Line(s): 35
Prophets - the scope of what they do - Chapter 7 Line(s): 66-74
Prophets - the true ones are not rulers but are ambassadors and admonishers (warners) - Chapter 13 Line(s): 7-9
Prophets - the true ones brought joyful news & revelations; also reveal coming plagues, troubles and disasters - Chapter 4 Line(s): 211-213
Prophets - their message the same; do not put them on the same level as the false prophets - Chapter 2 Line(s): 357-360
Prophets - they are bringers of good news and warners of your need to change to avoid calamity - Chapter 6 Line(s): 72
Prophets - they are modest, same level and equal footing, do not demand privileges over you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 182
Prophets - they do not coerce or threaten people to accept the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 97
Prophets - they speak the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 36-37
Prophets - true ones - Chapter 3 Line(s): 139
Prophets - true ones - Chapter 6 Line(s): 11-14
Prophets - true ones - Chapter 7 Line(s): 159
Prophets - true ones and their purpose - Chapter 4 Line(s): 124
Prophets - true ones are not envoys of fabulated gods - Chapter 15 Line(s): 6
Prophets - true ones are not envoys of gods and tin gods - Chapter 5 Line(s): 36-37
Prophets - true ones are not rulers over you, but are ambassadors of the truth and also warners - Chapter 13 Line(s): 8
Prophets - true ones brought the message of the Truth in times past - Chapter 9 Line(s): 70
Prophets - true ones came from the line of Nokodemion - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138
Prophets - true ones came to show clear signs - Chapter 7 Line(s): 102
Prophets - true ones come in order to make the teaching of the truth, Spirit,& life comprehensible - Chapter 28 Line(s): 197
Prophets - true ones come to teach and reveal the way to the real Truth so you may do good deeds through the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 36
Prophets - true ones do not bow or pray to a deity but surrounded by true friends who recognise their love & kindness - Chapter 6 Line(s): 178
Prophets - true ones engage in comprehension & teaching (explaining) so people can understand & benefit - Chapter 15 Line(s): 5
Prophets - true ones explained in detail according to his (the prophet's) word in knowledge, & wisdom - Chapter 11 Line(s): 1-3
Prophets - true ones; they proclaim to you and warn you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 145
Prophets - true prophets walk on the right and straight way - Chapter 6 Line(s): 177-178
Prophets - tue ones; do not slander them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 162-163
Prophets - turn away from those that mock the prophets; do not even sit among the mockers and slanderers - Chapter 6 Line(s): 75
Prophets - warning from - Chapter 7 Line(s): 53-54
Prophets - warning from - Chapter 7 Line(s): 166
Proselytize - not by loud proclamations or attacking unknowing ones - Chapter 2 Line(s): 287
Proselytizing - do not proclaim your wisdom unasked & not attack other people with it like believers in a divinity do - Chapter 2 Line(s): 215
Proselytizing - don't - Chapter 4 Line(s): 222
Proselytizing - don't - Chapter 4 Line(s): 97-99
Proselytizing - don't - Chapter 4 Line(s): 130
Proselytizing - not rightful to impose it upon the unknowing ones nor attack their thoughts and feelings - Chapter 2 Line(s): 213
Prosperity - through following the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 143
Prostitution - do not take lovers to yourselves in secret - Chapter 4 Line(s): 48
Prostitution - open or secret sex with whores; makes you as undignified as they are - Chapter 5 Line(s): 17
Protection - not guaranteed by a god/gods during life's events to rescue or perform miracles - Chapter 6 Line(s): 69-70
Protection from unbelievers - have a group of believers in the Truth with you - Chapter 4 Line(s): 96
Provisions - equal proportions whether man, woman or child in equitableness and fairness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 230
Provisions - give food, sustenance, clothing, be helpful to one another - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5
Psychiatrists - they use "systems" - but you alone must be the one to bring inner change - Chapter 23 Line(s): 172-176
Psychologists - they use "systems" - but you alone must be the one to bring inner change - Chapter 23 Line(s): 172-176
Puberty - a time of strong excitement, ambivalence, doubtfulness, torn feelings & protesting nature - Chapter 25 Line(s): 170-172
Puberty - remaining in puberty state of mind results in never maturing - Chapter 25 Line(s): 173-179
Puberty - social and life-based - Chapter 25 Line(s): 166-192
Puberty - strive for the Truth and you will advance and progress in individuality as well as inner nature - Chapter 25 Line(s): 180-187
Pufferfish - compared to boasting in religious, ideological, &philosophical truth-unknowledge - Chapter 25 Line(s): 67
Punishment - adult - Chapter 3 Line(s): 214
Punishment - be forgiving and not harm body, life, inner world or psyche - Chapter 13 Line(s): 6
Punishment - created by you in this life only - Chapter 6 Line(s): 48
Punishment - for misdeeds and bad deeds in accordance with the Laws and Recommendations of Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 233
Punishment - for various crimes against yourself or to others - Chapter 4 Line(s): 54-55
Punishment - if personal change does not happen, they are to be imprisoned for life but live in freedom & to learn - Chapter 2 Line(s): 233
Punishment - in a secluded place where guilty can work on personal change - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Punishment - inner results from showing contempt toward the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 78-79
Punishment - is not given by Creation - Chapter 6 Line(s): 52
Punishment - its purpose - Chapter 4 Line(s): 83
Punishment - Juvenile - Chapter 3 Line(s): 215
Punishment - none internally - Chapter 2 Line(s): 234
Punishment - none to be done physically - Chapter 2 Line(s): 234
Punishment - not administered by you but by the Authorities - Chapter 2 Line(s): 286
Punishment - not be done to psyche nor life or limb, only measures for separaation from society & of certain duration - Chapter 2 Line(s): 197
Punishment - of others shall not be physically or against the psyche; taken to a secluded place or island for a certain time - Chapter 5 Line(s): 137
Punishment - only in fairness if it is necessary but body. life and psyche shall not be harmed - Chapter 8 Line(s): 16
Punishment - recommendation teaches each error brings distinct consequences - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Punishment - there is fear of punishment when you stray from the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 179
Punishment - those that speak of joy in doing disastrous things bring punishment in their psyche, thoughst & feelings - Chapter 3 Line(s): 235
Punishment - which results in harm to body, life and psyche is a work of evil by you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Punishment - you feel within when you disdain the truth resulting in lovelessness and unpeace - Chapter 3 Line(s): 72
Punishment (fire of Hell) - a threat used by those (God believers) that reject the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 230
Quarreling - do not do amongst yourselves about the REAL Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 193
Quarreling - do not quarrel over the teaching of the truth; the message is the same, only in new words - Chapter 3 Line(s): 82
Quarreling - do not quarrel with those that do not accept the Truth but help them in knowledge and wisdom of the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 190-192
Quarreling - do not quarrel with those that do not accept the Truth, take up a defensive position vs offensive - Chapter 25 Line(s): 288
Quarreling - do not quarrel with others of differing opinion - Chapter 9 Line(s): 88
Quarreling - don't do with people - Chapter 2 Line(s): 290
Quarreling - insignificant reason driven by jealousy, hatred, revenge and retribution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 391
Quarreling - refrain from and teach the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 75
Questions - 3 remain strange to humans: what is the human being, who is the human being & how is the human being - Chapter 28 Line(s): 92
Rage - i.e. bad anger - Chapter 19 Line(s): 43-45
Rage - i.e. good anger - Chapter 19 Line(s): 46
Rape - Chapter 4 Line(s): 4
Rationality - achieve it & recognize how bitter and wrong it is to leave the way of the Truth - Chapter 19 Line(s): 18
Rationality - along with clear intellect results in no extenuations, no lies and no calumnies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 29
Rationality - along with intellect become lost due to materialism - Chapter 28 Line(s): 153-154
Rationality - do not allow yourself to be misled and suffer harm to your thoughts feelings, deeds and wishes - Chapter 3 Line(s): 42
Rationality - encourage people to use it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 279
Rationality - finding the Truth through it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 70-82
Rationality - the ability to differentiate what is good or evil - Chapter 4 Line(s): 216
Rationality (pure) and clear intellect - know no extenuations… - Chapter 28 Line(s): 29
Rationality and intellect - a part of the whole picture - Chapter 23 Line(s): 132
Rationality and intellect - only these two can hold fast to something and effectively work it out to a result - Chapter 28 Line(s): 565
Rationality and intellect - maintain these attributes given by the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 7 Line(s): 34
Rationality and intellect - open your mind to it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 46-49
Rationality and intellect - only these can get through the tiredness of the delusion & open the way to the real truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 28
Rationality and intellect - recognize it as effective truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 155
Rationality and intellect - have no extenuations, lies, calumnies or excuse for pretense which are practiced by religion..... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 29
Rationality and intellect - use them to understand the teaching of the prophets which shows the way you must take - Chapter 12 Line(s): 22
Rationality and intellect - used for comprehension & explanation of hidden nature of Laws & Recom. - Chapter 12 Line(s): 9-13
Rationality and logic - irresponsibility re: fine and coarse-substantial world - Chapter 28 Line(s): 150-164
Rationality, logic, intellect - living in love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138
Reality - effectuated through cognition (rationality) & true discernment (intellect) - Chapter 17 Line(s): 4
Reality - is the truthfulness of the Creation and its Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 23 Line(s): 1-3
Reality (coming to your senses) - only by searching for the real Truth in yourselves & finding the way of the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 283
Reap what you sow - Chapter 28 Line(s): 43
Reap what you sow - Chapter 28 Line(s): 124
Reason - nothing happens without it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 242
Rebirth - the re-awakening after death through the spirit-body (spirit-form) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 103
Receipt - when to issue one or not - Chapter 2 Line(s): 396
Reckoning - a time will come for it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 35
Redeemer/redeemers - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Redemption - false teaching of religions - Chapter 23 Line(s): 20
Redemption - false/fabulated by people - Chapter 6 Line(s): 120
Reincarnation (rebirth) - new inner world is formed and born together with the spirit-body (spirit-form) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 33
Rejection - of the Truth, mind and heart depravity - Chapter 27 Line(s): 1-52
Rejection - of the Truth; description of mankinds condition and why he/she does not listen or follow the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 392-404
Rejoicing - comes from knowing the truth and doing good deeds resulting in joy , peace, harmony and freedom within - Chapter 3 Line(s): 73
Relation/friends - hold on to them (don't make them enemies) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 24-25
Relationships - be entirely like brothers and sisters to one another…love and uprightness - Chapter 15 Line(s): 13-14
Relationships - don't twist the truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 70
Relationships - maintain good relationships with friends and relatives, even if they are unfair ones - Chapter 9 Line(s): 24-25
Relationships - treating kindly - Chapter 4 Line(s): 144
Relationships - with others (forgiveness, kind, friendship, love, support/welfare) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 5-6
Religiion - depravity of it; it blinds you and creates a belief-delusion - Chapter 26 Line(s): 11-36
Religion - zealots lead people astray - Chapter 22 Line(s): 23
Religion - & ideologies & philosophies are in fear of losing influence over you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 110-111
Religion - ideologies, philosophies are based on pure speculations & shows absolutely no concreteness of the realith - Chapter 28 Line(s): 58
Religion - a delusional belief of a god/tin god and those who teach it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 93
Religion - a mentally dumbing down of dependent-making activities, rituals, traditions & wishes - Chapter 27 Line(s): 24-33
Religion - addictiveness and doggish submissiveness - Chapter 27 Line(s): 22-33
Religion - firmly defined, non-expandable, unprovable, refutable illusion, poor terminology, based on pretense, false facts - Chapter 23 Line(s): 115
Religion - all are false with fabulated gods, tin gods and demons - Chapter 7 Line(s): 169
Religion - belief in gods/tin gods is a cowardly flight from true reality - Chapter 23 Line(s): 95-98
Religion - blinds and blocks consciousness-evolution - Chapter 27 Line(s): 31
Religion - bondage to it through following laws and directions of those who serve gods/tin gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 64
Religion - breads fear of punishment and calamity - Chapter 7 Line(s): 171
Religion - breaking from it - Chapter 23 Line(s): 49-50
Religion - breaking from it - Chapter 23 Line(s): 58-59
Religion - captivates through fabulating gods/tin gods, traditions, lies and deception - Chapter 23 Line(s): 84-85
Religion - captures an individual through false teachings by priests & other worshipers puts people in servitude, - Chapter 23 Line(s): 29-45
Religion - conflict with individuality - Chapter 23 Line(s): 81-86
Religion - danger of and false prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 169-170
Religion - Delusional - Chapter 26 Line(s): 11-12,24
Religion - delusions - Chapter 4 Line(s): 179
Religion - delusions - Chapter 13 Line(s): 21-25
Religion - its delusions capture you and become our own prison through teachings, scripts and books - Chapter 23 Line(s): 26-27
Religion - delusions - Chapter 10 Line(s): 75
Religion - delusions (paradise, heaven, hell, demons) - Chapter 11 Line(s): 65-66
Religion - delusions of gods, tin gods and demons; they are powerless and only fantasies - Chapter 9 Line(s): 128
Religion - delusions/lies/confusion/deception/threats led by religious leaders - Chapter 2 Line(s): 307
Religion - depravity. delusion and dogma - Chapter 25 Line(s): 50-69
Religion - do not follow priests & others who worship godheads/tin gods who use deception - Chapter 25 Line(s): 256-257
Religion - enslavement through hackneyed words, mentally dumbing down, rituals, prejudice…. - Chapter 27 Line(s): 23-24
Religion - erroneous teachings that lead you astray - Chapter 9 Line(s): 101-104
Religion - exploiting people for gain and riches - Chapter 9 Line(s): 35-38
Religion - fabulated (invented) and unsubstantial - Chapter 4 Line(s): 150
Religion - false - Chapter 6 Line(s): 24
Religion - falseness of it and for self-seeking purposes, to obtain a good reward for untruth & live a life of idleness - Chapter 22 Line(s): 43-46
Religion - teaches the unreal, used for exploitation and taught irrationality, supernatural and un-natural - Chapter 22 Line(s): 47
Religion - falseness/delusions of it through its leaders and tactics - Chapter 27 Line(s): 1-52
Religion - give shelter, food, protection & teaching of the Truth to those who repent from religion - Chapter 9 Line(s): 6
Religion - gods and tin gods no help - Chapter 9 Line(s): 26
Religion - hinders the conscioiusness-evolution and growth in the Creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 440-453
