Kelch der Wahrheit | Goblet of the Truth
FIGU-Interest-Group for Knowledge-of-the-Mission Carolina

Chapter 25Abschnitt 25
282) You must finally perceive and acknowledge the unmovable strength of character and of all virtues of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, because solely in their effects is everything given that leads to the truthly knowledge and the real truth, which gives you also wisdom and lets you become true human beings, so you become worthy of consciously receiving the great goodness, which the Creation gives you through your life and therewith also gives everything which is intended for your human consciousness. (In the "strength of character and of all virtues", everything is included: All high values such as love, peace, freedom harmony, positive-negative-equalisedness and all virtues.) 283) And if you use everything rightfully that the Creation with its laws and recommendations has given you, then you will thankfully and in joy change everything in such a wise to the good and best, that you can pass it on to your fellow human beings and to all those created creations, which are capable of a good and positive developmental change through you human beings. 282) Ihr müsst endlich die unverrückbare Gerechtigkeit der Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze und Gebote wahrnehmen und anerkennen, denn allein in deren Wirkungen ist alles gegeben, was zum wahrheitlichen Wissen und zur wahrlichen Wahrheit führt, die euch auch Weisheit verleiht und euch zu wahren Menschen werden lässt, so ihr würdig werdet, bewusst die grosse Güte zu empfangen, die euch die Schöpfung durch euer Leben verleiht und damit auch alles gibt, was eurem Menschenbewusstsein zugedacht ist.