What the servants of gods and servants of tin gods are speaking about and fallaciously teaching is not the
word of the truth, but only the word from their mouth which they think up through their thoughts and their
inner world (consciousness); and therefore they only imitate the speeches of those who were already ones
unknowing of the truth before them and who were of the same kind in their zealotry (fanaticism) which
weighs banefully on them because they are misled. |
Was die Götterdiener und Götzendiener reden und irrlehren ist nicht das Wort der Wahrheit,
sondern nur das Wort ihres Mundes, das sie erdenken durch ihre Gedanken und ihre Innenwelt
(Bewusstsein); und also ahmen sie nur die Reden jener nach, die schon vor ihnen Wahrheitsunwissende und gleicherart waren in ihrer Ereiferung (Fanatismus), die wie ein Fluch auf ihnen
lastet, weil sie irregeleitet sind. |