Religion - holds you in bondage under the spell of a belief in gods and tin gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 64
Religion - how it began through false scribes & false prophets who falsified the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 31-34
Religion - how to escape it - Chapter 23 Line(s): 58-59
Religion - how to escape it - Chapter 23 Line(s): 65-69
Religion - imaginations, fantacies of gods & tin gods, demons & odolized human beings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 164-165
Religion - inner devastation through its captive belifs, dogmas, rituals, ceremonies, etc. - Chapter 23 Line(s): 58-71
Religion - invented - Chapter 2 Line(s): 217-219
Religion - invented - Chapter 2 Line(s): 221-223
Religion - invented - Chapter 4 Line(s): 72-73
Religion - inventing not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 10
Religion - schooling in religious, ideological and philosophical knowledge are irrational - Chapter 25 Line(s): 100-119
Religion - irrational teachings of religions, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 26
Religion - irrational teachings of religions, ideologies,philosophies by false prophets, priest, gurus, masters, sublime ones - Chapter 27 Line(s): 23
Religion - leave it and be free from all beliefs, gods, tin gods, servants of them and creeds - Chapter 9 Line(s): 1-3
Religion - liberation from its delusional teachings is through the Teaching of the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 105
Religion - lies of creation - Chapter 11 Line(s): 8
Religion - no bond with it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 7-13
Religion - no true love comes from religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 27
Religion - result of religious teachings: torment , broken consciousness, thoughts, feelings and psyche - Chapter 23 Line(s): 46
Religion - people fall prey through their leaders, regulations, teachings, scripts and books - Chapter 23 Line(s): 25-27
Religion - perils and influence of it - Chapter 26 Line(s): 1-10
Religion - purpose= to gain riches, lead you into errors, false signs and enslavement to creeds - Chapter 9 Line(s): 9-17
Religion - purpose= to bind you in the belief in a godhead, tin god or idolised human through erroneous teachings - Chapter 27 Line(s): 23
Religion - reject religion and begin to learn the real truth in knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 283
Religion - release from it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 43-45
Religion - results in unpeace, hatred, battles, fanaticism, threats, murder, prejudice, atrocities - Chapter 2 Line(s): 307
Religion - scare tactics are used to keep people in the belief of gods and tin gods - Chapter 9 Line(s): 29-30
Religion - senseless laws and directions fabulated and imposed by priests and servants of gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 64
Religion - split beliefs - how to handle - Chapter 4 Line(s): 116-117
Religion - the delusion through priests, theologians, preachers, sect leaders, ideologies & philosophies - Chapter 26 Line(s): 7
Religion - the delusions of it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 1-42
Religion - the illusion of it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 21
Religion - through its teachings it gives an illusion which makes you feel elevated in consciousness/thoughts - Chapter 26 Line(s): 10
Religion - traits of those in religion - Chapter 5 Line(s): 73-75a
Religion - traits of those in religion - Chapter 23 Line(s): 60-64
Religion - unprovable & refutable illusion in terminology, argument & pretences of false facts - Chapter 23 Line(s): 115
Religion - wish-fulfilments, prayers & help through fabulated godheads, tin gods and idolized humans are all fabulated - Chapter 28 Line(s): 6-10
Religion - wrong volition = begging as prayers and devotion in belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 10
Religion -tactics and ways that religion spreads the untruth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 3-11
Religion - why people hang onto it: cowardice, anxiety, fear, harsh rule, chickenheartedness - Chapter 23 Line(s): 62-67
Religions - all have committed tremendous crimes in the name of a god, tin god, or human divinity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 375-378
Religions - falsify the truth of Creation & the mode of functioning of its laws and recommendations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 44-45
Religions - all of them are fallicious teachings - Chapter 7 Line(s): 169
Religions - do not pay homage to them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 219-220
Religions - they rage against those connected to the truth through coercion - Chapter 10 Line(s): 88
Religious - if you are religious you are damaging to the Truth and deceive fellow humans - Chapter 24 Line(s): 4-5
Religious belief - is never founded on delight in the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 109
Religious books - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Religious books, writings, teachings - full of falsehood and guidance to the unreal - Chapter 25 Line(s): 17-22
Religious buildings - houses of gods and tin gods - do not go to or pray in - Chapter 9 Line(s): 107-108
Religious institutions - institutions that teach the untruth/false religious beliefs - Chapter 25 Line(s): 22-24
Religious leaders - extol themselves - Chapter 4 Line(s): 115
Religious leaders - false teachings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 83-95
Religious leaders - of all types: do not honor in any way - Chapter 4 Line(s): 218-220
Religious leaders - Truth deniers; swaggers, word-splitters, nit-pickers (know-it-alls) - Chapter 3 Line(s): 231
Religious observances - they are useless and fabulated (invented) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 26
Religious philosophers - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Religious prophets - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Religious zealots - they see human beings as a threat to their own claims - Chapter 22 Line(s): 23
Rellgion - how it captivates, holds you through irrational teachings, cult activities, rites & sacrifices - Chapter 23 Line(s): 36-46
Remarriage - Chapter 2 Line(s): 274
Remarriage - to previous spouse - Chapter 2 Line(s): 258
Remorse - be remoreseful and turn away from all your evil, from unright and do good deeds - Chapter 4 Line(s): 64-66
Remorse - be remorseful when you have done unright - Chapter 5 Line(s): 47
Reproach (revenge, retaliation, hatred) - the result when a person assesses another by their outward appearance - Chapter 28 Line(s): 384-385
Reproduction - mankind is worsened through irresponsibility in creating children through lust for sex - Chapter 23 Line(s): 103
Resentment - cast it away through love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 15 Line(s): 12
Resentment - remove it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 44
Resentment - towards people - Chapter 9 Line(s): 84
Resources - exploited by humans i.e. climate,population,migrations,water/food, nature/animals - Chapter 28 Line(s): 150
Respect - (deference) show towards parents and all people - Chapter 17 Line(s): 11
Respect - one another in honorableness and equality - Chapter 4 Line(s): 230
Respect - show to the unknowing ones that need your instruction and help - Chapter 9 Line(s): 28
Respect - show toward others of different attitude - Chapter 7 Line(s): 47-49
Respect - treat the world and people rightfully - Chapter 7 Line(s): 129-135
Responsibility - be at all times fair (responnsible) and connected to equitableness (fairness), be aware of carelessness - Chapter 17 Line(s): 10
Responsibility - all have same rights and responsibilities; do not pursue base desires, be fair with righteousness & virtues - Chapter 4 Line(s): 172
Responsibility - all humans of earth are responsible for the chaos that exists - Chapter 23 Line(s): 104-107
Responsibility - bear your responsibility for your existence - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
Responsibility - bearing responsibility is always the first thing you have to do - Chapter 28 Line(s): 38-39&45
Responsibility - be responsible at all times and righteous to yourselves - Chapter 11 Line(s): 23
Responsibility - be responsible at all times so that you take the way of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 76
Responsibility - creational energy & power is given to all & used by your own will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 65-66
Responsibility - for teaching what is right or wrong falls back on parents, gr.parents, great gr. parents & generations past - Chapter 28 Line(s): 327
Responsibility - each person has - Chapter 3 Line(s): 239-240
Responsibility - each person has - Chapter 5 Line(s): 42
Responsibility - each person has for their existence, deeds and efforts - Chapter 3 Line(s): 236
Responsibility - each person is responsible for their own inner nature - Chapter 23 Line(s): 100-103
Responsibility - each person is responsible for themselves and do not fall into senseless rumination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 540
Responsibility - each shall take responsibility for themselves, not onto others nor gods or tin gods - Chapter 2 Line(s): 401
Responsibility - for those that teach the Truth as well as your own wellbeing - Chapter 6 Line(s): 58
Responsibility - for what you want to do in the negative or positive - Chapter 28 Line(s): 53
Responsibility - for your actions - Chapter 8 Line(s): 42
Responsibility - for your actions toward yourself and others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 387-391
Responsibility - for yourself & towards others is through your actions, activity, thoughts & feelings by your own choosing - Chapter 28 Line(s): 387-389
Responsibility - for yourself, not gods or servants of gods - Chapter 3 Line(s): 29-30
Responsibility - fully rests upon you of what you say, think & do - Chapter 28 Line(s): 331
Responsibility - personal vs fate of a fabricated god - Chapter 28 Line(s): 125-129
Responsibility - personal, can't shove it off on others, religion, a deity, saint or angel - Chapter 28 Line(s): 123-129
Responsibility - to help and teach the unknowing ones in goodness and the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 93
Responsibility - use your unique immense energy & power given by Creation to the best & to the good - Chapter 28 Line(s): 59
Responsibility - you alone are responsible for all & everything including thoughts & deeds - Chapter 25 Line(s): 261-262
Responsibility - you alone bear the consequences of your thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 204
Responsibility - you alone determine spiritual growth, not a god or tin god - there is no determining divinity - Chapter 2 Line(s): 210
Responsibility - you alone for all and everything - Chapter 28 Line(s): 387
Responsibility - you alone have might over your psyche & body, not a god or tin god or demon - Chapter 10 Line(s): 50
Responsibility - you alone have the power to do good and better things for yourself - Chapter 11 Line(s): 59
Responsibility - you are responsible for what you do - Chapter 7 Line(s): 174
Responsibility - you are responsible for your thoughts, feelings and actions - Chapter 23 Line(s): 122-127
Responsibility - you bear for your thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 207-211
Responsibility - you bear the responsibility for the forming of your life - Chapter 28 Line(s): 578-580
Responsibility - you have to face everything that befalls you & make the best of it in yourselves, thoughts/feelings - Chapter 5 Line(s): 52
Responsibility - you must bear and not push it off - Chapter 28 Line(s): 38-47
Responsibility - you shun when you refuse intellect & rationality & end upbelieving religious lies - Chapter 25 Line(s): 128
Responsibility - young and old need to be responsible for teaching truthly life-conduct to children - Chapter 28 Line(s): 326-327
Responsibility - your personal decision on how to think and act - Chapter 5 Line(s): 34
Responsible fullness - living in accordance with Creational Laws & Recommendations to a fresh, joyful & pure activity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 455-456
Retaliation - do not fight against opposers of the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 70
Retaliation - do not pay back evil with evil - Chapter 11 Line(s): 55
Retaliation - do not perform terrible punishment for those who do misdeeds but to a secluded place/island - Chapter 5 Line(s): 55
Retaliation - not against enemies or those who do not accept the Truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 2 Line(s): 284-286
Retaliation - refrain from doing because they are poor in their mind, evil/confused in thoughts/feelings; forgive & teach - Chapter 5 Line(s): 45
Retaliation - such a command was never given by Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 232
Retaliation - there are no laws of retaliation and revenge, neither of hatred nor other evil - Chapter 2 Line(s): 285
Retaliation - there is no value in your life for doing it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 235
Retaliation - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Retaliation or revenge - do not do - Chapter 2 Line(s): 235
Return - do not wish to return to the control of false prophets/priests/servants - Chapter 5 Line(s): 71
Revenge - Chapter 4 Line(s): 189
Revenge - blood for blood not allowed in any form is against the Laws and Recommendations of the life and Creation - Chapter 3 Line(s): 214
Revenge - chaos & killing - turn from it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 126-127
Revenge - do not scheme to harm God believers but give protection to them if they seek it and instruct them in the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 6
Revenge - do not wish evil towards others when they have done evil towards you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 18-20
Revenge - have none - Chapter 7 Line(s): 137
Revenge - no evil for evil, use intellect, rationality, dignity and honor - Chapter 11 Line(s): 55
Revenge - not against enemies or those who do not accept the Truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 2 Line(s): 284-286
Revenge - not allowed by the laws and recommendations - Chapter 5 Line(s): 66
Revenge - not allowed if it concerns falseness, lying, vilification, slander, terrible things and evil; results in discord/strife - Chapter 3 Line(s): 90
Revenge - not allowed, but teach them the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 126
Revenge - such a command was never given by Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 232
Revenge - there is no value if your life for doing it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 235
Revenge - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Revenge of unfair (unbelieves) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 307
Reward - during lifetime - Chapter 2 Line(s): 63
Reward - from following the call and teacching of the prophets - Chapter 3 Line(s): 219
Reward - inner reward comes from knowing the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 227
Reward - love and fairness by doing good works with respect and honesty, carry out your duty, give alms/goods - Chapter 2 Line(s): 398
Reward - nothing goes unrewarded in its form - Chapter 2 Line(s): 329
Reward - of creating high values is love, freedom, harmony and peace & several other attributes - Chapter 28 Line(s): 582
Reward - of this world is measured by your conduct and how your deeds and words are evaluated - Chapter 4 Line(s): 170
Reward - peace, love, freedom and consonance (harmony) per the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 9 Line(s): 27
Reward - uprightness, fair and virtuous through wisdom by choosing the Teaching of the Prophets - Chapter 3 Line(s): 226
Reward - your final reward will always be in accordance with how you acted in good or bad ability - Chapter 6 Line(s): 151
Riches - (earthly) can not be obtained through the "real Truth" - Chapter 16 Line(s): 50
Ridicule - do not ridicule those who strive for the truth and reality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 186-189
Right and wrong - known as comprehensive examination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 407-422
Right and wrong - through true discernment (rationality), cognition (intellect) & Laws and Recomm. - Chapter 10 Line(s): 48
Right and wrong - when you agree or participate in those doing wrong, you lose your ability to discern what is right - Chapter 28 Line(s): 326
Right motion - law of right-motion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 458-479
Righteous - be at all times righteous; so love will fill you; peace & freedom grow in you; harmony prevail in you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 76
Righteous - remove yourself far from evil so you are rightful in the eyes of people - Chapter 7 Line(s): 117
Righteous living - by forgiving yourself and then forgiving others - Chapter 9 Line(s): 80
Righteous ones - will not protect or advocate those with maliciousness or inequity (unfairness) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 140-142
Righteousness - by finding/following Laws & Recommendations & applying it to yourself and others - Chapter 6 Line(s): 60
Righteousness - comes by admitting your unright and sincerely regretting it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 57
Righteousness - equip yourself with patience and righteousness resulting in being a person of intellect - Chapter 2 Line(s): 294
Righteousness - strive for the Truth; wellbeing will be opened to your psyche - Chapter 7 Line(s): 97
Rights - between man and woman - Chapter 2 Line(s): 236
Robbery - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Rulers - want your submissiveness only - Chapter 11 Line(s): 28
Rumination (brood over) - cannot bring about any progress or development - Chapter 28 Line(s): 570
Rumination (brood over) - causes you to get confused in all sorts of things & causes depression & sadness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 75
Rumination (brood over) - falling prey to it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 564-576
Rumination (brood over) - leads to assuming/unreality/delusion based/confusion/irrational belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 553-559
Rumination (brood over) - senseless, pulls you down, leads to no conscious volition, pathological craving for overbearingness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 541-558
Rumination (brood over) - senseless thoughts of remorse of errors; what has happened is in the past, don't hash it over and over - Chapter 28 Line(s): 544
Rumination (brood over) - the cure: look at yourself from a neutral standpoint to see yourself as you really are...then change! - Chapter 28 Line(s): 562-563
Rumination (brood over) - to stop ruminating: use rationality to gain a clear perception of what to do to gain wisdom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 564-567
Rumination (brood over) - cannot bring any progress or development i.e. evolution of the consciousness; don't fall prey to it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 570-571
Rumination (brood over) - does not bring any benefit to you; everything is anchored in the effects of the creational laws & recommend. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 579-581
Rumors - guidelines - Chapter 4 Line(s): 111-112
Rythm of the creational-universal motion - obtaining cognition, knowledge & wisdom from creationa-law - Chapter 28 Line(s): 465-469
Sacrificial food - meat, fruits or other things not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 5
Saint - gives false expectations - Chapter 26 Line(s): 27
Saints - lead you away from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 14-15
Sale - small hand to hand and witnesses - Chapter 2 Line(s): 396-397
Salvation - false - Chapter 6 Line(s): 119-122
Salvation - is a lie of religion - Chapter 7 Line(s): 162
Sanctity of Life - regarding criminal punishment - Chapter 4 Line(s): 83
Satisfaction - be at al times satisfied with what your life gives you and what you receive from it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 60
Satisfaction (erroneous) - a feeling when you worship a god/tin god that makes you feel elevated within - Chapter 26 Line(s): 11
Schemes - do not do - Chapter 8 Line(s): 44
Schemes - of unfair ones - Chapter 7 Line(s): 20-23
Schemes/attacks - by unfair ones - Chapter 9 Line(s): 29-37
Scribes - falsified the Truth in times past - Chapter 4 Line(s): 139
Scribes - falsified the Truth in times past - Chapter 5 Line(s): 31
Scribes of the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 194
Sciences - they do not recognize the real truth, fine fluidal or spirit and are purely material factors - Chapter 28 Line(s): 489
Scripture - (Holy tests) contain unhumane laws and recommendations - Chapter 3 Line(s): 233
Scrolls - falsifiers of them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 222
Secluded places - are erroneous i.e. monasteries, caves, forest, mountains or deserts. - Chapter 23 Line(s): 44
Secret - the creative power of Creation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 149
Secret of life - is truthly love that proceeds from the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 19 Line(s): 77-80
Secret sins - Chapter 4 Line(s): 172-173
Secrets - there are non in the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 49
Sects - of all kinds are springing up in the new time that sear your consciousness, thoughts, feelings and psyche - Chapter 25 Line(s): 7-11
Seekers - false - Chapter 4 Line(s): 88
Segregation - against people of various colors is against the Laws and Recommendations of Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 307
Segregation - do not hold against yourself nor others of different color, language, customs or belief - Chapter 6 Line(s): 147
Self - be satisfied with yourself and not the personality of others - Chapter 10 Line(s): 69-71
Self - do not be unright to yourself and do not be lured away by religionists so that you turn to ruin - Chapter 11 Line(s): 64
Self - invisible wall of "self" creates unkindness and non-giving - Chapter 25 Line(s): 197
Self - set your thoughts to the giving and taking in thoughts, feelings and deeds - Chapter 25 Line(s): 199
Self - the Truth demands that you look the facts in the eye…. - Chapter 23 Line(s): 122
Self - what is important in your life - Chapter 23 Line(s): 128-139
Self - what it takes - change of the inner nature - Chapter 23 Line(s): 140-181
Self-acceptance - if you cannot accept yourself, it means you have wrong modes of understanding, observing & considering.. - Chapter 21 Line(s): 6-10
Self-cognition - learning through the teaching of the prophets your inner character & values - Chapter 23 Line(s): 77-83
Self-control - control of yourselves - Chapter 7 Line(s): 56
Self-defense - is allowed but not punishment against the enemy; refer it to the authorities - Chapter 2 Line(s): 286
Self-defense - is different than war - Chapter 4 Line(s): 220
Self-defense - you must protect your life - Chapter 6 Line(s): 164
Self-determination - can be done by each individual through freedom of choice - Chapter 20 Line(s): 7-12
Self-determination - you alone are the true determiners over whether you want to open your ears to the truth or untruth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 88
Self-determination - you decide to create love or hatred/freedom/unfreedom, harmony/disharmony,fairness/unfair. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 79
Self-determination - you decide to follow the laws and recommendations so that you are not deceived - Chapter 3 Line(s): 30
Self-development - process is through your free will, capabilities and possibilities - Chapter 28 Line(s): 248
Self-direction - you give yourself help and power over all things you undertake - Chapter 7 Line(s): 191
Self-esteem - cultivate your thoughts/feelings; do not insult yourselves as contemptible apes - Chapter 7 Line(s): 167-168
Self-examination - regarding grace toward yourself and others - Chapter 6 Line(s): 59
Self-guidance - arrange thoughts/feelings usinng control of false views/rigid pillars of erroneous info - Chapter 25 Line(s): 211-213
Self-love - love for yourselves - Chapter 19 Line(s): 103
Self-preservation - energies/powers within you can be used in a positive or negative way - Chapter 17 Line(s): 16-22
Self-responsibility - to do evil or good is your greatest responsibility which ou must bear with your own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 53
Self-righteous - be wise, discerning and act with regard to the Truth to the best of your ability - Chapter 11 Line(s): 60-61
Seminaries - institutions that teach the untruth/false religious beliefs - Chapter 25 Line(s): 22-24
Separation - financial considerations - Chapter 2 Line(s): 276
Separation - from what is bad and turn yourselves to goodness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 226
Separation - leave those who use the Truth as gain & are captive to earthly life, but admonish/help them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 77
Separation - letter of - Chapter 2 Line(s): 256
Separation/Divorce - Chapter 4 Line(s): 58-59
Servants - servants of gods (don't rise up against) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 14-20
Servants of god/gods - they (false prophets, priests), do not acknowledge the Truth, invent lies & false scrolls - Chapter 23 Line(s): 17-22
Servants of god/gods - deniers of the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Sex - menstruation, attitude - Chapter 2 Line(s): 265-266
Sex - vices - Chapter 4 Line(s): 47-50
Sexual - regarding intercourse: use self control - Chapter 7 Line(s): 82
Sexual change - not allowed for men for bearing children (violates the laws & regulation of the primal power Creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 267
Sexual cleanliness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 68
Sexual decadence - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Sexual freedom - activity and mode under mutual agreement - Chapter 4 Line(s): 44
Sexual intercourse - (during fasting) be kindhearted and fair to the other person with appropriate food and drink - Chapter 2 Line(s): 245
Sexual intercourse - abstinence in marriage - Chapter 2 Line(s): 275
Sexual intercourse - after engagement - Chapter 4 Line(s): 31
Sexual intercourse - allowed in mutual liking - Chapter 4 Line(s): 31
Sexual intercourse - excessiveness and fornication - Chapter 4 Line(s): 47
Sexual intercourse - forced (coerced upon) the other person is not allowed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 4
Sexual intercourse - not allowed with children - Chapter 5 Line(s): 16
Sexual intercourse - not with a virgin unless a mutual agreement of marriage & with witnesses - Chapter 5 Line(s): 16
Sexual intercourse - refrain from during menstruation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 265
Sexual intercourse - should be for the stimulating and joyful and joining and healing fulfillment of pleasure - Chapter 2 Line(s): 236
Sexual intercourse - should not be salaciousness and selfish for fulfilling one's forced desire - Chapter 2 Line(s): 236
Sexual intercourse - through willing mutuality so that they share the same volition and need - Chapter 2 Line(s): 266
Sexual intercourse - wash afterwards - Chapter 5 Line(s): 19
Sexual lust - procreation due to lack of intelligence, sexual greed and unconcernedness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 321
Sexual lust - puts mankind below the apes who have sex for lust - Chapter 28 Line(s): 321
Sexual misuse - of man, woman and child - Chapter 19 Line(s): 51
Sexual misuse - of man, woman and child - Chapter 6 Line(s): 153
Shadow world - Hell - does not exist except within you due to various inner strife - Chapter 2 Line(s): 175
Shadow world - Hell - imaginary, created through your thoughts & feelings and result in evil deeds - Chapter 25 Line(s): 103
Shadow world - Hell within you created by your own unrighteousness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 215
Shadow world - Hell within you, daily inner turmoil, joylessness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 78-79
Shadow world - Hell within you. living with discontentment, inner strife - Chapter 3 Line(s): 239
Shaving (your head) - do not shave your head for the sake or identification to a god/tin god or false teacher - Chapter 2 Line(s): 289
Shrub-knight of the consciousness - concepts and teachings (i.e. religious) that lead you in false teachings - Chapter 27 Line(s): 23
Sincerity - in following the Truth gives rewards - Chapter 4 Line(s): 183-185
Slander - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Slandering - against you - Chapter 2 Line(s): 347
Slavery - human - Chapter 4 Line(s): 51
Slavery - chained to a thought & feeling world; broken through turning away from evil, bad, & purely negative to good... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 164
Slavery - your will can enslave you when you dictate negative things into your thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc. - Chapter 28 Line(s): 259-263
Slaves - people become from religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief - Chapter 25 Line(s): 113
Slumber - Creation will fall back into slumber again after 311,040,000,000,000 years - Chapter 28 Line(s): 86
Small groups - where the Truth can be best taught in freedom - Chapter 22 Line(s): 45
Smith of all irrefutability -- referring to the Truth which is "the ultimate authority and basis" for growth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 138
Social association - check out people before developing friendship - Chapter 4 Line(s): 123
Social help - help with food, shelter & necessities to strangers & fellow human beings - Chapter 8 Line(s): 72
Social help - regarding their state of provisions and oppression - Chapter 9 Line(s): 40
Social life - being fair and responsible in your actions and treatment of others - Chapter 11 Line(s): 22-24
Social life - do not fight with one another, be fair so that love, peace, freedom and consonance (harmony) prevails - Chapter 6 Line(s): 88
Social life - guide for separation from unfair ones and promoting peace - Chapter 7 Line(s): 47-49
Social life - have boundaries in your activities - Chapter 7 Line(s): 32
Social life - kindness to all - Chapter 4 Line(s): 60
Social life - leave alone those who take the "teaching" as a game or pastime and are infatuated by earthly life - Chapter 6 Line(s): 77
Social vices - suicide, murders, & theft - Chapter 4 Line(s): 54
Soothsaying - things that are false in telling one's future i.e. cards, palm reading, etc. - Chapter 5 Line(s): 7-9
Sorrow/hardship - can also be overcome - Chapter 22 Line(s): 4
Sorrow/trials - facing them takes courageous strength and superior power - Chapter 17 Line(s): 23
Sorrow/tribulation - let them experience your happiness and help so the terrible things vanish & they can be glad - Chapter 11 Line(s): 11
Sowing/reaping - the process that is given through the Creational Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 43
Sowing/reaping - through your thoughts, feelings, actions, deeds and all activity - Chapter 28 Line(s): 87
Sowing/reaping - where you bring the cause to an outcoming effect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 124
Sowing/reaping - where you bring the cause to an outcoming effect through free decision/determination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 103
Space and time - all things are integrated into more fine-fluidal levels and forms - Chapter 25 Line(s): 142-145
Space travel - in the future fly to new worlds, discover foreign people & connect with them - Chapter 25 Line(s): 146
Speaking - graciously - Chapter 2 Line(s): 373
Speaking - use careful and decent words - Chapter 7 Line(s): 163
Speaking - with clarity - Chapter 2 Line(s): 115
Speaking - with dignity - Chapter 4 Line(s): 186-187
Species - every species brings forth its species and every kind its kind - Chapter 28 Line(s): 100
Spirit - Chapter 2 Line(s): 368-370
Spirit - and its interaction with "your free will;" guilt and destiny cannot pass to your spirit (spirit-form) - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264
Spirit - and its interaction with "your inner nature" - Chapter 28 Line(s): 265-266
Spirit - and universal consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 480-484
Spirit - animates you & entire consciousness-block with spiritual energy - Chapter 28 Line(s): 249-250
Spirit - cannot be afflicted by illness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 94
Spirit - cannot be afflicted by illness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 158
Spirit - creational energy: the energy which people are animated out of in its creative power - Chapter 16 Line(s): 12
Spirit - creation-given & animates in you; you are able to taken in the cosmic-electromagnetic life energy - Chapter 28 Line(s): 249
Spirit - disposition after death - Chapter 25 Line(s): 139-141
Spirit - disposition after death - Chapter 25 Line(s): 227
Spirit - dwelling of the impalpable (other world) - Chapter 2 Line(s): 147
Spirit - energy of Creation - Chapter 3 Line(s): 216
Spirit - from conception through death - Chapter 28 Line(s): 130-134
Spirit - grow in wisdom and love; these values transfer to the Spirit which will combine with Creation some day - Chapter 3 Line(s): 238
Spirit - growth is suppressed when the body is ill, needs human consciousness for its own evolution - Chapter 25 Line(s): 95
Spirit - human death and destiny - Chapter 2 Line(s): 315
Spirit - integrates the essence of the knowledge, i.e. the wisdom created from your consciousness & evolves with it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 5
Spirit - is not identical with your consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 484
Spirit - learn it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 103
Spirit - lives on - Chapter 6 Line(s): 1-3
Spirit - lives on - Chapter 6 Line(s): 67-68
Spirit - location in the brain (superior colliculus) - is immortal - Chapter 22 Line(s): 16-17
Spirit - nothing of guilt or destiny can connect to it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 264
Spirit - of human - Chapter 2 Line(s): 147
Spirit - part of you and creation - Chapter 2 Line(s): 315
Spirit - personality ceases, spirit-form remains the same - Chapter 28 Line(s): 305-308
Spirit - purely creational and energetical nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 5
Spirit - reawakened (reborn) after death in a new individual being - Chapter 7 Line(s): 58
Spirit - reincarnated - Chapter 7 Line(s): 26
Spirit - weakened through any powers & swinging waves become lifeless - Chapter 25 Line(s): 95
Spirit form - reincarnates in another body at the time of necessity - Chapter 6 Line(s): 68
Spirit healing - false practice in religions, sects and cults - Chapter 25 Line(s): 89
Spirit-creational energy - cannot be attacked from out of the material realm, influenced negatively - Chapter 25 Line(s): 153-160
Spirit-creational energy - streams through both the realm of the material world and the other world - Chapter 25 Line(s): 153
Spirit-creational energy - Chapter 16 Line(s): 12-19
Spirit-energetical realm - created through the Creation Universal Consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 490
Spirit-form - always returning existence - Chapter 28 Line(s): 424
Spirit-form - is the only thing that remains the same after death because it is creational energy integrated into the reincarnatiion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 306
Spirit-form - animates you and is of purely creational-energetical nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 5
Spirit-form - its disposition at death - Chapter 28 Line(s): 94
Spirit-form - evolves through everything you create in terms of love, knowledge & wisdom; unite with creation one day - Chapter 25 Line(s): 227
Spirit-form - gains evolutionary benefit from the search in the material - Chapter 28 Line(s): 480
Spirit-form - grows in an evolutionary way and must not be confused with the conscience - Chapter 28 Line(s): 482
Spirit-form - is never absolutely full because everything is in constant motion & development - Chapter 28 Line(s): 484
Spirit-form - is not responsible for your consciousness, you alone are responsble for it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 482
Spirit-form - is not identical with your consciousness, but is a pure creational-spiritual nature - Chapter 28 Line(s): 483
Spirit-form - its description, purpose, location and oneness in creation - Chapter 22 Line(s): 16-17
Spirit-form - its escape at death to its realm of the other world at death - Chapter 28 Line(s): 94
Spirit-form - no spiritual property for ideas and thoughts, only a consciousness-property - Chapter 25 Line(s): 156
Spirit-form - Spirit-form & conscioiusness escapes the body at the time of death quickly - Chapter 6 Line(s): 67
Spirit-form - created anew along with a new unburdened consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 132-133
Spirit-form - the difference between spirit form & conscience is confused by human religion, ideologies & philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 483
Spirit-form - there is no spirit-illness, only a consciousness-illness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 157
Spirit-form - creatures are excluded from the energy and power of a spirit-form - Chapter 28 Line(s): 147
Spirit-form - will one day unite with Creation itself & evolves further as a pure-spirit-form - Chapter 25 Line(s): 227
Spirit-form - will unite with Creation itself when it reaches a pure spirit-form - Chapter 25 Line(s): 227
Spirit-realm - cannot be attacked out of the material realm nor influenced negatively - Chapter 25 Line(s): 155
Spiritual science - consists in the teaching of the spirit - Chapter 25 Line(s): 23
Spiritual wasteland - imposters, gurus, godly ones, sublime ones, false prophets, etc. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 15
Splitting "hairs" - splitting opinions, views & meanings keeps you from the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 60
Spouse - death of - sorrow dealt with in dignity and honor so that illness of body or mind shall not happen - Chapter 2 Line(s): 273
Spouse - kindness - Chapter 4 Line(s): 10
Spouse - support after death - Chapter 2 Line(s): 277
Staff - Your serious searching for the truth is a staff and a support for you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 341
Stagnation - sitting and resting in life with no destination - Chapter 28 Line(s): 472
Status - do not use possessions to show a high or low position in society - Chapter 28 Line(s): 357-358
Steadfast - be steadfast; use your intellect to prevent depravity from spreading throughout mankind - Chapter 11 Line(s): 68
Steadfast - in the Truth so that you can bear witness to the equitableness (fairness) and stand up for it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 21
Steadfastness - be at all times steadfast in your good deeds; gives inner love. peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 11 Line(s): 12
Steadfastness - be steadfast in the knowledge and in the wisdom of the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 128
Steadfastness - builds an inner garden with streams of peace, love, harmony, knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 5 Line(s): 107
Steadfastness - in the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 108
Steadfastness - learn the truth teaching in patience, it will aid your thoughts, feelings and psyche - Chapter 2 Line(s): 207
Steadfastness - lighten your burden of undiscernment (unintellect) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 67
Steadfastness - like a tree planted along streams of water and brings forth good fruit - Chapter 16 Line(s): 4
Steadfastness - remain steadfast in the Truth and willing to counsel the unfair ones - Chapter 3 Line(s): 223-224
Steadfastness - show goodness, love and instruction to unfair ones - Chapter 9 Line(s): 50
Stealing - Chapter 2 Line(s): 343
Stealing - do not steal openly or in secret - Chapter 7 Line(s): 110
Stealing - for food or goods is unrightful - Chapter 6 Line(s): 132
Step-Children - Chapter 4 Line(s): 7
Stinginess - Chapter 4 Line(s): 62-63
Stinginess - Chapter 19 Line(s): 35-37
stinginess - defined and how to overcome - Chapter 19 Line(s): 36-37
Stinginess - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Stinginess - will result in being disdained by others - Chapter 3 Line(s): 227
Stolen goods - unacceptable - Chapter 6 Line(s): 129-132
Storage banks - everything is stored there - Chapter 25 Line(s): 226
Strangers - help them in protection, food, clothing, work, housing and safety - Chapter 7 Line(s): 84
Strength - in character & virtues is found in following the creational laws and recommendations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 31
Strength - courageous strength is obtained in learning of the Truth of the Laws and Recommend. - Chapter 17 Line(s): 24
Strength/power - if you lack these & the courage to find the Truth, you will be ruled by fear & indolence - Chapter 17 Line(s): 25
Strife - liberated from strife through the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 44
Stupidity - the result of when mankind fails to recognise the Truth and understand it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 80
Subservient - not before authorities or juristiction, enemy nor a god; be obedient when obedience is rightful - Chapter 2 Line(s): 349
Substantialness/Coarse: the sum of thoughts,feelings,words & external actions of consciousness & body - Chapter 25 Line(s): 266
Substantialness/Coarse: the sum of thoughts,feelings,words & external actions of consciousness & body - Chapter 25 Line(s): 266
Substantialness/Coarsest: external deeds are at this at this level - Chapter 25 Line(s): 266
Substantialness/Fine: thoughts & feelings have an effect at this level - Chapter 25 Line(s): 266
Success - by removing irrationality and greed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 98
Success - comes by connecting to the real truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 19
Success - have a mindset for progress and success - Chapter 7 Line(s): 83
Success - is acquired by people themselves through self-motivation, thus motivation is a virtue - Chapter 16 Line(s): 19
Success - know and understand the entirety of these things in your thoughts, feelings and psyche - Chapter 22 Line(s): 12-15
Success - only through cognisance and knowledge - Chapter 16 Line(s): 18
Success - outside but failure within - Chapter 23 Line(s): 87-94
Success and prosperity - what is in you and in your inner nature - Chapter 20 Line(s): 16
Suicide - assisted - considered murder - Chapter 27 Line(s): 13&15
Suicide - assisted suicide wrong - Chapter 28 Line(s): 158
Suicide - assisted suicide wrong - Chapter Line(s):
Suicide - do not commit !!! - Chapter 25 Line(s): 98
Suicide - do not contemplate due to guilt; life is given for fulfilment in kindheartedness and joy, even when life is hard - Chapter 3 Line(s): 199-201
Suicide - is not the way to end life - Chapter 17 Line(s): 15
Suicide - preventable - Chapter 3 Line(s): 213
Suicide - Teaching of the Prophets teaches empowerment for life and maintaining it; not murder or suicide - Chapter 3 Line(s): 213
Suicide - wrong - Chapter 3 Line(s): 175
Suicide - wrong - Chapter 3 Line(s): 199-201
Suicide - wrong - Chapter 4 Line(s): 221
Suicide - wrong, and don't let others talk you into it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 69-70
Suing - attitude toward judgment - Chapter 2 Line(s): 393
Supernatural (or un-natural) - does not exist - Chapter 22 Line(s): 48
Supplication - will not reach gods or tin gods, they are unsubstantial figures of delusion (illusions) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 152
Swamp of unknowledge - drain it to obtain the light of the real truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 15
Swampy mass of your belief - belief in gods, tin gods, demons, angels, saints and devil - Chapter 25 Line(s): 12-14
Swinging motion - truth is also in swinging motion - Chapter 28 Line(s): 485-489
Swinging waves - are out of spirit-energy through which the life ignites in you and nourishes it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 52
Swinging waves - caused by creational Laws & Recomm.; affects conscience,thoughs,feelings & psyche - Chapter 22 Line(s): 11-12
Swinging waves - they communicate sypathy or antipathy per your condition of thoughts and feelings - Chapter 22 Line(s): 32
Swinging waves - have pure & joyful thoughts & good deeds to others for positive swing waves to them - Chapter 25 Line(s): 280
Swinging waves - if fllowed through to the good with best formed ideas, you form your free wil logically - Chapter 28 Line(s): 255
Swinging waves - Laws and Recommendations run through the whole universe as swinging waves - Chapter 28 Line(s): 191
Swinging waves - negative ideas, thoughts, etc. affect them negatively & hinder the awakening & growth in the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 256
Swinging waves - not for the purely spiritual & not be used for finding the Truth of all Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 85-86
Swinging waves - of thoughts and feelings affect fellow human beings & all mankind - Chapter 25 Line(s): 273-277
Swinging waves - stored in personal things & body; they last during & after your life - Chapter 25 Line(s): 200
Swinging waves - suppressed by body illness resulting in liflessness, lack of power & body pain/suffering - Chapter 25 Line(s): 95
Swinging waves - thoughts & feelings are transmitted to others & come back to you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 163-164
Swinging waves - thoughts and feelings can be transmitted through i.e. objects, thoughts & feelings - even far away - Chapter 22 Line(s): 52-53
Swinging waves - thoughts have great energies; you send out & return to you in the good & in the evil - Chapter 25 Line(s): 199
Swinging waves - thoughts you send out bring distinct effects on fellow humans - Chapter 25 Line(s): 200
Swinging waves - transfer of messages, thoughts & feelings from another human - Chapter 22 Line(s): 50-54
Swinging waves - used to suppress/resolve existing illness when you concentratte consciously on pain - Chapter 25 Line(s): 96
Swinging waves - created through good interactions & taken in by fellow humans to form a protecting shield - Chapter 28 Line(s): 138
Taxes - Pay them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 61
Teach - continue to teach UNDAUNTED even if those who are unknowing do not want to hear the truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 356
Teach - teach others that they can love, have knowledge, be at peace, be free, & have harmony through the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 40
Teach - teach your descendents the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 173
Teach - those who do terrible things - Chapter 19 Line(s): 98
Teaching - young and old need to be responsible for teaching truthly life-conduct to children - Chapter 28 Line(s): 326-327
Teaching of the Prophet - lend you ear to it so you may find peace and the right path - Chapter 10 Line(s): 26
Teaching of the Prophets - be connected to the teaching of the prophets; result is no hypocrisy or strife - Chapter 9 Line(s): 73-79
Teaching of the Prophets - given since time immemorial to defend against might-greedy machinations - Chapter 22 Line(s): 24
Teaching of the Prophets - is given to all people of the Earth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 38
Teaching of the Prophets - is round in the Goblet of the Truth - Chapter 27 Line(s): 56
Teaching of the Prophets - open your ears to the teaching of the Prophets - many concealed things are proclaimed - Chapter 9 Line(s): 117
Teaching of the Prophets - recorded in the Goblet of the Truth to encourage & turn you to the truthly truth - Chapter 22 Line(s): 25
Teaching of the Prophets - teaches empowerment for life and maintaining it; not murder or suicide - Chapter 3 Line(s): 213
Teaching of the Prophets - teachng of the truth, spirit and life - Chapter 13 Line(s): 1
Teaching of the Prophets - the teaching of the Truth, teachings of the spirit, the teaching of the life - Chapter 14 Line(s): 1
Teaching of the Prophets - they show the way if you use rationality and intellect - Chapter 12 Line(s): 22
Teaching of the Prophets - they will give testimony of the success of the Teachings for love, joy, happiness, freedom... - Chapter 10 Line(s): 85
Teaching of the Prophets - will remain preserved for all time as the Goblet of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 38
Teaching of the Truth - always remain with it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 225
Teaching of the Truth - ask those knowledgeable in it when you need help in understanding it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 85
Teaching of the Truth - based on the Truth of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 10 Line(s): 39
Teaching of the Truth - based on the Truth of the Laws and Recommendations and visible in everything - Chapter 3 Line(s): 56
Teaching of the Truth - be open to it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 214-217
Teaching of the Truth - build places and use events/festivities where it can be taught - Chapter 28 Line(s): 37
Teaching of the Truth - can free you from all unrighteousness and irresponsibility - Chapter 10 Line(s): 74
Teaching of the Truth - creates magnimity (humanity) in you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 136
Teaching of the Truth - defined - Chapter 4 Line(s): 84
Teaching of the Truth - do not coerce others - Chapter 4 Line(s): 90
Teaching of the Truth - do not coerce others - Chapter 10 Line(s): 85-88
Teaching of the Truth - do not create handed-down customs, rules or rites as in religions - Chapter 5 Line(s): 10
Teaching of the Truth - do not demand compensation for teaching it; only for bonafide expenses & further good deeds - Chapter 11 Line(s): 30
Teaching of the Truth - do not quarrel with those with less knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 25 Line(s): 190
Teaching of the Truth - does not teach strict punishment - Chapter 7 Line(s): 165-166
Teaching of the Truth - each person decides if they want to integrate the it into their life or not - Chapter 6 Line(s): 97
Teaching of the Truth - falsified by scribes in times past - Chapter 5 Line(s): 28
Teaching of the Truth - falsified by scribes of their own whim.. - Chapter 22 Line(s): 39-45
Teaching of the Truth - follow it, do not commit criimes, despicable actions or excessiveness in your mode of life - Chapter 7 Line(s): 81
Teaching of the Truth - for all peoples of the world - Chapter 5 Line(s): 38
Teaching of the Truth - founded on the Laws and Recommendations as created by Nokodemion - Chapter 4 Line(s): 210
Teaching of the Truth - has been revealed in time past; be guardians over it and pass it on down the family line - Chapter 5 Line(s): 67-69
Teaching of the Truth - has been spoken since time and immemorial - Chapter 5 Line(s): 134
Teaching of the Truth - if you are connected to the Truth, understand the evidence, then teach thowe who want to learn - Chapter 7 Line(s): 107
Teaching of the Truth - journey to where it is being taught so you may learn; use NO hateful talk or strife - Chapter 2 Line(s): 300
Teaching of the Truth - keeps you from ignominy and gives you goodness of the laws and recommendations - Chapter 3 Line(s): 241
Teaching of the Truth - know it before teaching it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 46-48
Teaching of the Truth - living for it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 229
Teaching of the Truth - makes you free - Chapter 5 Line(s): 86
Teaching of the Truth - never-ending because it brings new insight, clearsightedness, new recognition & understanding - Chapter 3 Line(s): 76
Teaching of the Truth - no compensation except by donation for supplies and living expense - Chapter 4 Line(s): 204-205
Teaching of the Truth - not forced on people - Chapter 4 Line(s): 207
Teaching of the Truth - obedience to it brings grace and love in life resulting in freedom, peace and harmony - Chapter 4 Line(s): 95
Teaching of the Truth - only understood if you base your knowledge on the Truth ofthe Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 3 Line(s): 6
Teaching of the Truth - place for learning - Chapter 5 Line(s): 6
Teaching of the Truth - proclaim it to people, do not hide it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 234
Teaching of the Truth - sends to you a table spread with food (knowledge) so it is a festivity for you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 132
Teaching of the Truth - spread the word in true love, peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 21-22
Teaching of the Truth - teaching of the Truth, Spirit and life is the "treasure of the Truth" - Chapter 11 Line(s): 13
Teaching of the Truth - teaching of the Truth, Spirit and life to those younger - Chapter 6 Line(s): 93
Teaching of the Truth - the path to true discernment, peace, love, freedom and harmony - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78
Teaching of the Truth - to children when young, their choice to follow when grown - Chapter 4 Line(s): 207-209
Teaching of the Truth - to others: not through coercion but by love, freedom, peace and harmony - Chapter 9 Line(s): 20
Teaching of the Truth - to the unknowing ones if they lend you their ear - Chapter 10 Line(s): 43-49
Teaching of the Truth - turn to it & use recognition (rationality) & discernment (intellect) consciously to turn to the truth - Chapter 13 Line(s): 15
Teaching of the Truth - undertake considerable research and giving attention to it....the follow it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 124-125
Teaching of the Truth - warns against doing things that are unrightful - Chapter 6 Line(s): 100
Teaching of the Truth - written by last true prophet in source bk. (Gob. of Truth) in mid 20th Cent. - Chapter 5 Line(s): 31
Teaching of the Truth - you choose it of your own decision and free will - Chapter 5 Line(s): 130
Teaching of the Truth - spirit & life; teaches from creational laws/recommendations for love, peace, harmony & freedom - Chapter 23 Line(s): 73
Teachings - give up false teachings - Chapter 28 Line(s): 56-59
Teachings (false) - dedicated to irrationality and worship of gods and tin gods - Chapter 25 Line(s): 102
Temples/Churches - (houses of gods & tin gods; they do not teach the teaching of the Truth; never stand or pray in them - Chapter 9 Line(s): 107-108
Temptation - of Arrogance: defined and how to overcome - Chapter 19 Line(s): 34-35
Temptation - definition, types and how to overcome it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 27-33
Temptation - do not let goods and possessions be a temptation for you to be avarious - Chapter 8 Line(s): 29
Temptation - eradicate everything in you that cannot be brought into agreement with the Truth to withstand temptation - Chapter 7 Line(s): 156
Temptation - of Arrogance - Chapter 19 Line(s): 53-55
Temptation - of Blame - Chapter 19 Line(s): 57
Temptation - of Envy - Chapter 19 Line(s): 38-39
Temptation - of Ignominy - Chapter 19 Line(s): 51-52
Temptation - of Immodesty - Chapter 19 Line(s): 41-42
Temptation - of Indolence - Chapter 19 Line(s): 47-50
Temptation - of Mocking - Chapter 19 Line(s): 40
Temptation - of Obstinate - Chapter 19 Line(s): 56
Temptation - of Rage - Chapter 19 Line(s): 43-45
Temptation - of Stinginess (Avarice) - Chapter 19 Line(s): 35-37
Temptation - overcoming it gives you a Crown of Permanence - Chapter 19 Line(s): 29
Temptation - refrain from it by doing deeds with honor - Chapter 2 Line(s): 291
Temptation - stinginess: defined and how to overcome - Chapter 19 Line(s): 36-37
Terror - and coercion violate the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 19 Line(s): 10-11
Terrorism - If a country or house practices Gewalt (terror), do not enter it until you are welcomed in benevolence - Chapter 5 Line(s): 39-40
Terrorism/fanaticism - through truth-deniers who raise themselves up - Chapter 25 Line(s): 120
Terrorist - suicide bombers - Chapter 4 Line(s): 152
Testimony - do not give false testimony against the real Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 146
Thankfulness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 95
Thankfulness - for life as it has been prepared for you since time immemorial - Chapter 8 Line(s): 4
Thankfulness - for your life through all that you do as you follow the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 299-300
Theft - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Thievery/law breaking - don't do....consequences will eventually catch up with you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 58-59
Think - of the pure truth & bear your responsibility for your existence - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
Think - dirty and terrible ideas, thoughts and feelings you need to clean and build good thoughts - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78-79
Thinking - have clarity - Chapter 11 Line(s): 29
Thoughts - be watchful in your thoughts, feelings and deeds which influence others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 206-207
Thoughts - can not be brought into a real purity with thought-volition alone, must rise up unrestrictedly - Chapter 25 Line(s): 289-291
Thoughts - clean thoughts and feelings, be guided by the creational truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 164-168
Thoughts - idleness and consciousness causes you to be unaware of the Truth and what is around you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 88-89
Thoughts - keep them pure in true love to spread peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 25 Line(s): 205-206
Thoughts - refrain from evil thoughts - Chapter 5 Line(s): 114-115
Thoughts - should not be nurtured: killing, adultery, sex decadence, robbery, war, false testimony, sacrilege, hate, revenge... - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Thoughts - strive to create friendly thoughts/feelings for the unrighteous ones; be helpful in deed & advice if asked - Chapter 5 Line(s): 72
Thoughts - think them through as they join your feelings so that everything noble awakens in you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 263-265
Thoughts - you must arrange and control - Chapter 25 Line(s): 211
Thoughts - (thought-world) nourish and cherish it to bring love, peace, freedom and harmony to you and others - Chapter 28 Line(s): 66
Thoughts - your responsibility for good or evil and its effect on others - Chapter 25 Line(s): 207-211
Thoughts/feelings - are messengers you send out and return to you in good or evil way - Chapter 25 Line(s): 199-203
Thoughts/feelings - are powerful swinging waves that affect human beings & objects, even after your passing - Chapter 25 Line(s): 200-203
Thoughts/feelings - clean yourselves & become stable and strong - Chapter 25 Line(s): 274-287
Thoughts/feelings - ends in reward/punishment depending how they are nourished & carried out - Chapter 25 Line(s): 246-252
Thoughts/feelings - good or evil are always connected to you & affect your decision to good or evil - Chapter 28 Line(s): 112
Thoughts/feelings - must be brought under control to rationality,righteousness,responsibility,conscientiousness... - Chapter 25 Line(s): 297
Thoughts/feelings - must be brought under control to the good and positive equalized - Chapter 28 Line(s): 164
Thoughts/feelings - humankind is connected more or less with one another through thoughts and feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 271
Thoughts/feelings - nourish and cherish negative or positive - Chapter 25 Line(s): 271-273
Thoughts/feelings - can be sent by swinging waves to others, even a great distance away in the world - Chapter 25 Line(s): 273-277
Thoughts/feelings - should be considered if villainous thoughts & feelings proceed from you - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
Thoughts/feelings - they can strike felow human beings & influence them to the good or to the bad - Chapter 25 Line(s): 269-272
Thoughts/feelings/ideas - clean them & build good things through your own will & decisions using an honest effort - Chapter 28 Line(s): 78
Threats - by unbelievers - how to handle them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 133-134
Throwback (errors/falls in life) - unavoidable but learn from them, learn and rise above them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 560
Time - cannot be confront with hinderances, it is an unstoppable flowing movement - Chapter 25 Line(s): 222
Time - created through Creation, not eternal & restricted by the time-determined BEING of the Creation - Chapter 25 Line(s): 223
Time - does not stand still & does not remain the same - Chapter 25 Line(s): 221-224
Time - don't squander your earthly time and neglect the highest possible truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 492
Time immemorial - the truth has been existence - Chapter 19 Line(s): 6
Torture - do not use against those unknowing of the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 14
Torture - not allowed of any kind as did false prophets - Chapter 7 Line(s): 124
Traitors of the truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 26-28
Transgressions - how to handle personal sin - Chapter 5 Line(s): 75b
Transgressions - must be willing to resolve them - Chapter 25 Line(s): 243
Treatment of others - do not be unright towards others in any way - Chapter 11 Line(s): 63
Treatment of unfair ones - Chapter 5 Line(s): 58-62
Treatment of unfair ones - doing good to them brings peace, joy, freedom, harmony and wisdom - Chapter 2 Line(s): 106
Treatment of unfair ones - good to and maintain love and connectedness - Chapter 10 Line(s): 46
Treatment of unfair ones - never bring hardships on others through lovelessness, unfreedom, unpeace, discord... - Chapter 2 Line(s): 104
Trouble-makers - Chapter 2 Line(s): 346
True life - let true love, harmony, freedom and peace become truth in you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 19
Truth - "effective truth" (from the Goblet of the Truth) and noted in this index as the "Truth" - Chapter 28 Line(s): 300-304
Truth - (promise of Truth) that you are rightly led through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 14 Line(s): 17
Truth - (truthly Truth) - heed it , get into it and proceed carefully - Chapter 25 Line(s): 285-287
Truth - (truthly Truth) always remains the same in the depth of its core & is eternal - Chapter 25 Line(s): 233-235
Truth - 12 personal attributes when following the truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 25
Truth - 5 benefits (cognition, love, peace, freedom and consonance) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 26
Truth - abide by it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 115-126
Truth - accepting it involves changing your mentality and leaving all false beliefs of gods/tin gods - Chapter 4 Line(s): 127
Truth - accepting it requires placing yourself as judge over your own self & removing all contentiousness in you - Chapter 4 Line(s): 92
Truth - achieved through superior power and effort to learn - Chapter 17 Line(s): 21-22
Truth - all truth is in the Creation and in its laws and recommendations - Chapter 2 Line(s): 201
Truth - allow yourself to be led by it so that it may go well with you in all things - Chapter 4 Line(s): 230
Truth - allows you to become more knowledgeable, wise, peaceful, harmony & allows the power of your thoughts - Chapter 5 Line(s): 86
Truth - always the same - Chapter 3 Line(s): 82
Truth - answering for it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 344
Truth - approach to the Truth difffers from person to person - Chapter 25 Line(s): 129-130
Truth - Aspects of it in your development - Chapter 2 Line(s): 18-20
Truth - aspects of searching for it and developed to the degree of your intellect and rationality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 228-235
Truth - attributes of it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 123
Truth - attributes of the real Truth and the prophets - Chapter 6 Line(s): 176-182
Truth - banishment and persecution of the Truth is as bad as manslaughter - Chapter 2 Line(s): 334
Truth - be consistent in living the Truth - Chapter 8 Line(s): 53
Truth - behave neutrally, completely anew, leave baggage of self and belief-forms so you can grow & become strong - Chapter 27 Line(s): 58
Truth - be loyal to the truth and promise you will be true to it; dedicate your obligation to it alone - Chapter 3 Line(s): 41
Truth - be open minded when searching for it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 245
Truth - be open, unwavering and of sufficient knowledge - Chapter 9 Line(s): 45-48
Truth - be remorseful for going against the Truth, recognize you were going into delusion and doing unright - Chapter 7 Line(s): 150
Truth - begin with it; it is the "smith" of all irrefutability - Chapter 6 Line(s): 138
Truth - believed in willingly - Chapter 3 Line(s): 8
Truth - benefits of following it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 168
Truth - blessings of it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 171-173
Truth - blessings of it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 25
Truth - blessings of living it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 230-231
Truth - bond with it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 57-58
Truth - breakers of it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 27
Truth - brought to forefathers/foremothers long ago and rejected - Chapter 4 Line(s): 146
Truth - cannot be destroyed; nothing can substantiate the Truth more than the truthly Truth itself - Chapter 11 Line(s): 19
Truth - cannot be found if you are religious, ideological, philosophical fanatics or reckless enthusiasts - Chapter 24 Line(s): 3
Truth - carried out through the power to act (energy) that proceeds from the Creative Power - Chapter 16 Line(s): 12
Truth - changing leads to war, delusions, vengeance, torment, evil deeds - Chapter 3 Line(s): 228-229
Truth - Coercion of its teaching is not allowed - Chapter 2 Line(s): 364
Truth - comes from the laws of Creation and natural laws of which all things originated - Chapter 2 Line(s): 144
Truth - comprehend and live it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 36-42
Truth - conquered through rationality and intellect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 28-29
Truth - consequences of being split (not firm) in the Truth or far from the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 174-175
Truth - consequences of rejecting it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 171
Truth - consequences of turning away from - Chapter 2 Line(s): 227-229
Truth - Creational truth is so deep that we can understand it only in terms of intellect and rationality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 235
Truth - Create change through rationality, following the laws and recommendations & high creational values - Chapter 25 Line(s): 278-284
Truth - criterion of the truth is realizing no theoretical values inhere, no belief, no unprovable fiction...only reality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 238
Truth - deniers of it use fanaticism, terror & hostility to fight against the Laws & Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 120
Truth - deniers of the teaching in times past - Chapter 4 Line(s): 199
Truth - deviation from it poses a punishment on yourself because you are blind and deaf to the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 93
Truth - difference between belief and truth defined and explained - Chapter 28 Line(s): 299-304
Truth - discernable from untruth through Creation - Chapter 6 Line(s): 63
Truth - do not allow yourself to be persuaded from it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 40-42
Truth - do not bend (falsify) nor turn away from the Truth - Chapter 14 Line(s): 4-5
Truth - do not bend (falsify) nor turn away from the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 17
Truth - do not commit an outrage against it; if you do, you are following a deception (delusion) and are merely lying - Chapter 6 Line(s): 161
Truth - do not deny it and suffer the loss of joy - Chapter 8 Line(s): 55
Truth - do not fight with those that are against the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 117
Truth - do not force it on others by means of materialism or physical force - Chapter 9 Line(s): 41
Truth - do not mix the truth with assumptions - Chapter 11 Line(s): 61
Truth - do not mock the truth; there will be consequences if you do - Chapter 15 Line(s): 21-22
Truth - do not twist (falsify), strive to understand and to fulfil it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 70-71
Truth - do ot quarrel for the Truth; live according to it and teach it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 75
Truth - does not lie completely in material sciences, but first and foremost in the spirit-energetical realm - Chapter 28 Line(s): 489-494
Truth - does not bind your hands (thoughts) nor your inner world (consciousness) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 86
Truth - does NOT come from false religions, ideologies or philosophies - Chapter 26 Line(s): 36
Truth - don't stray from it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 182-189
Truth - each must make his or her own efforts to recognize the truth and follow it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 21
Truth - each person must find their own way to the Truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 129-131
Truth - encourages - Chapter 22 Line(s): 24-27
Truth - endures beyond all untruth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 6
Truth - evil within will not fully be removed unless you bend entirely toward the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 82
Truth - exists only in the Creation and its Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 25 Line(s): 2
Truth - facets of it - Chapter 23 Line(s): 114-127
Truth - facets of rejecting it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 171-175
Truth - fight for it in a peaceful way - Chapter 2 Line(s): 281
Truth - find it in yourselves, relize it & live it through good & clear intellect, rationality & motivation - Chapter 25 Line(s): 43
Truth - foes of it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 26
Truth - follow it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 17-23
Truth - follow it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 42-43
Truth - follow it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 81
Truth - follow it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 97-99
Truth - follow it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 174-181
Truth - follow it and listen to the Prophet - Chapter 11 Line(s): 1-3
Truth - follow it for victory - Chapter 10 Line(s): 16-17
Truth - following it results in a healthy mental block, consciousness-block, thoughts, feelings, psyche... - Chapter 25 Line(s): 44-45
Truth - following it will wash you clean of your errors and ununderstanding resulting in increasing the Truth within - Chapter 11 Line(s): 40-41
Truth - following, mixing it, behavior, respect, love, teaching - Chapter 3 Line(s): 83-93
Truth - for all people - Chapter 5 Line(s): 38
Truth - for all people - Chapter 6 Line(s): 4
Truth - for victory in life - Chapter 23 Line(s): 13-16
Truth - free of any belief and is pure knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 25 Line(s): 132
Truth - frees you from your fickleness, doubts, compulsions, irresponsibility, consciencelessness and resentment - Chapter 25 Line(s): 180
Truth - gifts of the Truth - Chapter 16 Line(s): 1-11
Truth - given for you to learn, know and conduct yourselves in life - Chapter 12 Line(s): 3
Truth - given through the teaching of the prophets; clothe yourself in it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 27-29
Truth - given to all mankind through the prophets of the line of Nokodemion - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138
Truth - gives guidelines - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70-80
Truth - giving of it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 376
Truth - going against it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 147-148
Truth - grow in it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 167-168
Truth - grow steady and unswerving - Chapter 28 Line(s): 225
Truth - guard the real Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 116
Truth - guidance on proclaiming it to others - Chapter 8 Line(s): 7
Truth - guide for you through looking within yourself - Chapter 23 Line(s): 75-76
Truth - had been falsified by scribes according to their own whim - Chapter 22 Line(s): 42
Truth - has might, everything is based on it - Chapter 11 Line(s): 4-7
Truth - haters: description of - Chapter 7 Line(s): 38-41
Truth - heed its teachings - Chapter 7 Line(s): 203-207
Truth - heed the Truth and the Prophets - Chapter 10 Line(s): 72-82
Truth - help others find the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 45
Truth - heed it, learn it, be attentive to it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 285-287
Truth - helps to achieve peace, freedom, love and harmony in your thoughts, feelings and deeds - Chapter 16 Line(s): 27
Truth - hinderances on the way of the truth are "proof-stones"...learn and resolve your errors - Chapter 25 Line(s): 239
Truth - hold fast to it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 171-172
Truth - how to become a believer in it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 92
Truth - if people do not accept your message, do not be suppressed by them & show no submissiveness to them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 138
Truth - if you are connected to it, be strong and watchful so you can do rightfully in all cases - Chapter 7 Line(s): 108
Truth - inner nature is blessed through the Truth…avert evil through goodness - Chapter 13 Line(s): 18-20
Truth - is always in swinging motion, constantly widens if new knowledge/wisdom come to it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 485-486
Truth - is an eternity-value and an all time value, therefore does not pass away - Chapter 28 Line(s): 484
Truth - is anchored and built on the Truth & does not contain any doubt in itself or be torn into pieces - Chapter 9 Line(s): 110
Truth - is based on provable reality - Chapter 28 Line(s): 3
Truth - is certainty in recognition of reality - Chapter 15 Line(s): 4
Truth - is not belief, but truth is certainty in recognition of the reality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 229
Truth - is not belief, it is the reality of existence and presence of Creation for all to comprehend - Chapter 2 Line(s): 297
Truth - is not dependent on whether you believe it or not - Chapter 26 Line(s): 1
Truth - is vital & in movement, not bound to one place, belief, gods or tin gods-house - Chapter 23 Line(s): 112-114
Truth - is not fully developed because additional truth builds upon previous truth to a higher level - Chapter 28 Line(s): 485-486
Truth - is not magic nor activities of the shadow world (hell) - Chapter 10 Line(s): 78
Truth - is not found in religion, ideological/philosophical belief, praying to a god/tin god, academics or human being - Chapter 25 Line(s): 1-6
Truth - is not readily accepted, twisted, not understood & uncomfortable. Negative consequences will result - Chapter 2 Line(s): 120
Truth - is pure and simple without cult-activities, rites and prayers to gods/tin gods - Chapter 25 Line(s): 30
Truth - is the great value of life - Chapter 10 Line(s): 23
Truth - it alone gives you physical and consciousness-based wellbeing - Chapter 26 Line(s): 34
Truth - it alone has trutthly might over all things - Chapter 11 Line(s): 6
Truth - it is the straight and secure way on the basis of the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 12 Line(s): 19
Truth - it warns you - Chapter 6 Line(s): 100
Truth - its benefits - Chapter 6 Line(s): 139-141
Truth - its evidence - Chapter 3 Line(s): 237
Truth - is given in the certainty in recognition of the reality; only what corresponds to reality is truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 2-3
Truth - its teaching is for all - Chapter 5 Line(s): 30
Truth - joy/affliction are companions,used to shake up,encourage,awaken your thoughts & feelings - Chapter 25 Line(s): 133-134
Truth - know and pass it on - Chapter 3 Line(s): 35
Truth - knowledge of the Truth is reflected in those that follow the laws and recommendations - Chapter 18 Line(s): 1-3
Truth - laws and recommendations protect you - Chapter 7 Line(s): 197
Truth - leads you away from confusion. It is everlasting and good to follow - Chapter 13 Line(s): 23-28
Truth - leads you to well-being and the well being of all people - Chapter 16 Line(s): 25-27
Truth - learn & follow it; doing it you learn about the love of the Creation Universal Consciousness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 458
Truth - learn and be free - Chapter 22 Line(s): 18-22
Truth - learn daily - Chapter 3 Line(s): 34
Truth - learn it, be steadfast in it, follow it; turn your back against all that is unrightful to enjoy life and wellbeing - Chapter 8 Line(s): 66-67
Truth - learn, receive, follow - Chapter 6 Line(s): 166-170
Truth - let it be your guide - Chapter 11 Line(s): 55-59
Truth - liberates - Chapter 9 Line(s): 44
Truth - Life: following the Truth vs not following the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 102-107
Truth - listen and do right - Chapter 8 Line(s): 21-25
Truth - listen to it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 20
Truth - listen to it - Chapter 6 Line(s): 164
Truth - listen to has been given since time immemorial - Chapter 19 Line(s): 6
Truth - live only by it - Chapter 15 Line(s): 4
Truth - living it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 22-25
Truth - living it - Chapter 8 Line(s): 53
Truth - look at the facts, you are responsible for all & everything regarding your thoughts & feelings, actions & deeds - Chapter 23 Line(s): 122-126
Truth - look for it & objectively analyze the objectiveness of the real Truth - Chapter 24 Line(s): 2
Truth - making the Truth knowledge and wisdom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 283
Truth - mixing it with assumptions should not be done - Chapter 11 Line(s): 61
Truth - move toward it, learn it, listen to it, embrace it so that you stand in true vitality of the Truth - Chapter 24 Line(s): 10-19
Truth - never cease to search for the depths of it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 137
Truth - never forced on people; you alone make the choice to follow it or not - Chapter 5 Line(s): 130
Truth - no other truth but the real truth through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 179
Truth - not a pastime or game - Chapter 7 Line(s): 52
Truth - NOT found in a church, synagogue, chapel, mosque, lodge, temple, etc. - Chapter 23 Line(s): 114
Truth - not in spiritual leaders nor false prophets, lies, deception, religions, sects, philosophies, etc. - Chapter 23 Line(s): 108-114
Truth - not through academic leaning, religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief - Chapter 25 Line(s): 28
Truth - NOT through lies, deception, gods, tin gods, religions, sects, philosophies, ideologies - Chapter 23 Line(s): 110
Truth - not to go against it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 18-19
Truth - not your responsibility if they don't come to the truth - their acceptance or refusal is of their own volition - Chapter 2 Line(s): 387
Truth - nothing can substantiate the Truth more than the "Truthly Truth" - Chapter 11 Line(s): 19
Truth - obedience and alertness - Chapter 2 Line(s): 349-350
Truth - of yourself anchored not in external authority but solely and alone in yourself - Chapter 23 Line(s): 151
Truth - old scribes and false prophets extensively falsified the real Truth & would like to see the Truth extinguished - Chapter 9 Line(s): 32-37
Truth - once you search and learn it, do not stagnate, continue to build your life on it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 215-217
Truth - only the truth can rescue you from the levels of the unright and untruth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 171-172
Truth - only the Truth presents to you the signs (evidence) of its reality so that you can consider (heed) them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 140
Truth - open to all; listen to it, heed the virtues, listen in yourself - Chapter 19 Line(s): 5-8
Truth - outrage against it by religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief - Chapter 28 Line(s): 174
Truth - pass it on through descendants - Chapter 7 Line(s): 44
Truth - pass it on to descendents - Chapter 11 Line(s): 37-38
Truth - Pre-given through the Creation & results in true love, freedom, harmony & true peace - Chapter 28 Line(s): 577
Truth - prevail - Chapter 2 Line(s): 354-355
Truth - primal (creational) truth can be seen in all nature & universe - you are recommended to follow - Chapter 12 Line(s): 15-16
Truth - proclaim it to the world - Chapter 3 Line(s): 58
Truth - proclaiming it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 215-216
Truth - prophets have given the pure Truth - Chapter 15 Line(s): 15-19
Truth - purpose of - Chapter 3 Line(s): 209
Truth - rationality and discernment come from the Truth - Chapter 13 Line(s): 13-17
Truth - real - Chapter 2 Line(s): 97
Truth - real - Chapter 3 Line(s): 6
Truth - real truth and win cognition: let intellect and rationality grow up & learn to use them in logic - Chapter 28 Line(s): 156
Truth - REAL truth is given through the laws and recommendations of Creation and its appearance (nature) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 179
Truth - real truth is not the same nor can be compared to personal truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 22
Truth - real truth is the active basic significance of the effective knowledge - Chapter 25 Line(s): 238
Truth - REAL truth is the active basic significance of the effective knowledge - Chapter 25 Line(s): 238
Truth - REAL, heed truth teaching - Chapter 2 Line(s): 311-312
Truth - recognize and understand the laws and recommendations - Chapter 20 Line(s): 19-24
Truth - recognize it to reform your entire life - Chapter 22 Line(s): 55
Truth - Recognize it, accept it and speak it aloud - Chapter 3 Line(s): 208
Truth - applied day after day will become joyful because the sequence of all things is determined by you...not chance - Chapter 22 Line(s): 56
Truth - recognize it so you don't fall into despair and create cynicism or bitterness with others - Chapter 23 Line(s): 121
Truth - recognized and put into cognizance through intellect and rationality alone - Chapter 25 Line(s): 38
Truth - recommended to follow by voluntarily doing good deeds & considering these as a duty - Chapter 19 Line(s): 21
Truth - refusing it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 23
Truth - rejected by mankind in times past - Chapter 10 Line(s): 76-77
Truth - rejected in the past - Chapter 6 Line(s): 8
Truth - rejecting it - Chapter 2 Line(s): 316
Truth - rejecting it brings misery - Chapter 6 Line(s): 13
Truth - rejection of creational truth and its effects - Chapter 27 Line(s): 1-52
Truth - rejection of it will result in a miserable existence, you will not find true love, freedom, peace or consonance within - Chapter 6 Line(s): 171
Truth - Rejection of the Truth; description of mankinds condition and why he/she does not listen or follow the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 392-404
Truth - remains the same for all time - Chapter 11 Line(s): 46
Truth - remains the same in the depth of its core, does not change nor subject to any developmental change - Chapter 25 Line(s): 234
Truth - no other source of the confidence than the recognition of the truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 51
Truth - reveals all - Chapter 12 Line(s): 1-3
Truth - reward of it is in leading an existence (life) rightfully - Chapter 11 Line(s): 20
Truth - rewards of - Chapter 8 Line(s): 30
Truth - rightful living - Chapter 3 Line(s): 40-44
Truth - search and live it fully - Chapter 7 Line(s): 30-31
Truth - search for and find it by way of intellect and rationality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 71-73
Truth - search for it by means of opening your ears, connect to true discernment, accept the prophets as the real truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 104-107
Truth - search for the true value in it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 86-90
Truth - search for the Truth yourselves - Chapter 5 Line(s): 125
Truth - search, fathom, understand it or it will open the gate of Hell of irrationalities - Chapter 25 Line(s): 219
Truth - search it by turning to the creational laws and recommendations, realize them and follow them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 175-179
Truth - not search it as if it were a lost item but start with learning, use RATIONALITY and INTELLECT - Chapter 23 Line(s): 68
Truth - it does not involve an actual search, but only a PERCEPTION of all things that go on, take place & move around you - Chapter 23 Line(s): 68
Truth - searching for it starts with becoming like children - free and open - Chapter 27 Line(s): 57-58
Truth - searching for it: help each other find and learn - Chapter 5 Line(s): 6
Truth - searching for the real truth in yourselves is the culmination point - Chapter 27 Line(s): 46
Truth - see it for constant developmental change in your own inner nature - Chapter 25 Line(s): 135-136
Truth - lies in the cretional laws and recommendations/Creation, not through priests, books, pphilosophers, etc... - Chapter 23 Line(s): 70
Truth - see it, hear it, show others, connect with it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 103-108
Truth - separate it from the untruth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 231
Truth - shall ALWAYS be your counsel - Chapter 11 Line(s): 57
Truth - speak, no other, live it & friendships - Chapter 2 Line(s): 361-365
Truth - split in accepting it results in falling away from it and fall prey to religions, sects, cults resulting in unrightness - Chapter 6 Line(s): 174-177
Truth - spread it but not forcefully - Chapter 9 Line(s): 21-23
Truth - spreading it through yourself to the world so that all can hear it, learn it and live it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 20-23
Truth - strive to understand it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 71
Truth - searching for the truth involves intellect and rationality - Chapter 25 Line(s): 81
Truth - strive, strike & tread your own way, do not wait for a helper because it is up to you - Chapter 25 Line(s): 63-78
Truth - Success and reward comes from it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 73
Truth - taught through prophets since time immemorial - Chapter 13 Line(s): 1
Truth - teach only the truth; carry it forward and teach it to your children, gr.children and to all people - Chapter 5 Line(s): 135-136
Truth - teaching of it in times past falsified and slandered by devious scribes - Chapter 4 Line(s): 194-195
Truth - teaching of it is a guideline - Chapter 2 Line(s): 1-3
Truth - tell others - Chapter 2 Line(s): 57
Truth - tell others - Chapter 2 Line(s): 381-382
Truth - tell others - Chapter 3 Line(s): 33
Truth - the effective TRUTH based on knowledge, infallible wisdom & deep-reaching love - Chapter 25 Line(s): 77
Truth - the effective truth of all Truth as given through the Creation - Chapter 27 Line(s): 21
Truth - the reward of it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 232
Truth - the Truth does not demand any submissiveness or worship - Chapter 7 Line(s): 56
Truth - the Truth of Creation is reality.....thus every belief is wrong - Chapter 25 Line(s): 219
Truth - the way to the Truth - Chapter 19 Line(s): 2-9
Truth - theives and liars that deny the truth will given an account for their actions - Chapter 2 Line(s): 125
Truth - things the Truth gives to you - Chapter 12 Line(s): 8-11
Truth - those who remain far from it are carried off by all evil and disasters; miss goodness and the values of life - Chapter 4 Line(s): 127
Truth - through the Truth you set a boundry & in turn destroys negative thoughts and actions & creates good & positive - Chapter 28 Line(s): 137
Truth - to experience it you must not be dependent on anybody or anything but your own will/interest - Chapter 23 Line(s): 118-120
Truth - to know it you must lay down irresponsibility, consciencelessness and unright - Chapter 25 Line(s): 121-124
Truth - treasure of it is in the teaching of the Truth, Spirit and the Life - Chapter 11 Line(s): 13
Truth - Truth and rationality - Chapter 17 Line(s): 1-6
Truth - turn to it - Chapter 7 Line(s): 136
Truth - turn to it and dissipate anxieties, fear and all terrible things in yourself - Chapter 23 Line(s): 167
Truth - turning away from it & hypocritical - Chapter 3 Line(s): 95-96
Truth - turning away from it will create a shadow world (hell) in you - Chapter 5 Line(s): 94
Truth - understanding the Truth vs fiction or religion; search it, fathom it and understand it - Chapter 25 Line(s): 219-223
Truth - used in rebuttals - Chapter 3 Line(s): 211
Truth - violation of it - Chapter 19 Line(s): 10-26
Truth - wake up & hear the voice in yourself - calls for the effective Truth & fulfilment Laws & Recomm. - Chapter 25 Line(s): 4-7
Truth - way of it is in you (internally) not through academics, religion, sectarian, ideological, philosophy - Chapter 25 Line(s): 28-29
Truth - what it can do for you - Chapter 8 Line(s): 10-11
Truth - what it will reveal to you - Chapter 13 Line(s): 26-28
Truth - what you do cannot be undone - Chapter 8 Line(s): 52
Truth - whole truth of all truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 490-509
Truth - will enlighten you - Chapter 10 Line(s): 26-31
Truth - will not bend - Chapter 7 Line(s): 190-194
Truth - will only be of rightness if you investigate it and keep away from the belief in gods and tin gods - Chapter 4 Line(s): 181
Truth - will remain far from you if you have an unrighteous (conscienceless) sense - Chapter 4 Line(s): 67
Truth - you alone decide to follow it or not & to work hard in acquiring all of the good high values of from it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 577-583
Truth - if you want it, you must start from the very beginning and be like children, free and open to learn - Chapter 27 Line(s): 57
Truth - you alone determine whether you want to open your ears to the truth or to the untruth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 88
Truth - your treasure for life - Chapter 11 Line(s): 32
Truth (false) - dependency on religion, ideologies, philosophical empty phrases - Chapter 25 Line(s): 61-62
Truth (real) - turn to the truth and fight the evil in yourselves - Chapter 25 Line(s): 119
Truth and culmination point - a point in which you come to your senses - Chapter 28 Line(s): 283
Truth and untruth - use your free will to determine what is truth and untruth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 63-64
Truth deniers/unfair - false standings - Chapter 2 Line(s): 167-170
Truth deniers/unfair ones - murderers, evil, wage wars, murder , lying, cheating, all kinds of crime, malevolence,... - Chapter 27 Line(s): 13-21
Truth deniers/unfair ones - disposition - Chapter 2 Line(s): 4-17
Truth deniers/unfair ones - crowds - Chapter 4 Line(s): 96
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do no harm to them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 36-41
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do not coerce them to accept the Teachings of the Truth - Chapter 10 Line(s): 83
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do not coerce them to accept the Teachings of the Truth - Chapter 10 Line(s): 85
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do not deliver yourself to them for martyrdom - Chapter 8 Line(s): 14-15
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do not help them build places of worship - Chapter 4 Line(s): 206
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do not participate with - Chapter 3 Line(s): 29
Truth deniers/unfair ones - do not push them to come to the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 44-45
Truth deniers/Unfair ones - fight & wage war against people stating their god is the only one - Chapter 5 Line(s): 75
Truth deniers/unfair ones - help and pass on knowledge, wisdom of the teaching of the truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 195
Truth deniers/unfair ones - helplessness of them - Chapter 10 Line(s): 13-15
Truth deniers/unfair ones - leave those who use the Truth as gain & are captive to earthly life, admonish/help them - Chapter 6 Line(s): 77
Truth deniers/unfair ones - lies of - Chapter 4 Line(s): 74
Truth deniers/unfair ones - live in fear because their intellect is sealed, ears deaf, eyes blind & senses in a shroud - Chapter 2 Line(s): 27
Truth deniers/unfair ones - lying attitude toward those who follow the "Teaching of the Truth" - Chapter 9 Line(s): 10-12
Truth deniers/unfair ones - peace with - Chapter 2 Line(s): 165-166
Truth deniers/unfair ones - resist taunts, don’t turn from the truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 70-75
Truth deniers/unfair ones - their confusion - Chapter 2 Line(s): 174-175
Truth deniers/Unfair ones - they swear an oath to their belief in gods/tin gods, pray and pay homage to them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 74
Truth deniers/Unfair ones - traits of - Chapter 9 Line(s): 70-79
Truth deniers/unfair ones - traits of - Chapter 15 Line(s): 1-3
Truth deniers/unfair ones - traits of - Chapter 12 Line(s): 4-7
Truth deniers/unfair ones - treat with forgiveness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 39
Truth deniers/unfair ones - warning regarding them - Chapter 13 Line(s): 11-12
Truth deniers/unfair ones - watch yourself with - Chapter 3 Line(s): 36
Truth deniers/unfair ones - who live hypocritical, use lies and deception to influence you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 101-105
Truth deniers/unfair ones - will reject the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 33
Truth of the Life - that death takes control, a new all-of-yourself (personality) is set up in a new life - Chapter 2 Line(s): 98
Truth teaching - "bond" with it - Chapter 4 Line(s): 198-201
Truth teaching - given all ready to forbearers - Chapter 6 Line(s): 170
Truth teaching - pass it down to your descendents - Chapter 7 Line(s): 44
Truth teaching - the duty: to love the next person to the best extent - Chapter 9 Line(s): 111
Truth- truth is certainty in recognition of reality - Chapter 15 Line(s): 4
Truth-knowledge - lack of it leads to negative feelings, wrong treatment of others, worshiping godhead, enslavement..... - Chapter 25 Line(s): 164
Truth-unknowledgeness - keeps you from the values of love, peace, freedom and harmony in yourselves - Chapter 25 Line(s): 121-124
Truth-unknowledgeness - leaves you exposed to the attacks out of the darkness - Chapter 26 Line(s): 36
Truth, Creation and reality - are themselves practicing love, fairness, harmony, peace and freedom - Chapter 28 Line(s): 199
Truthful human being - by leaving religions, ideological & philosophical fashions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 139
Truthful living - action toward unbelievers - Chapter 3 Line(s): 203
Truthful living - aspects of living in the Truth - Chapter 14 Line(s): 1-28
Truthful living - attributes of re: race, language or customs - Chapter 6 Line(s): 146-148
Truthful living - be on guard - Chapter 5 Line(s): 85-86
Truthful living - be steadfast - Chapter 5 Line(s): 21
Truthful living - be steadfast - Chapter 10 Line(s): 93-94
Truthful living - be steadfast - Chapter 11 Line(s): 67-68
Truthful living - be upright when opposed - Chapter 11 Line(s): 51-54
Truthful living - benefits of it - Chapter 5 Line(s): 77
Truthful living - betrayal - Chapter 3 Line(s): 101-102
Truthful living - blessings of following the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 80
Truthful living - brings joy - Chapter 3 Line(s): 217-218
Truthful living - build your life on solid ground (the Truth) - Chapter 9 Line(s): 109-112
Truthful living - conduct - Chapter 7 Line(s): 76
Truthful living - conduct reward - Chapter 4 Line(s): 170-171
Truthful living - confiding in others - Chapter 4 Line(s): 81-82
Truthful living - create peace, love and freedom - Chapter 4 Line(s): 125-126
Truthful living - deny or slander the Truth - Chapter 5 Line(s): 18
Truthful living - do good, no curse against the unbelievers, good to all - Chapter 3 Line(s): 145-148
Truthful living - do not spread things that are unright - Chapter 4 Line(s): 103
Truthful living - do not turn from the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 47-50
Truthful living - do what is right, be steadfast, learn the truth, don't be stingy - Chapter 3 Line(s): 219-227
Truthful living - doing good deeds and being connected to the truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 154-162
Truthful living - don't brag - Chapter 4 Line(s): 61
Truthful living - don't deceive, steal or do unright - Chapter 7 Line(s): 110-111
Truthful living - don't deny the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 67
Truthful living - donating, anger, forgiveness, shun the wrong - Chapter 3 Line(s): 166-170
Truthful living - faithful, steadfast - Chapter 3 Line(s): 172-174
Truthful living - follow the Truth - Chapter 15 Line(s): 17-22
Truthful living - followers and those that turn away - Chapter 4 Line(s): 78
Truthful living - freedom of will - Chapter 4 Line(s): 108-110
Truthful living - friendly, upright - Chapter 3 Line(s): 153-161
Truthful living - fulfillment through the Truth - Chapter 15 Line(s): 8-14
Truthful living - getting along with others - Chapter 3 Line(s): 205
Truthful living - guide others to the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 117
Truthful living - guidelines - Chapter 9 Line(s): 38-41
Truthful living - guidelines on who is a trusted friend - Chapter 3 Line(s): 149-150
Truthful living - in love, kindness, socially, forgiveness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 192-198
Truthful living - inner peace - Chapter 4 Line(s): 143
Truthful living - inner reflecting - Chapter 4 Line(s): 140-142
Truthful living - inner rightness - Chapter 16 Line(s): 47-50
Truthful living - kindness to all - Chapter 4 Line(s): 60
Truthful living - knowing the Truth of all Truth and adapting the right attitude at which time the Truth serves you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 454
Truthful living - learn and grow - Chapter 6 Line(s): 34-38
Truthful living - learn but be humble - Chapter 12 Line(s): 12-14
Truthful living - learn the Truth, keep it separate - Chapter 4 Line(s): 71-73
Truthful living - learning never ends - Chapter 3 Line(s): 76-77
Truthful living - leave those that treat the Truth as a game - Chapter 6 Line(s): 77
Truthful living - liberate yourself from false teachings - Chapter 6 Line(s): 27-32
Truthful living - live it! - Chapter 6 Line(s): 78-79
Truthful living - live righteously - Chapter 6 Line(s): 76
Truthful living - live solely by the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 69
Truthful living - live upright - Chapter 8 Line(s): 26-28
Truthful living - living it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 80
Truthful living - living it, be on guard for false prophets/teaching - Chapter 3 Line(s): 142-144
Truthful living - loving your enemy - Chapter 3 Line(s): 151-152
Truthful living - not listen to slander - Chapter 3 Line(s): 106-107
Truthful living - personal responsibility - Chapter 5 Line(s): 34
Truthful living - proper life balance - Chapter 5 Line(s): 33
Truthful living - reap what you sew - Chapter 3 Line(s): 177-178
Truthful living - remove yourself from mockers - Chapter 6 Line(s): 74-75
Truthful living - rescue from life's events is not thru a god - Chapter 6 Line(s): 69
Truthful living - reward of, joy of, be open to it, don't be swayed from it, learn - Chapter 3 Line(s): 242-247
Truthful living - rightful living, fair - Chapter 3 Line(s): 97
Truthful living - satisfied with what your life gives you - Chapter 9 Line(s): 60
Truthful living - search and learn - Chapter 5 Line(s): 125-126
Truthful living - seek the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 137
Truthful living - self responsibility in calamity - Chapter 3 Line(s): 210
Truthful living - shun the sorrow of the past - Chapter 3 Line(s): 171
Truthful living - shun those that slander the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 89-91
Truthful living - stand and instruct - Chapter 6 Line(s): 89-93
Truthful living - standing for the truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 113
Truthful living - steadfast - Chapter 3 Line(s): 204
Truthful living - steadfast, those fallen away are danger - Chapter 3 Line(s): 107-113
Truthful living - steadfastness - Chapter 3 Line(s): 233
Truthful living - teaching, listen, follow - Chapter 3 Line(s): 55-58
Truthful living - tell others of the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 234
Truthful living - the Truth brings happiness - Chapter 16 Line(s): 51-62
Truthful living - the way to live - Chapter 3 Line(s): 183-186
Truthful living - treasures of the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 54-56
Truthful living - Truth and prophets will lead you - Chapter 12 Line(s): 15-22
Truthful living - turn and be faithful - Chapter 11 Line(s): 39-46
Truthful living - turn from calamity - Chapter 10 Line(s): 22-25
Truthful living - turn to the truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 52
Truthful living - turn to the truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 9
Truthful living - turn to the truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 70
Truthful living - victory within - Chapter 5 Line(s): 138
Truthful living - walk in the Truth with modesty - Chapter 4 Line(s): 131-133
Truthful living - with the Truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 61
Truthful living - you determine your paths in life - Chapter 4 Line(s): 106-107
Truthful living - you determine your paths in life - Chapter 6 Line(s): 63-66
Truthful living - you reap what you sew - Chapter 4 Line(s): 105
Truthly life - turn to it and be content with it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 38
Truthly love - a significant virtue that brings about moral values in mentality and actions - Chapter 16 Line(s): 15
Truthly truth - is only through the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 11 Line(s): 15
Truthly truth - redognise it & Laws and Recommendations of creation to turn knowledge into wisdom - Chapter 25 Line(s): 34-35
Truthly truth - requires an appproach to the whole of Creation, turn to the Laws & Recommendations & follow them - Chapter 28 Line(s): 175
Truths - do not invent your own truths - Chapter 11 Line(s): 14-15
turth-teaching - given to you so that the hidden things of the primal (creatonal) Laws & Recom. may be revealed to you - Chapter 12 Line(s): 3
Unbelief - consequences of: untruth, irresponsibility, unrighteousness & consciencelessness - Chapter 25 Line(s): 126
Understanding (enlightenment) - not through sacrifices to a god/tin god or a human being of high status - Chapter 28 Line(s): 352
Understanding and growth - inner and outer process of development (evolution of growth) - Chapter 23 Line(s): 133-138
Unfair ones - do not consider them lower than you; all humankind are on the same level - Chapter 11 Line(s): 62
Unfair ones - don't not be evil towards them nor press them to learn about the Truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 44-45
Unfair ones - those that worship gods/tin gods that carry out terrible things of the world i.e. war, revenge, greed, etc. - Chapter 5 Line(s): 104
Unfortune - if people run into unfortune, do not show false benevolence - Chapter 10 Line(s): 22
Unfortune - results from turning away from the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 20
Unfortunes of life - overcoming them - Chapter 4 Line(s): 97
Unfriendly (Terroristic) country - do not enter - Chapter 5 Line(s): 39
Unfriendly household - do not enter - Chapter 5 Line(s): 40
Ungratefulness - don't be ungrateful - Chapter 8 Line(s): 56
Ungratefulness - leads to hardship, misery, tribulation, fear, fright because of the law of cause & effect - Chapter 19 Line(s): 14-17
Unintellect and irrationality - will bring wrong things upon your world and yourselves - Chapter 28 Line(s): 23
Unity - as a community by admonishing yourselves through the teaching of the prophets to the Truth - Chapter 7 Line(s): 160-162
Unity - do not allow yourselves to become disunited in the teaching of the Truth - Chapter 3 Line(s): 26
Universal consciousness (Creation) - gives life to everything in existence & to all created creations - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180-185
Universal consciousness (Creation) - includes itself & everything created through it, thus not god or godhead - Chapter 28 Line(s): 180
Universe - you will also find new worlds and fly to them & contact people from them - Chapter 25 Line(s): 146
Universities (religious) - irrational and senselessnesses - Chapter 25 Line(s): 24
Unknowing people - do not humiliate those that fight against the truth - Chapter 6 Line(s): 117
Unknowing people - in spite of their negative treatment of you, show goodness & love, attempt to instruct them - Chapter 9 Line(s): 50
Unknowing people - they keep their people unknowing through anxiety and fear of punishment of gods/tin gods - Chapter 9 Line(s): 29-30
Unknowledge - comes from false religions, ideologies and philosophies - Chapter 26 Line(s): 36
Unknowledge - when in a crowd, be wary of those who do not know the truth who may do harm if you are imprudent - Chapter 4 Line(s): 96
Unlogic - result: become the tool of your own inadequacy, irrationality, unintellect - Chapter 28 Line(s): 181
Unrest - personal and public is due to rejecting the real Truth - Chapter 2 Line(s): 144
Unright - do not commit unright in any way - Do right and dread no-one. - Chapter 7 Line(s): 111
Unright - respect your neigbor in all ways, be friendly, honor guests, be fearful of the unright so that it may go well with you - Chapter 2 Line(s): 247
Unrighteous living - against others or self harms one's conscience - Chapter 4 Line(s): 143-145
Unrighteous one - do not allow getting close to them, maintain your distance and strive to teach them - Chapter 7 Line(s): 181-182
Unrighteous ones - treat them as equal to yourself, they have the same rights as you do - Chapter 10 Line(s): 46
Unrighteous ones - be fair and help them with instruction in the Truth; you cannot force them to see or hear - Chapter 10 Line(s): 43
Unrighteous ones - if they lack understanding ability, instruct them as often as necessary - Chapter 10 Line(s): 44
Unrighteous ones - in the past, accountability, self-justification - Chapter 7 Line(s): 3-10
Unrighteousness - self unright will come back to you (what goes around comes around) - Chapter 8 Line(s): 42
Untruth - don't fight against the untruth of the religious, ideological/pholosophical belief, accept only the truth itself - Chapter 25 Line(s): 288
Untruth - mankind poisoned through false teachings of false prophets, religions, ideologies & philosophies - Chapter 28 Line(s): 24-30
Untruth - false/negative - Chapter 20 Line(s): 25-31
Untruth - happens when you hava a veil over your eyes & closed ears - Chapter 6 Line(s): 29
Value (your own) - it is not through a god/tin god, religion, philosophy, ideologies, demons or humans - Chapter 23 Line(s): 162
Values - "high" values: love, peace, freedom, harmony & positive-negative equalisedness & all virtues - Chapter 25 Line(s): 282
Values - good and high values requires work - Chapter 28 Line(s): 581
Values - inner values of human beings - Chapter 21 Line(s): 11
Values (high) - requires the energy and power of your volition - Chapter 25 Line(s): 252
Vanity & gambling - they are empty and dead in themselves - Chapter 28 Line(s): 495
Vices - social: suicide, murder & theft - Chapter 4 Line(s): 54
Victory over evil - in your life and world-happenings - Chapter 23 Line(s): 13
Vigilance - be vigilant in your endeavors & connected to the gladness so that you gain real cognitions - Chapter 28 Line(s): 75
Virtue - Chapter 16 Line(s): 20-27
Virtue - a characteristic of ones character, i.e. love, hospitality, friendship, etc. - Chapter 16 Line(s): 15
Virtue - enabled by education which forms the character....a process that must never cease - Chapter 16 Line(s): 16
Virtue - instruct and educate without ceasing during the entire life - Chapter 16 Line(s): 10-11
Virtue - is an ability & relates to moral behavior, values, discernment, wisdom, ethics & morality - Chapter 16 Line(s): 15
Virtue - its value is in keeping to the rightful middle between extremes - Chapter 16 Line(s): 15
Virtue - most beautiful example is teaching of the Truth, Spirit and the Life - Chapter 16 Line(s): 45
Virtue - Queen of virtues is love - Chapter 16 Line(s): 28
Virtues - not given by a god or gods, but endowed genetically and through self-education - Chapter 16 Line(s): 20-24
Virtues - of people must be worked out by integrating them into the Laws and Recomm. - Chapter 16 Line(s): 13
Virtues - the value of them regulates the entirety of moral virtuous living of morality and good - Chapter 16 Line(s): 32-46
Virtues - those that are not connected to virtues persecute them, the Laws & Recomm., Creation, Truth, fairness... - Chapter 16 Line(s): 62
Virtues - you are blissful in your inner world when you bring virtues to the best possible wholeness - Chapter 16 Line(s): 46-48
Virtues - your spirit learns and grows from virtues you create, just as it did in the person before you - Chapter 16 Line(s): 36
Voices in your head - turn to the Laws and Recomm. to avoid being prey to evil and irresponsibility - Chapter 7 Line(s): 201-204
Vows - do not swear false vows - Chapter 7 Line(s): 50
Vows - keep them - Chapter 5 Line(s): 110
Wages - for same job performance (whether man or woman) should be the same - Chapter 4 Line(s): 2
War - authorities/rulers/battle rulers instigate war - stand up against them and refuse them your services - Chapter 4 Line(s): 220
War - do not let yourselves be stirred up (agitated) to battles with weapons - Chapter 2 Line(s): 351
War - do not strive to wage war - Chapter 8 Line(s): 61
War - do not wage battles (wars) against other people - Chapter 8 Line(s): 61
War - holy wars not allowed - Chapter 4 Line(s): 221-222
War - if you wage war, a God or tin Gods will not help you in fighting nor winning - Chapter 9 Line(s): 26
War - no! - Chapter 4 Line(s): 119
War - villainous thoughts and feelings - Chapter 19 Line(s): 20
War and prisoners - guidelines - Chapter 8 Line(s): 68-71
Wars - avoid them; they are never a way to peace, freedom, love and harmony - Chapter 8 Line(s): 42-43
Watchfulness - help those who are fugitive to the Truth, yet keep your distance - Chapter 7 Line(s): 181-182
Wealth - don't devour your wealth through falseness, lying, deception, greed, stinginess, bribery or to gain an advantage - Chapter 2 Line(s): 246
Wealth - it can't cure misfortunes - Chapter 5 Line(s): 51-52
Weapons - against untruth = honesty, virtues, esteem and the Truth - Chapter 4 Line(s): 99
Wellspring - of all grace is Creation (quoted a multitude of times in the Goblet of the Truth) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 162
Wellspring - of all the existence is Creation - Chapter 4 Line(s): 138
Wet nurse - use with an agreed upon payment - Chapter 2 Line(s): 272
What is a human being? Who is the human being? How is the human being? - Chapter 28 Line(s): 93-95
Whores - visiting with not allowed - Chapter 5 Line(s): 17
Whoring - sexual enticement outside of marriage - Chapter 4 Line(s): 47&50
Will - freedom of will decides derives, anger, compulsions, motivation, recognizing problems, etc. - Chapter 21 Line(s): 13-16
Will - freedom of will si given by the laws and recommendations - Chapter 21 Line(s): 12
Will - is neutral at birth; can be worked on for the good or bad (improves or enslaves you)'s up to you - Chapter 28 Line(s): 259-263
Will - Last will and testament - Chapter 2 Line(s): 238-240
Will - Last will and testament - Chapter 2 Line(s): 380
Will - Last will and testament, distribution of goods (re: children, remaining spouse, no spouses, siblings, & relatives) - Chapter 4 Line(s): 11-19
Will - no such thing as the will of a deity in directing your life, you determine your destiny based on your decisions/action - Chapter 28 Line(s): 124-125
Will - through your free will you can achieve anything you want, good or evil, but always act in the sense of the Truth - Chapter 28 Line(s): 80
Will - you are able to decide everything freely according to your will; yet everything remains withn certain boundaries - Chapter 20 Line(s): 32-33
Will - your will is your kingdom of heaven because you have the power to act (will) - Chapter 6 Line(s): 150
Wisdom - as a weapon - Chapter 28 Line(s): 288
Wisdom - attests to your own free will - Chapter 28 Line(s): 284-287
Wisdom - by perceiving everything and effective cognition, then bring to practical experience - Chapter 28 Line(s): 561
Wisdom - if the unright benefits you & is an advantage to you, remain silent so that benefit/advantage arises out of it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 290
Wisdom - inner cognition, develops out of true knowledge - Chapter 28 Line(s): 284-294
Wisdom - by co-living the present through perception, recognitiion, cognisance & knowledge which results in WISDOM - Chapter 28 Line(s): 422
Wisdom - live in it and be connected to love and truth for peace, freedom and harmony - Chapter 19 Line(s): 4
Wisdom - open your eyes and your senses, recognize, perceive, gain cognition & knowledge - Chapter 28 Line(s): 466
Wisdom - pseudo-knowing & pseudo-wisdom is not real wisdom but only falseness - Chapter 28 Line(s): 293
Wisdom - speak up against unright; if you don't, it conveys the message that you support the evil and strengthens it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 289
Wisdom - stand up and speak the truth, face every human without fear - Chapter 28 Line(s): 295-298
Wisdom - steps for obtaining it - Chapter 28 Line(s): 423-439
Wisdom - through conscious observance of creation along with the teaching of the prophets - Chapter 10 Line(s): 89
Wisdom - through creating knowledge within…to fully understand the effective truth - Chapter 25 Line(s): 34
Wisdom - through perception, recognition, cognizance and knowledge - Chapter 28 Line(s): 422
Wisdom - you must have inner cognition & make the effective fact your own which is living, uncoerced, .... - Chapter 28 Line(s): 284
Wisdom from knowledge - the outcome of the growth of consciousness-evolution - Chapter 28 Line(s): 514
Wise - worldly-wise and those in academics do not correspond to the Truth - Chapter 23 Line(s): 109
Wise - becoming wise and full of love - Chapter 3 Line(s): 238
Witches - burning of "so called" witches was through mankind's delusional beliefs - Chapter 28 Line(s): 375
Witness - for when something is offered to someone else - Chapter 2 Line(s): 397
Witness - when summoned as a witness, always tell the truth - Chapter 11 Line(s): 16
Witnesses - against you - Chapter 4 Line(s): 65
Words of truth - seek their value, understand it and then apply it - Chapter 9 Line(s): 86
Work - attitude towards - Chapter 2 Line(s): 291
Work - work hard and save money for the future (old age) - Chapter 5 Line(s): 43
Work ethic - a work-rich life or a lazy life is detrimental to consciousness evolution. They need to be balanced - Chapter 28 Line(s): 474-476
Work together - using the Laws and Recommendations - Chapter 6 Line(s): 151
Working - equality - Chapter 4 Line(s): 2-3
World - chaos in it can by changed by you - Chapter 23 Line(s): 99-113
World - we all need to take care of it - Chapter 21 Line(s): 23-29
World-judgement - results in immense catastrophies: self-created tremendous storm - Chapter 28 Line(s): 160
Worries - no worries if you follow the Truth - Chapter 9 Line(s): 43
Worship - Creation does not demand it - Chapter 3 Line(s): 78
Worship - do not help unbelievers build a place of worship - Chapter 4 Line(s): 206
Worship - do not raise yourself up to be worshiped by others - Chapter 12 Line(s): 14
Worship - leads to submissiveness, unfreedom and bondage - Chapter 3 Line(s): 78
Worship - not toward names (titles), gods and tin gods - it is not the way to the Truth inspite of what others do - Chapter 12 Line(s): 4
Wrong doings - foolish prattle that shows dumbness - Chapter 6 Line(s): 99
Wrong teachings - they prevent the truth-fathoming in you and bring you to a standstill - Chapter 28 Line(s): 488
You - animated through its breath (spirit/spirit-form) and are a minute part of it - Chapter 10 Line(s): 5
You - will return to Creation at the end of all time - Chapter 10 Line(s): 5
You - you are set into existence as an inspiration (idea) of were all things in pre-history - Chapter 10 Line(s): 4-5
Yourself - guard - Chapter 2 Line(s): 38-50
Yourself - how to change yourself in your journey - Chapter 23 Line(s): 181
Yourself - how to correct yourself - Chapter 23 Line(s): 179
Yourself - how to free yourself - Chapter 23 Line(s): 178
Yourself - how to understand yourself - Chapter 23 Line(s): 177
Yourself - position in universe - Chapter 2 Line(s): 163